Chapter 470

Hundreds of horses were flying in the wilderness. There was no movement in the double tent in the middle of the wilderness, as if they didn't know the danger was coming.

Until all the flying mounts entered the wilderness, several white lights suddenly appeared in the tent and flew towards the direction of the enemy.

The white light didn't hurt people. It fell directly on the ground, like lighting the fuse of the bomb. The long set trap array was activated at this moment!

One by one, the ring array is activated one after another, and the light comes out from the array. The flying mounts flying in the air are suddenly attacked by this attack.

Some flying mounts are slightly weak and directly pierce through the abdomen. They are destroyed together with the alien on the back.

The powerful flying mount can't resist the attack array set up by ASA * * Division alone. Fortunately, the mount died, but the owner on its back survived. Unless there is a spare mount card, they can only run on the ground and can't fly any more.

The scale of this array attack is not small. The foreign people who are ready to sneak attack are beaten down from the air one by one. They watch the columns of light on the array disappear slowly. They all stand in the same place and dare not move. I don't know if those arrays will be activated again. In case they step on them carelessly, those mounts will be their end.

For a moment, the wilderness was quiet, just a variety of hissing, as if there was no such thing.

After waiting for a long time, all the attackers froze in place, and the tent in the middle of the wilderness was finally lifted.

Two figures, one high and one low, stood side by side in front of the tent.

ASA raised his voice and asked, "is odafar here?"

The surviving shadows were silent for a moment, and no one spoke.

ASA continued, "if you are here, come and die!"

The wilderness was still quiet, and no one spoke.

ASA frowned and had a bad feeling in his heart.

If odafar is really here, it's impossible to swallow his words when he says so. Since no one answers, it only means that he may not be among these people, is it difficult to

ASA was surprised, and suddenly turned to look in other directions. In the dark, he could not see clearly from a distance. Even if his energy source had changed and his strength had greatly increased, he could not see clearly beyond 100 meters at night.

ASA gave a wry smile and held longmian's hand. "I can't sleep tonight. Maybe it's a hard fight."

Long mianmu shoots cold light, "come how many, kill how many."

No matter how many of these foreigners are killed by longmian, they can't be too many.

All the foreign people who were attacked by the Fazhen pitching in front of them stopped in the same place and did not dare to act rashly. On the contrary, news came from the other three directions.

Sure enough. Asa's worries came true.

Audafar has paid a lot of money this time. It seems that he has to keep them, otherwise he would not have wasted so much energy and sent so many people to deal with them.

What's audafar hearing?

In the past, ASA and odafar fought each other, and odafar basically had the upper hand. Although ASA tried his best to save his life, he couldn't get a good result in odafar's hands. Now, even with the help of longmian, odafar can't get so many people on guard. Does he know about the conversion of their energy sources?

Think about it and think it's impossible. Only six of them know about it, and they didn't tell anyone about it. Naturally, they didn't divulge the news. If there is anything, it's probably audafar himself who has noticed the clue.

It's useless to think more now. Tonight will undoubtedly be a bitter battle. If they can't all be killed, then they will be more or less.

Thinking about this, the sound of the other three directions was getting closer and closer. ASA did not hesitate to continue to activate the array trap. He killed a group of people first, and one died.

Those people, even if they just saw a column of light in that direction, many people and their mounts were shot down. There may be no traps in the other three directions, but they can't stop because they are trapped. In this way, how can they catch the two people in the center of the array?

Thinking comes and goes, knowing that there will be traps in front of us, we can only stick to it.

The "beetle" aircraft has been flying high in the air for half a month since it escaped from tiris law. Thanks to Tang Shi, he has a lot of energy cards. Otherwise, if he keeps flying in the air, his energy cards will be exhausted.

During this period of time on the road, they were anxious, but there was nothing they could do. The journey had to go.

During this period, YanXu contacted the second uncle once, asked about Huazun domain, and told the second uncle about tiris domain, and also about the collapse of space law over tiris domain, so that Huazun domain could be prepared as soon as possible.

They had no other choice but to act according to the last vitality that Hogarth had left behind. They had to retreat to the Luna forest, and then try to find that vitality from Hogarth's "bone burial ground".

What makes them so anxious is that they don't have to sleep and eat on the aircraft as time goes by. What worries them is that Huazun region has reached a critical moment now. The foreign allied forces, together with the gathering places of the ancient alien races, launched a fierce attack on Huazun region. Except for the five gathering places, almost all of them were left in garrison or not The awakening army and the people who had time to leave were almost dead.Huazun's last defense is that the foreign allied forces March straight in, step over the corpses of countless Terrans, and kill to the periphery of the five gathering places. If the five gathering places fail, Huazun's territory will be finished. Tiris' law territory is the portrayal of Huazun's territory. Although they are not outer creatures, they are the same foreign allied forces of the same Terran, but the result is the same.

Fortunately, the five gathering places are all under the protection of the big formation. No matter how many foreign allied forces there are, they will not be able to attack for a while. Second uncle comforts Yan Xu a few words, let him not be anxious, even if the foreign allied forces hit home, they can't break the guard array in a short time.

How can they not be worried when they get such news? The problem here has not been solved, and huazunyu has been surrounded by many people.

Tang Shizhen doubted that the awakened people who disappeared from the gelur region had gone to Huazun region. Judging from the number of enemy troops estimated by the second uncle, it is very possible.

However, how did they enter Huazun realm quietly? So many people could not hide the eyes of everyone. When Tang left, they had not heard of so many enemy troops waiting for ambush.

Four people almost immediately thought of a possibility, and the only possibility.

Huazunyu high level, there must be an insider!

After a long silence, Tang Shicai was the first to say, "even what we all know, second uncle, they don't know. What we have to do now is to find longmian and ASAR, and kill odafar. Only in this way can we finish our task. "

Now I can't help it. Looking at the distance on the map, they are very close to the King City of gelur. They have arrived here. They can't turn around and fly back to Huazun. Even if they go, their role is limited. No matter how powerful they are, they can't stop thousands of troops.

After another day and night, looking at the distance on the map, Tang Shi almost overlapped with the nearby royal city.

If we go another night, we may arrive at the king's city the next morning. With his and YanXu's looks, it's very inconvenient at the moment. They need to get close to the surrounding of the king's city and catch two people from the gelur domain to disguise themselves.

In the Tang Dynasty, sitting in the small living room studying the map guide, the speed of "beetle" was reduced, even the height was reduced, because it was night, and people were not afraid to find out, "beetle" was quiet, very safe.

At this moment, Qin lie's voice suddenly came, "brother Tang, brother Tang, come quickly!"

"What's the matter?" Tang asked, and people came out of the living room.

Qin lie sleeps a lot during the day. He has been eating and sleeping for more than half a month. Some of them can't sleep during the day and night. He just stood at a circular hanging window behind the "beetle" and looked out. Just now, he saw a lot of light columns rushing up behind the "beetle". The light was very eye-catching at night.

Qin lie told Tang Shi what he saw. Tang Shi also stood at the hanging window and looked in that direction. The window was dark and there was nothing.

Because the hanging window is opened at the tail of the beetle, the direction of view is the rear of the beetle. If there is a light column behind, no matter how far they go, they should still be able to see it, but now, the light column has disappeared.

Hearing Qin lie's voice, Yan Xu and Zhan Rong came out of the room and asked.

In Tang Dynasty, he waved his hand and still looked out of the dark window.

When Qin lie saw the Tang Dynasty, he said nothing. He was worried. "I really saw a lot of pillars of light rising from the sky, just like the" demon killing array "I saw in the bone burial ground that day, but the pillars of the" demon killing array "were gold. I just saw a lot of white ones."

Qin lie said this, several people are in the heart of a move, together crowded to the hanging window, looking at the night sky outside, if thoughtful, but the first to see Qin lie crowded behind.

Before long, the dark night sky, suddenly again ran countless white pillars of light, but far away, the light appears weak, the pillars of light also become thin, but it really appeared. The three people standing by the hanging window all hold their breath and stare at the light beams until all the light beams disappear.

Without words, several people know it.

In the Tang Dynasty, he took a quick walk, went to the operation room, and changed the direction from the route to the King City to the direction to those pillars of light.

What Qin lie said is right. Those light columns are really like the light emitted when activating the Dharma array.

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