Chapter 508

"There's no other way. Let's transfer to the emergency department first. Young people can eat less, and old people and children can't be wronged." YanXu, there is really no other way.

In the Tang Dynasty, he could only sigh and explain to Jin Jue, "pay attention to it, in case families with false reports receive public food free of charge, there should be restrictions on the age of the elderly. Make statistics in advance, otherwise 50 years old is the elderly, 60 and 70 years old are also the elderly, which is unfair to some people."

Jin Jue nodded to show that he understood. Then he and Tang Shi looked at Yan Xu and asked him to make a decision.

"People over the age of 60 can enjoy free food provided by the government."

Although many former awakened people have no yuanneng or cards, they are all strong and powerful. If they are in trouble, with their ability, they can go to the Luna forest to hunt some mutant animals and exotic animals as food rations. Even if they were not awakened before, those who can survive in the end of the world are no longer ordinary people Tongren is just a cold winter. Is it more dangerous than the old world?

Jinjue left under the command of YanXu.

Now in such a big office, there are only Tang Shi and YanXu. Tang Shi lazily leans on the solid wood desk, a little hate iron but not steel, and says: "so the dangerous end of life has come through, just a cold winter, those people only know to cringe their necks and cry cold and hungry, and their life in the end of life has been in vain for several years."

Yan Xu came over and hugged people from the side, but said with a bitter smile: "people are not like this? From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult. Now the world is peaceful. When those people were young and strong, they were lazy. They had no other activities to pass the time except to figure out what to eat, what to wear, which girl was beautiful, and which boy was the most handsome. "

The Tang Dynasty was unconvinced, "who said no? There are more activities to kill time. Tomorrow I will organize people to go hunting! Don't they all have pain in their bones? Just because food is in short supply, all the animals in other forests have moved to warm places for the winter, but the mutant animals and exotic animals in Luna forest are still there, so that they can fully reflect their own value. "

Tang this proposal is very good, but Yan Xu don't trust let him lead, the day is so cold, in case of frozen how to do? At the end of the Tang Dynasty, he was injured a lot. Now he has finally settled down. He must take good care of his health. Don't fall ill at that time.

In fact, YanXu's worry is unnecessary. In the Tang Dynasty, YanXu's divine power was not affected at all after he entered the legend of the holy land. Because he was purified by the holy spring of light, his divine power was stronger, and the divine power of Hogarth sealed in the magic sword was gradually accepted by him. Although it could not be achieved overnight, it could be accepted gradually.

In Tang Dynasty, he completely accepted the power of the king of the dead, terital. His strength was the top in the whole summer city. At the beginning, terital and hoglass could fight for a long time. It can be seen that terital's strength was not weak at all. If Tang Dynasty and YanXu were allowed to fight, it would be difficult for them to compete.

Anyway, YanXu didn't want to be tired again in Tang Dynasty.

"It's a good proposal. When Suo Liangying comes back, let him do it. He has wings and it's more convenient." Yan Xu kisses Tang Shi's forehead intimately.

Tang Shi murmured discontentedly, "I don't seem to have wings."

Although his wings are not solid, but formed by the condensation of dead air, he can also fly, and his wings are bigger than solianying's.

Yan Xu chuckles in a low voice. Tang Shi leans against him and feels the vibration of his chest. His expression also relaxes.

"When will he be back?" Tang Dynasty also put his face on YanXu's chest. It was warm and safe.

"If there is no big problem over there, you can call him back at any time." Yan Xu touched Tang Shi's hair, took Tang Shi's long hair cape which just came in, wrapped it up for Tang Shi, put one hand on his waist, hugged him and went out.

Suo Liangying is the leader of the wing tribe, because from the old world, Suo Liangying is his own. Now in the new world, YanXu will certainly reuse him, not only him, but also his wing members. YanXu also uses the holy spring of light to purify the blood of several other high blood wing members besides Suo Liangying, and uses the alpha stone to replace them It's changing the source of energy.

YanXu's intention is very obvious. He wants to reuse the wing clan. Although the animal spirit clan, the spirit clan, and the descendants of the ancient hundred tribes who were brought by accident can't get YanXu's trust, the wing clan is their own people from the beginning to the end. Of course, YanXu trusts them.

However, the wing clan did not appear in front of the Terran openly, but hid behind the scenes, performing some dangerous and highly confidential tasks for YanXu. Few people know that the wing clan exists, but their strength is an indispensable force for the Terran now.

In order to fulfill his promise, YanXu had to purify the blood for the orcs, but he didn't transform the energy source for them. In the final analysis, he didn't trust them.

The pure blood members of the wing tribe have been greatly favored by YanXu. Now they are loyal to YanXu, whether they are from Yuanhua Zunyu or Outlands. They are the team leaders of the wing tribe respectively, while Suo Liangying is the leader of the wing tribe and the chief of the executive team, with great power.Although YanXu didn't kill the descendants of the ancient tribes, he was not at ease with them. Even if he didn't let them get close to the Terran realm, he couldn't ignore them and completely lose their trace. He was more at ease to watch them.

Suo Liangying's mission is to explore the ancient alien's residence, and secretly monitor them, staring at their every move. When the Terran side is completely stable, YanXu will definitely find a way to wipe them out, and will never suffer!

In Tang Dynasty, he followed YanXu out, "where are we going?"

"Go to Yan's house, grandfather sent someone to deliver a message yesterday, and asked him to go home for lunch today." Tang Dynasty and YanXu don't live in Yan's family now, but in the capital of Yuan Dynasty. If the old man wants his grandson and grandson's daughter-in-law, he will send someone to inform them to go home and have a meal. YanXu has a day off every week, which is basically on Sunday. Today is just Sunday. He should have a rest in the morning. If it wasn't for the cotton padded clothes and food, he would not be here In this cold day, I still come to work. How can I sleep at home with my daughter-in-law.

In the stone room, the two riders stood up and quickly welcomed the master as soon as he came out.

The red pterosaur spent all his thoughts on the snow Griffin, and his reaction was slower than that of the snow Griffin. However, when he saw his master, he quickly welcomed him.

"Take the pterosaur. It's warmer." When Yan Xu came to the gate of the hall, some logistics soldiers also brought him a big Cape. His black short fur cape was black and bright. At a glance, he knew it was first-class goods.

Snow colored Griffins are proud and delicate. They seldom let other people ride them except for their owners. Even their owners' partners are not good. On the contrary, red pterosaurs don't pay attention to them. Moreover, they have grown up a lot and are much bigger than snow colored Griffins.

In order to make it convenient to ride with Tang Shi, YanXu has replaced the single saddle with the double saddle, so that the ride will be more comfortable.

Yan Xu went up first, then pulled Tang Shi up, let him sit in front of him, hold people, and then wrapped people tightly with his broad cloak. Then he patted the red pterosaur, indicating that it could start.

The red pterosaur turned to see the snow colored Griffin, as if to say "keep up", and then flew up into the sky, toward the direction of Yan family.

This kind of weather flying in the air, absolutely cool, cold wind wrapped in ice and snow straight into the Cape, fortunately, the two people's physique is excellent, this cold can not destroy them.

Yan Family in the whole summer city, should be the largest family, the house is also very tall and magnificent, although not as much as the capital of the Yuan Dynasty, but in the whole summer city is also one of the best, such a house, is also a symbol of the status in the summer city.

The thick servant at the door of Yan's family, seeing a red shadow coming from a distance, quickly walked into the wind and snow, and went to the Fuehrer and the well-known "Fuehrer's wife", but everyone only dared to shout in his heart, but not in his face, otherwise the Tang Dynasty would turn over.

As soon as he got down to the ground in the Tang Dynasty, he saw a servant running over quickly, necking and closing his sleeves.

"You don't have to come out to welcome such a blizzard. Go in." In Tang Dynasty, he urged the servant to come into the house, while he was waiting in the snow to join YanXu.

The servant kept answering, but he didn't dare to go back to the house. It was polite for the young master of Tang Dynasty to show his face. He couldn't really feel that he was too big.

When the fire came down, the red pterosaur and the snow colored Griffin went to their residence, and the wind and snow outside became heavy, so they could not stay outside.

The servant followed them step by step. When they got to the door, they quickly took two steps and opened the curtain for them. Suddenly, the shop was warm, the ridge was burning, and the room was warm.

If anyone has a sofa to sit on now, it's probably only Yan's family. The sofa, tea table and other daily furniture were brought by Tang Shishou in a small lattice. They were all put in Yan's family and left to Yan's old man. The old man is old and has a habit of using things. It's not easy for them to get rid of them in a short time, and Tang Shi doesn't want him to be so old He is still suffering from grievances. Almost all the good things are sent to the old man.

The old man also remembers the good times in the Tang Dynasty. He was very happy when he had a heart in the Tang Dynasty.

There are many people sitting on the sofa in the living room. As soon as they arrive, someone takes the lead in saying hello, "come on, come on, I'll wait for you. It's snowy outside. Don't catch cold. Let's have a cup of hot tea to warm our stomach first."

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