Chapter 502

YanXu squatted down and touched the neck of Xingling blue dragon, "after this time, let you be free. You don't have to be bound by cards any more. If you want, we will leave this space together. If you don't want, you can also choose to stay."

As Yan Xu spoke, he got up, followed the neck of the star spirit blue dragon, and walked to its head. The star spirit blue dragon was afraid that Yan Xu would fall down. When Yan Xu spoke, his head kept a fixed position until Yan Xu stood on his head and dropped a bottle of golden liquid and three colorful stones. The star spirit Blue Dragon had a big mouth, As soon as I rolled my tongue, I rolled these things into my mouth and swallowed them.

"Help me send these people to Luna forest. This is the last time we cooperate. After that, let you be free." YanXu patted the huge head of Xingling blue dragon, ran a few steps to the side, jumped down from the huge head, and the mechanical Gulong flew by the neck of Xingling blue dragon to catch YanXu.

Xingling Blue Dragon's huge, golden eyes gazed at YanXu for a long time, until YanXu returned to the mechanical walking Colossus, and then with a little reluctant to take back his sight, his wings vibrated, left the ground, with the overwhelming shadow, and flew towards the direction of the Luna forest.

The stars in the sky are falling crystal fragments. Tang Dynasty and YanXu all know what it is, and the law of space is breaking. The mechanical Cologne takes the lead to fly in the direction of the Luna forest, the mechanical madman runs behind, and the mechanical walking colossus is also speeding up to leave here. However, as long as the Xingling Blue Dragon passes by, there are cracks in the law of space. They just want to rush to the Luna forest before they completely collapse.

The world is unpredictable. Before they run far away, the roar is louder and louder. We can see a group of monsters running towards them. Everywhere they pass, everything is crushed. Before these giant creatures, a group of flying mounts try their best to fly towards their direction. The leader is odafar!

His flying mount is a dead creature with huge size and fast flying speed. The flying mounts behind him are not as fast as him. They are all trying their best to fly forward. The last ones are either trampled to death or eaten by giant creatures. There are only two ways to choose.

Tang did not expect that odafar would be so crazy that he used his hands as bait to lead these giant creatures that should not have come so quickly to here.

Audafar was stunned when he saw the empty rear of the giant statue. He got the news that Tang Shi and YanXu used the giant statue to protect the transfer of people in Huaxia city. There were a large number of people. He divided his troops into two routes: one was to directly attack the Luna forest, the other was to lead a team himself to lure the giant creatures rushing to the east to attack the transfer of people in Huaxia City, but he didn't want to By now, the robot walking colossus is still there, and so are Tang Shi and YanXu, but the people who should be transferred together are not.

The dangerous walking colossus has been discovered for a long time, and the muzzle of the gun has been adjusted. When the giant creatures enter the range, they immediately fire. Standing on the back of the mechanical Cologne, the eyes are cold, the teeth are cackling, and the whole body is covered with the terrible dragon power. The huge dragon shadow appears behind them. The suffocating sense of oppression urges the people around to retreat one after another Quickly pop up a few mount cards, a few people retreat to choose a mount, jump up, far away from the rampant longmian, directly give the mechanical Cologne to him, even ASA also had to retreat.

Odafar, who rushes towards this side, obviously feels the danger. The huge black dragon shadow in the air is constantly rising, just like the ancient dragon resurrected. The power of terror instantly dries the nearby air, making all people and all creatures feel the danger of suffocation.

Audafar's pupil suddenly shrinks. He immediately turns his direction and flies to the side. He only hears longmian's angry cry, "audafar, take your life!"

Longmian stretched his arms back to the extreme, and then used to move forward. The shadow of the ancient dragon behind him, as if he had received instructions, spread his huge wings to cover the sky and the sun, and swept in the direction of odafar!

In an instant, the rumbling sound is incessant, the ancient dragon black shadow roll mat all towards the front of the withered and decaying sweep, where, the mountains and the earth are broken, all things are destroyed, only like the dark shadow of the night to cover this piece of heaven and earth, those giant creatures who rush to the sky are also overturned, do not know how to die, running in the front of those bait, no one can be found It's hard to find a complete corpse.

Once the ancient dragon's shadow is released, there is no reason to take it back. It is the most surging dragon power in the ancient dragon's blood. It bursts out and releases in an instant. Its attack power is enough to match the real ancient dragon's 30% power. You can imagine how powerful its lethality is.

After releasing this move, longmian's whole strength of the dragon was exhausted in an instant. He stepped back a few steps feebly and sat down on the back of the mechanical gulong, gasping for breath.

ASAR flew back quickly and held the fallen dragon Mian in his arms. The click sound around him was so clear that it was like the ice was breaking. There were more and more glittering light spots, which were falling down like snow."Go! Get out of here! Come on A few people who had just avoided returned to the mechanical Cologne's back. The mechanical Cologne flapped its wings and flew wildly towards the direction of the moon god forest, carrying the crystal fragments like ice dregs.

Seeing the giant dragon racing to the forest, it's like a mechanical escort chasing the dragon.

On the road, Tang Shi and others found an opportunity to get into the mechanical walking colossus. The outer space rules were breaking up, the space turbulence was formed, the rolling world changed color, and the mechanical Cologne was very difficult to fly. Several people on the back were almost thrown out and involved in the turbulence several times. They could not wait any longer. They had to find an opportunity to get into the mechanical walking colossus.

At present, the law of space is in the disintegration stage, and it has not yet come to the final complete collapse. It is unable to shake such huge objects as the mechanical walking colossus. Although it is hard to move forward, it should be able to persist to the Luna forest.

Tang Shi and others entered the cabin and walked forward quickly. Several big leaders who came in front of them did not stop and followed them quickly.

As he walked, YanXu said, "immediately order all the people and awakening troops outside the Luna forest to retreat to the interior of the Luna forest, fast! The law of space has collapsed and will soon sweep the whole Luna forest! "

Some of the big leaders who followed took orders and left, but their steps didn't stop. YanXu said: "longmian should seize the time to recover the power of the dragon. Tang Dynasty and I should enter the legendary stage of the holy land as soon as possible. When we get to the Luna forest, we must start the array immediately, or no one will want to go out here."

After hearing this, several people mentioned that they had no way out. If they didn't want to be trapped in the space and die, they had to start the "last way out" array left by Hogarth ahead of time. However, it's not easy to start this array. To start such a complex ultimate array, it needs the divine power of YanXu, which is needless to say.

Then the main initiator is ASAR, who has the identity of the * * master. To activate the * * array, ASAR must rely on the dragon power of longmian. Just after longmian released the Dragon shadow, he used all the dragon power of his whole body. He must return to the full value as soon as possible to supply ASAR with the power to activate the * * array.

However, the key to accomplish all this is Tang Dynasty. He needs to find the "key of time and space", otherwise everything will be in vain.

They went back to their cabin. Among the six people, Qin lie and Zhan Rong were the most idle. Tang Dynasty didn't let them be idle. They directly moved out a lot of cards from the small grid and gave them. These were all prepared in advance by Tang Dynasty. He bought as many cards as possible in the system mall.

They have found a way to make the cardholder and the card creature cut off contact. The outer space has been completely disordered, and the yuanneng is disappearing. As long as the awakened person activates all the cards and stays in the Luna forest, they will solve the problems after that - if they can all survive.

Tang worried that longmian could not recover to the full value in such a short time, so he gave him an alpha stone. ASA and longmian went to other cabins to break in.

Tang Dynasty and YanXu are preparing to enter the legend of the holy land. Now they have no more time to waste. They must be able to enter the legend of the holy land when they reach the Luna forest.

After entering the legend of holy land, YanXu also needs to use the holy spring of light to raise his Protoss blood to the highest level, so as to maximize the use of divine power. In order to ensure safety, they are also separated into two cabins, each busy.

In Tang Dynasty, he sat alone in a cabin and refined the last Rune card.

He was very nervous. The last retreat of the Terran was all tied to him. If he didn't find the "key of time and space", then everything would be over.

After completing the last card of the built-in card, Tang Shi was waiting for the same pain that those people would have when they entered the Holy Land legend. Instead of waiting for the pain, he was waiting for the sound of the system.

[does the host upgrade with the system]

Tang Shi was stunned when he thought that it was after he upgraded the system before, and Tang Shi was extremely weak at that time, and his physical fitness dropped to the level of ordinary people. Can he upgrade with the system directly this time?

"What are the requirements for system upgrade? What are the risks? After upgrading, can we find the whereabouts of the key to time and space Tang Dynasty is now full of thoughts about the "key of time and space", as long as it can be found, let him pay any price.

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