Chapter 58

Because YanXu's detailed information is confidential, even as a general, Wu Weiguo can't know YanXu's real identity and the Department he used to be in, and now the network is paralyzed, even if he wants to inquire about YanXu's basic information, he can't do it. Fortunately, when YanXu goes out, he brings his officer card.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that Captain Jiang was successfully promoted to level 2 awakener last night, and he also got a life card. Not to mention his strength, but only his luck. I think it's very suitable to send captain Jiang to the party." The mayor added.

Wu Weiguo frowned, and Mayor Lin knew more about Jiang Huai's promotion to level 2 awakened person than he did. It seems that this matter should be considered in the long run.

In Tang Dynasty, he stayed in his room for the past two days, even the door didn't come out. When he was hungry, he went to the small study to get food. The garbage in his bedroom was thrown all over the place, just like a garbage dump. However, he did not care about these external factors, satisfied with the production of these days yuan can card put away.

Early the next morning, YanXu went to the military headquarters. Today is the day to grab food. The granary is still in the old city, hundreds of miles away from the safe area. All the operational personnel are ready. There are dozens of green trucks.

There are more people going this time, including 1000 soldiers and 30 awakened people. The military has made great efforts to prepare for success in one fell swoop.

YanXu stood in front of the orderly soldiers, thinking about how many of them could come back.

Jianghuai came here with six awakening teams. Seeing YanXu standing there, he said with a smile: "major, I haven't seen you for a while. Are you ok?"

Yan Xu follow reputation to see is Jianghuai, can't help but frown.

Seeing YanXu frowning, Jiang Huai explained: "well, the task has been changed temporarily. After careful consideration, in order to ensure that the task is safe, he sent me to lead the team. He also asked the major to help me and let us finish the task together. This is the dispatch document just issued above. Would you like to have a look at it, major? "

YanXu took the latest transfer order from Jianghuai, quickly looked down, and returned the transfer order to Jianghuai.

"Since it's the order above, as a soldier, I can only obey it."

Jianghuai smiles and pats YanXu on the shoulder to comfort him.

YanXu shakes his body to avoid his hand. The change of Jianghuai now makes YanXu feel bored.

"Don't mind, we are at the same level now. We went to two majors at a time, and we are both level 2 awakeners. This is definitely the strongest team in the safe area. If even we fail, no one will be able to complete this task in the future."

Yan Xu turned to the soldiers and said in a loud voice: "get ready to go, all aboard!"

The soldiers spread out quickly, found the car they were in, got on the car cleanly, and got ready to start.

According to the dispatch document, let YanXu be the deputy and assist Jianghuai to complete the task. His key task is to lead the soldiers to move grain. Jianghuai, as the chief responsible person, needs to coordinate the dispatch, eliminate the alien race, and he has to intervene in the work of maintaining security. In this case, YanXu will not say more.

Jianghuai with identity and status, the whole person will float up, think that this can be equal to YanXu, but don't know how ridiculous his behavior is, just like a clown, YanXu completely despise him.

The awakened people who followed me were surprised to hear that this man was also level 2. They thought that Captain Jiang was the strongest awakened person in Lincheng, but they didn't expect that there were people who were equal to him. They haven't seen captain Jiang speak so kindly to any awakened person, but they are even more surprised that they don't pay for it and don't give captain Jiang face at all.

Although they don't get along for a long time, they are still clear about the captain's character. They are absolutely villains. It's better to embarrass a gentleman than to offend a villain. For people like Jianghuai, it's better not to offend him.

Yu Mei looks at Yan Xu's back and reveals her meditation. She thinks he looks familiar.

When the third awakeners team was on the mission, they met a level 6 violent beast. Two of the team members died on the spot. The team leader Zhou Hui was seriously injured, so he was rescued. If two people were not killed in the middle of the mission, no one would have survived. Not only that, once the defense line is broken, the fierce beasts will drive straight in, and the broken gap will allow a large number of foreign people to attack the safe area, which is the real disaster.

Those two awakeners are obviously very powerful, and they can drive away the level 6 violent beasts. Their strength is absolutely amazing. Naturally, this matter was reported to the military, and the military sent people to look for it, but there was no result. Even though captain Jiang said that if he was present at that time, he would be able to defeat the beast. Even if he could not kill it, it would still be possible to defeat it. Yu Mei didn't believe him. Only those present at that time knew the horror of the beast. Now they can't deal with it.

At that time, the fighting was so fast and fierce that Yu Mei, as an awakened person, didn't see their faces clearly. She only saw two figures. After several shaking, the fighting ended. The search and rescue team didn't find any trace of them and didn't see the bodies, so she should be alive.Yu Mei just feels that YanXu's figure is a little familiar, but she is not sure whether he has been in YanXu's home for several years, and has been arranged to take care of YanXu for two years. How can she not know what kind of person YanXu is? His current attitude shows that he is not happy.

YanXu is not happy, and Jianghuai is comfortable. At the beginning, out of awe of YanXu, he only warned Tang Shi not to appear. Unexpectedly, YanXu, who repeatedly said that he had retired, would jump out and take credit with him at this time. How could Jianghuai let him succeed.

Jianghuai was very happy. He didn't expect that he would have a time to press YanXu in his lifetime. Yanda Shao, who once seemed unattainable to him, can only be his deputy now. It's really a turn of geomantic omen! It's a pleasure!

At the command of Jianghuai, the motorcade started to set out in a mighty manner, surrounded by survivors along the way, expecting them to return with a full load.

YanXu is really upset. It's taboo to change the commander in the battle. Besides, he knows the ability of Jianghuai best. What else can he do besides not miscalculate when he buys vegetables? Let's not say that he didn't carry out any formal tasks, but he didn't bring soldiers at all. It's not a joke about the lives of soldiers to let such a person be the leader?

YanXu even if a belly fire also have no way, the soldier's bounden duty, accept orders, execute orders, even if he knows there are security risks, he also had to obey.

Instead of staying in the driver's cab, he stood in the car body with the soldiers. The soldiers fired along the way to clear the obstacles so that the motorcade could move safely.

The six awakening teams, which are all off-road vehicles, are evenly inserted in the middle of the large truck fleet from the front. They don't encounter any difficult alien race. They don't know how to do it. For example, those poisonous corpses can be solved with one bullet. It's useless to let the awakeners do it.

The motorcade was moving very slowly, moving forward in a mighty way. When passing a turning point, the motorcade was halfway past. A big truck had just turned the corner and was surprised to find that there was a red sports car between itself and the truck in front.

The driver is a young man, dressed in neat and clean clothes, wearing a large dark Brown Sunglasses covering half of his face, sitting on the seat with one hand and driving with the other hand. He looks like he's going out for a trip and is very leisurely.

In today's chaotic stage of the alternation of the old era and the new era, it makes people feel stunned to see such a scene, as if there is no catastrophe at all. Now it is still a peaceful era, with no alien race, no awakeners, and no cards. What they have experienced is only fantasy, but the continuous gunfire in their ears clearly proves that the present is reality.

There is no doubt that it was Tang Dynasty that drove the red sports car. The sports car was picked up by the roadside, and the sunglasses were also brought in the car.

The truck driver behind the sports car was still a little stunned. Tang Shi raised his hand and made a gesture to him, saying that he didn't care about him. He was just passing by.

The soldier driving in front also saw the red sports car in the rear mirror.

The soldier in the trunk came to the back of the car, carrying a gun and yelling, "who are you? What are you doing here? "

Tang also cried out: "find someone, where's your commander?"

The soldier was puzzled. "Which commander are you looking for? Captain Jiang or captain Yan? "

This time, when the Tang Dynasty was changed, he was stunned. Didn't he say that YanXu was in charge of robbing grain this time? How could he come out as a "Captain Jiang"?

Tang Shi thought that Captain Jiang would not be the grandson of Jianghuai? I'll give you a rub. Did YanXu really become a younger brother to Jianghuai's grandson?

Tang Shi suddenly a little not calm, shout: "I look for surname Yan, where?"

The soldier's eyes looked at Tang time strangely for a long time, and then said: "in front, on the 27th car."

Tangshi hit the direction, stepped on the gas and began to overtake. Follow a large green truck, run and count the vehicles, look for the 27th car, and step on the accelerator to catch up.

The soldiers in the body of the car all saw such a man. On the way, they passed by three cars carrying the awakening team. They also had a bad expression.

Huo Hai sneered: "this man is probably crazy. Everyone is going to the safe area. He even drives out for a ride. He's really looking for death."

Zhou Hui, the team leader, grabs the guardrail of the car and looks out. He is not as blind as Huo Hai. In this era, no one can underestimate him. Even though the driver is so young, he dares to drive out alone, which shows that he has the strength. He dares to drive alone to catch up with the big truck when he was in the Tang Dynasty and move forward side by side. When the soldiers in the car body find him, they all stick out their heads Look.

YanXu is observing the poisonous corpses on both sides of the road. Suddenly he sees a red sports car catching up. When he sees the people on the car, he raises his mouth.

That day, I heard that YanXu was going to rob food for the military. He never came out after he slammed the door and went back to his room in the Tang Dynasty. YanXu knocked on the door and ignored his existence. Even this morning, before YanXu went out, he couldn't say goodbye to him. YanXu thought Tang Shi was still angry, but he didn't expect to follow him.

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