Chapter 466

Zhan Rong has forgotten that their original intention to enter the city was to catch two outlanders, disguised as their appearance, and sneak into the King City of gruer, but now they are a little off track.

However, Zhan Rong felt that this was a big deal. There was not even a decent awakening army in a gathering place. All of these people were totally out of shape. If they really wanted to fight, they would surely take the lead.

After a turn, Zhan Rong bought a lot of things. At a glance, the soldiers who followed him all the way left the skinny man, and the others let him go.

Although they don't want to leave, the light elves speak. No matter how much they have, they can only stare.

The little man was flattered and felt that his chance to leave the gathering place had finally come. He was more respectful to Zhan Rong. In his words, he also mentioned that he was willing to be driven by Zhan Rong, even if he was used as a servant.

Zhan Rong takes a look at the empty gathering place and starts to walk back. The thin man follows him all the time. The food in his hands and arms are all the food that Zhan Rong bought.

Seeing the thin man's anxious hospitality, Zhan Rong said, "I'm going out of the city now. I need to go to the king's city as soon as possible. I can't delay it."

The thin man was a little worried. His meaning was very obvious, but the elf clan didn't make it clear that they wanted to take him with them. Just when he didn't know what to do, Zhan Rong spoke again.

"What's the matter with this gathering place? If you are in trouble, I can say something when I go to Wangcheng. " This is the biggest hint that Zhan rongneng has given. In ancient times, alien tribes were valued in the gelur region, and the Elves were the top priority. As long as the elves help to speak up, what else can't be done?

As soon as the thin man's eyes brightened, he thought that it was unlikely that he would follow people to the king's city. If he could ask for some soldiers for the gathering place, the safety of the whole gathering place would be guaranteed. Compared with running all the way to the king's city and not knowing what happened on the road, it would be safer to stay here and guard the city gate.

Thinking about this, the thin man decided to tell the truth that the Elves were the help of their gruer domain and would not harm them.

"If you really want to help us, you'd better say something for us and send some awakening troops to garrison us, so that we can feel at ease." The thin man looks forward to the war.

Zhan Rong was a little surprised and pretended, "you have very few awakening troops here?"

The thin man smiles bitterly, shakes his head and says, "not less, but none at all."

Zhan Rong thought that, as he expected, there would be no decent awakening army in this gathering place. All these people in the awakening army uniform were temporarily recruited to make up the number.

The little man then said, "in the past, every gathering place had awakening troops. Even in small gathering places, there were still tens of thousands of awakening troops. Since the beginning of the war, at first, every gathering place had drawn ordinary awakening troops to fight, and the rest were guarding the city."

"Two months later, the authorities again issued an order to continue to deploy the awakening troops in various gathering places. In this way, every three or five times, all the decent awakening troops in small gathering places like ours have been transferred away. There is no way but for us who are only in the awakening period. Otherwise, a gathering place will be very dangerous because it has no defense capability. "

Zhan Rong pondered for a moment, then asked, "is this the case in every gathering place, or is it just this gathering place?"

"It's said that the whole gelur region is like this. The large gathering places give more troops to be dispatched. The small gathering places like ours give much fewer troops. However, the number of the original awakening army is not enough. We can only forcibly recruit the awakened people with good strength in the gathering places into the army. We must obey them."

So in this way, the whole gathering place didn't even have the strong people who wanted to find a hero. The awakened people who couldn't support the wall and the ordinary people who had no power to bind the chicken were left to guard the gathering place. Everyone lived with fear that they would lose their lives in the next moment.

Zhan Rong nodded his head expressionless, indicating that he understood the situation here. When Wang Cheng arrived, he would respond to the situation and come up with effective policies to protect the safety of the gathering place.

If the thin man got the light elf, even if he was dubious, there was not much way to do it. He could only hope that the other side could really persuade the senior management for the safety of the gathering place.

The thick city gate is opened again. The thin man takes Zhan Rong to the city gate and gives Zhan Rong the bag in his arms. Then he goes back with full expectation.

Zhan Rong walked forward slowly as he did when he came here. Half the way, the three people waiting in the forest were already in a hurry. Tang Dynasty sent a mechanical bird directly. It was small, not very attractive and could bring people back.

Zhan Rong was taken into the forest by mechanical bird.

Seeing that Zhan Rong came back intact and bought a lot of food, they were relieved.

Zhan Rong told them what he saw in the city one by one. He was very careful and objective. He didn't add any ideas of his own. Tang Dynasty and YanXu would judge exactly how to do it. He didn't need his guess to interfere.Sure enough, after listening to Zhan Rong's answer, Tang Shi and Yan Xu were silent.

They pondered for a long time, looked up at each other, and said nothing. Finally, they decided to take the "beetle" to continue to go deep. They could not see the situation in one gathering place, so they needed to see several more gathering places. Besides, the words of the pseudo awakening army might not be credible.

Four people have wasted a lot of time flying here from the northernmost part of huazunyu. They have no time to waste. If they want to find someone to use the camouflage card, they have to wait for the chance.

The "beetles" fly high and are not easy to find. A few days after they enter the gruer region, Zhan Rong uses the same method to enter a medium-sized gathering place. What he sees is similar to that remote town. He doesn't even have a decent awakening army. Then he looks at two gathering places of different levels and gets the same result.

Because Zhan Rong's spirit identity, the bigger the gathering place, the more respectful his attitude is. In their opinion, this bright spirit must be sent from above to do things. When they pass by their gathering place, of course, they should be filial.

There have been such incidents before. Many ancient alien people will pass through large gathering places. They have to pay for all the food, drink, clothing and use. Not only can they not collect money, but they also want the best. Otherwise, the service is not good. These ancient alien people will go back to some action, and they will not want to live.

Originally, the gathering place has no defense ability, so how dare you offend those big people?

So Zhan Rong went out and into several gathering places, but no one found out that his identity was wrong. Basically, he came in respectfully and then sent out respectfully.

The first time I entered the surrounding small town, I didn't think about it. Zhan Rong left his heart behind. Basically, when I entered a gathering place, I would accept a lot of "filial piety" impolitely.

Zhan Rong's filial piety is not as common as those of other races. He doesn't want food, weapons, or fighting cards. He only needs yuanneng cards and energy crystals. His good name is "fighting needs on the road.". In this case, where each gathering place dare to neglect, they have to do their best to show their "filial piety".

Several gathering places came down, and Zhan Rong collected many yuan energy cards and energy crystals. Zhan Rong could not use space cards, but could only bring those space cards back to Tang Shi.

All the way down, there were hardly any awakened people going out. Not only that, the gates of every gathering place were closed, and none of the soldiers guarding the city could be seen.

What the little man said is right. Every gathering place is empty, and there is no awakening army. The rest of the awakeners are obsolete and defective, and the rest are ordinary people.

Several people gathered in the small living room to discuss the strangeness of this matter. If one gathering place is like this, it's not sure. Now several gathering places are all like this. It can almost be seen that the problem in the gruer region is quite serious.

What worries Tang Dynasty and YanXu more is where did the awakened army and awakened people who were transferred go?

According to Zhan Rong, the number of recruits given above varies according to the size of the gathering place, but the number of recruits given above is basically above the original number of awakening troops. What should we do if the number of awakening troops is not enough? We can only start from those powerful awakeners in the gathering place. No matter what method we use, we should also make up for the above indicators, and we can't have less than one.

Several times, the strong people in each gathering place were almost empty.

Judging from the battles they met in the Tang Dynasty, since they were allied forces of the three regions, and those awakened by their blood, there were indeed a large number of them. However, compared with the current situation in the gruer region, they still feel that they are very few. Are all the awakened forces on the battlefield from the gruer region? Don't be kidding. It's absolutely impossible. Gruer domain is not a big wrongdoer. It's impossible to agree to such a thing.

Yan Xu pondered for a long time before he said, "turn around and go to tiris Dharma."

In Tang Dynasty, they were very short of time. ASA and longmian might have arrived at the King City of gruer. They had lost a lot of time in exploring the gathering place. If they went to tiris, they would only waste more time.

See three people all looking at themselves, Yan Xu once again open mouth, "the number of awakening army on the battlefield is far from enough, these people will not disappear for no reason."

In the Tang Dynasty, I had a little thought and understood the meaning of YanXu.

Go to the operation room, adjust the course, and go to tiris.

Just look at what the Tirith jurisdiction is like.

Huazun kingdom is located in the East. The territory of tahama Kingdom and gelur Kingdom intersects with Huazun kingdom. Only tiris kingdom is in the south of the whole Terran realm, separated by gelur kingdom. There is no land intersection with Huazun Kingdom, and the distance is relatively long. In order to get from tiris kingdom to Huazun Kingdom, we must go through gelur Kingdom and tahama Kingdom, so we want to explore the situation Besides, we have to go to tiris.

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