Chapter 56

Tang Dynasty was distressed. He had no material in his hand now. Didn't he waste the opportunity of calling?

"Others call me 'vicious blacksmith', but I have a kind side. It only takes two units to open this card."

The shriveled, bony finger handed a card to Tang Shi.

When Tang Shi took it over, he saw a white card with no pattern or ancient Chinese rune. He was stunned for a moment.

It suddenly occurred to him that in his last life, he had heard of a kind of card called "blank card", on which there was nothing, pure white.

This kind of card also has a name, which is called "trial run card". Your luck decides what card you can draw.

Tang Dynasty looked excited. He remembered that in the card description of the vicious blacksmith, it was mentioned that the vicious blacksmith might "give him a gift package". It should be this blank card. A blacksmith would give him a gift package. There are only two kinds of things, one is the armor material, the other is the armor directly. Of course, there is another possibility that there is nothing.

Today, I was lucky and had a lot of harvest. Tang Shi didn't believe that he could open anything, so he decided to open it.

Consumed 2 units of energy, the original blank card, white gradually become transparent, like the beginning of winter snow melting, the true face of the card gradually appears.

Tang opened his eyes wide and stared at it without blinking. When he saw the pattern clearly, he raised his mouth with satisfaction.

"Material card, 20 pieces of true iron ore with high purity."

Fortunately, true iron ore is a real exotic material, and its hardness and toughness are far higher than those familiar to human beings. In the last century, after the discovery of real iron, the armor and weapons produced by it were very expensive, which could not be bought in Tang Dynasty.

In the Tang Dynasty, he immediately asked the vicious blacksmith to make a set of armor with real iron for him. He just read that there was a set of armor made of real iron in the book, which could be used.

The vicious blacksmith took the material card and activated it. 20 pieces of blue gray real iron ore appeared on the ground. Each piece was as big as the lid of the pot, and a set of armor could never be used up.

The vicious blacksmith takes out the hammer behind him and is about to drop the hammer on a piece of real iron ore.

"Wait a minute." Tang Shi suddenly said, "how many pieces of real iron ore does a suit of armor need?"

"Armor is divided into outer armor and inner armor. 20 pieces of real iron ore is only enough for one set of outer armor, but it is enough for two sets of inner armor close to the body."

without thinking about it, Tang Shi said, "build me a set of inner armor."

The vicious blacksmith dropped the hammer and began to beat the real iron ore.

In the Tang Dynasty, the vicious blacksmith's beating had no rules at all. It was just disorderly. However, it was strange that the real iron ore would change every time under his hammer. Without even an hour, a set of inner armor was made.

A card appears in Tang Shi's hand. Looking at the attributes of the card, Tang Shi is very thoughtful.

"True iron fierce armor, awakening stage level 2, quality: excellent (green). Initial use consumes 5 units of energy. After use, defense increases by 2 points, agility increases by 1 point, and strength increases by 0. Five o'clock. "

The quality of armor is different from that of cards.

The quality of armor can be divided into seven levels: rough (gray), ordinary (white), excellent (green), excellent (blue), epic (purple), legend (Orange) and heirloom (gold).

Tang Dynasty was very satisfied with such a set of armor. With 2 points of defense, even a large caliber bullet could not pierce his armor = it was materialized immediately. The real iron fierce armor turned into a light and automatically put on Tang Dynasty's body. The gray blue armor was very thin, but its hardness and toughness were very high. It could not be seen from the outside when it was put on the clothes.

If you look at it carefully, you can see that the armor is composed of countless very small pieces of real iron, which are connected together by yuanneng. It is very soft and has no hindrance to action. Armor was like a tight suit, which was wrapped on the body of Tang Dynasty. Except for the head, neck, hands and feet, all the important parts of the body were wrapped.

If it is to build the outer armor, it will be worn outside the clothes, so there will be helmets, hand guards and boots. Today, as long as a few rare iron ore can't protect his body, it's very important.

After that, the Tang Dynasty made the vicious blacksmith into a card. He was too "different" in appearance. Anyone could see that he was a card creature, and his height and shape were frightening.

Tang Shi's leg injury has recovered, today's harvest is very good, he decided to go back to rest for two days.

When I passed the alley, I took a look inside. The broken limbs had disappeared, leaving only shocking bloodstains.

There is no way to investigate the killing of a person in the last days. It's too normal for a dead person. Who can prove that he was not killed and eaten by another race? What's more, even the bones can't be found. How can we start?

When he returned to his residence in Tang Dynasty, YanXu had not come back yet. He took a bag of instant noodles from his study and got tired of eating half of them. So he had to take out all the prepared picnic utensils, pour the mineral water into the hot pot, put it on the portable gas stove and wait for the water to boil. He went to the food pile and turned over a packet of ham, sliced it and prepared to put it into noodles. When everything was ready, Tang Shi thought about it and took out two eggs from the small lattice.In peacetime, a common pot of noodles is now more expensive than gold. You can't buy it if you have gold. Tang Dynasty took out the chopsticks, not open to eat, heard the sound of the door, Yan Xu stepped back. As soon as I entered the door, I was attracted by the smell. I closed the door in a hurry for fear that the smell would float out. All the refugees gathered downstairs were extremely hungry. Be careful to cause trouble.

Tang also served a bowl of noodles for him, joking: "your legs are long, so I cooked delicious food, right?"

It has been more than a month since the end of the world. They basically hunted and killed foreign people in the enemy occupied areas to obtain yuannengjing. Every day, they could only chew some biscuits, bread and instant noodles. Although YanXu was a special forces soldier, he suffered a lot, but he did not rule out that he wanted to eat delicious food. This is human nature.

I haven't had a hot meal for a long time. YanXu sat down and handed over a bowl of noodles. When he saw that there were ham and poached eggs on it, he couldn't help but wonder. This life is luxurious enough.

It is estimated that only the Tang Dynasty had the ability of "foretelling". He was so well prepared and thought of everything. Even the food storage was so comprehensive. He was really the one he liked.

Two people gobble up, to the end, even drink a drop of soup.

For more than a month, I have had a full meal.

Having enough to eat and drink, Yan Xu noticed that the spirit of Tang Dynasty was different. He was surprised and said, "have you been promoted to level 3?"

When Tang Dynasty was full of food, he was lazy on the sofa, and his eyes became softer. "Shouldn't I be promoted to level 3?"

Yan Xu sighed. He was determined to surpass Tang Dynasty. He didn't expect that Tang Dynasty would enter level 3 so soon. Now he has just entered level 2. Yuan Neng accumulation is not enough for promotion. He really needs to work hard.

"I'm glad you have the strength, so you can better protect yourself."

Tang time fixed of looking at him, Yan Xu's appearance, obviously have a word to say.

"If you have anything to say, I'll listen." He went out early and returned late these days, and he didn't go hunting in the enemy occupied areas, which was known in the Tang Dynasty.

Yan Xu looked at Tang, eyes very seriously, "I joined the military."

Tang Dynasty seems to have expected that YanXu would do so, and then he turned his lips and said, "be a little brother to Jianghuai?"

"No, I'm a major, regular army, not a member of the awakening team."

Now the awakening group has been joined by the natural awakeners. They are simply "miscellaneous militia". They don't listen to orders, don't listen to dispatch, and the execution order is not high. All these make the military very headache. However, in order to get their strength, they have to be incorporated into the awakening group composed of soldiers before.

"Congratulations, you finally found the organization. Do you feel very excited?" In the Tang Dynasty, it was not hot or cold.

Tang's attitude towards the military made YanXu a little unhappy. "Why do you reject the military so much?"

"I'm not rejecting. You think too much."

Tang Shi's attitude was clear, he didn't want to have anything to do with the military, and he said he didn't reject it, which was totally unconvincing.

Yan Xu pondered for a long time, showing a malicious expression, "since you don't reject, do you want to join?"

I don't like it. I don't like it when I'm forced to surrender

"Do you want to stay here, or do you want to live in the military family building? The family building will provide three meals, and the conditions are good. "

"Can I live in the family building? Whose family? What's yours

"Well, aren't you my family?" Yan Xu threw the problem to Tang Shi again, and Tang Shi made a helpless expression.

Yan Xu leaned over and pinched Tang Shi's delicate chin. "Since you will go on a blind date, it shows that we have the possibility of development, so I will spare no effort to catch up. When do you want to promise my pursuit?"

Tang Shi made a shocked expression, because it was too exaggerated, it seemed very fake, "I don't know, so you are pursuing me?"

"Well." YanXu learned from the last time in Tang Dynasty and gave him this note: "your performance is really rotten. The review period will be very long. You need to show more, comrade." Tang Shi stretched out his hand and patted Yan Xu's handsome face. He hooked the corner of his mouth and laughed with a ruffian look on his face.

This is the expression that can most arouse the evil fire in the bottom of Yan Xu's heart.

YanXu's Adam's apple slipped, and his powerful hand suddenly came around the back of Tang Shi's head. He hooked the man up, leaned up, knelt on the coffee table between them, and sucked Tang Shi's lips.

This kiss is just a test, see Tang Shi didn't resist, Yan Xu this just adjusted posture to prepare to deepen this kiss.

"Hua La" sound, the pot bowl on the tea table fell to the ground, broken, bouncing, no matter how good the atmosphere was instantly stirred up.

"Damn it Yan Xu low voice scolded a, obviously very chagrin.

In Tang Dynasty, however, he laughed and said, "whoever does it will clean up. Go quickly!"

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