Chapter 461

"The two prisoners are going to watch. Their purpose is to get back these animal teeth. Remember, you can use them, but you can't believe it, and you can't give them. They are good at making runes, and they should be careful when using Rune ink, otherwise they will be a big trouble if they draw them at will. " In Tang Dynasty, Jin Jue was explained carefully.

With Jin Jue's mind, we can think of all these problems. There was no need to explain them again in the Tang Dynasty. However, the Tang Dynasty paid too much attention to this matter and had to say a few more words. If we can solve the problem of Rune cards, those who can enter the "Legend of Holy Land" will be greatly promoted.

Jin Jue took these things and nodded, "don't worry, I'll do it well."

Jin Jue's ability was very clear in the Tang Dynasty. After he told Jin Jue his purpose, he didn't talk about it any more. He left everything to Jin Jue.

In the Tang Dynasty, the two awakening soldiers sent by the awakening army headquarters of bluecrystal city to guard the gate were temporarily called to send the two aborigines to Jinjue.

"Where do you live now?" Most of the people who came from Blue Crystal City stayed outside Yanlai city. As Jinjue, it should not be difficult to have a house in Yanlai city.

Sure enough, Jin Jue said his address directly, not only in Yanlai City, but also in the inner city. When the housing was so tight, it was very rare.

Jin Jue pondered for a moment and said, "do these two people want to use the Yan Family's power to imprison them? It's safer."

Tang Shi nodded, "yes, how can I do it? Please contact the commander-in-chief and I'll call him later to explain it."

Even if Jin Jue is closer to Yan's family now, it's not as easy as Tang Shi's personal call. After all, his family is always his own. Compared with Tang Shi, Jin Jue's family must believe in Tang Shi more.

Without much delay, Jin Jue took things and left with the two aborigines, escorted by two awakened soldiers.

After Jin Jue left, Tang Shi immediately dialed the second uncle's phone and told him about the aborigines in detail. He also told him about the possibility of getting a rune card. As far as the rune card is concerned, there is no need for Tang Shi to say more. The second uncle knows everything.

The second uncle said that he would arrange it so that Tang Shi would not worry about it.

Speaking of this, what's the worry of Tang Dynasty?

After arranging these things properly, the Tang Dynasty found out that they had not seen ASA and longmian until now.

Taking advantage of the Tang Dynasty to account of the golden Baron, Qin lie had already looked around the house and came down the stairs with a puzzled face, "where are the two of them? It doesn't seem to be at home

Tang also wanted to ask, don't stay at home, don't know where.

Hearing Qin lie's question, uncle Guo came out of the kitchen.

"Mr. ASA and Mr. long have gone out. Before they leave, let me tell the leader that they are going to groer."

Three people were shocked, Qin lie yelled directly: "what did you say?! Did ASA take longmian to the Golmud? "

Gruer is the home of ASA's family. What does he mean to go back at this time? Is the previous trust and pay for them, the pursuit of longmian please, are in order to put longmian monster gruer domain?!

The more Qin lieyue thought about it, the more he was afraid, the more angry he was. He looked at Tang fiercely and said, "brother Tang, what are you going to do?"

Tang Shi looked thoughtful and did not answer.

Zhan Rong saw that Qin lie was so excited and said in a voice, "don't be excited until things are clear."

"What else do you want to know? That bastard must have taken longmian away! Don't forget, he has a criminal record. He just wanted to kidnap longmian. Now he's on good terms with longmian. If he doesn't wait for us to come back at home, he'll just disappear with longmian. He's very ambitious! Bad intentions

Qin lie was so angry that he rolled up his sleeve and was going to go to groer to get them back No, ASAR, asshole. He's going to get longmian back!

Yilongmian's dependence on them must not have been willing to go with ASA, but must have been forced or schemed by ASA. Outlanders are really hateful!

Qin lie has been completely drowned by the conspiracy theory. ASA is a big tail wolf in sheep's clothing in his eyes now!

In the Tang Dynasty, Qin lie, who stopped the impulse, turned and asked Uncle Guo, "what else did they say before they left?"

Uncle Guo didn't understand why Qin lie was so angry and very excited. Mr. ASA and Mr. long just went out for a trip. As for being so nervous?

Qin lie's appearance was frightening. Now it's the time to get angry. His face is even more ferocious, which makes Guo Shuxin tremble.

"I didn't say much about the others, but Mr. ASA mentioned that Mr. long had suffered losses in the hands of any ugly elf, so he would never let it go. He was going to find a place for Mr. long or something. I'm not sure about the details. They only asked me to tell you where they were going, but he didn't say much."

Tang Shi nodded and already understood what was going on.

The "ugly elf" in Uncle Guo's words should be odafar, the night elf. ASA and odafar also know each other, and they have fought each other many times. Odafar is from the gruel region. Now that odafar can start such a big war, it can be seen that his position in the gruel region is certainly extraordinary.ASAR's family is an ancient family in gruel. Even if it can't kill odafar directly, it's not a problem to make a stumbling block and stab odafar in the back. Besides, ASAR's love for longmian is always in his eyes. He really likes it.

Moreover, when burying the bones, the desperate posture didn't seem to be pretended. If it had been premeditated, who would have put his life on such a dangerous thing?

There's only one possibility. ASA really treats them as friends and pursues longmian. Now he's leaving just to avenge longmian and recover the losses longmian suffered in odafar's hands one by one. Maybe he did this to help huazunyu and stab odafar in the back.

Otherwise, longmian couldn't have left with him so easily.

Thinking about this clearly, Tang Dynasty not only didn't feel at ease, but also worried more.

Gruer is the "base" of odafar. ASA takes the Dragon back to sleep. Whether he can stab the sword or not is one thing. If odafar finds out, they will be very dangerous.

It's obvious that Zhan Rong had already thought of the problems in the Tang Dynasty. Only Qin lie, a nervous guy, was still worried about the fact that longmian had been kidnapped by ASA. That's why he was like a frightened bird. As soon as he heard that longmian had been taken back to gelur by ASA, he immediately exploded.

After Zhan Rong analyzed the matter to him, Qin lie calmed down and looked more anxious.

"They really are. Why don't they wait for us to come back? If you want to pick that ugly nest, you have to wait for us! Zhan Rong has suffered losses in his hands, and I want to get this place back! " After thinking about it, Qin lie suddenly made a decision, "no, I'll go to the gruer region, too. If I can kill that ugly monster myself, everything will be settled!"

Tang Dynasty heart suddenly a shock!

He looked at Qin lie in surprise. His eyes made Qin lie step back and say, "you, you Why do you think of me that way? I'm also a cautious person. Zhan Rong suffers from that guy, and I won't let him go. "

Tang Shi suddenly said with a smile: "yes, it's a good idea. It's better to kill the leader who planned all this than to dispatch troops from all over the country to resist the invasion of the ancient hundred ethnic allied forces. Then everything will be solved."

The more crucial problem is that they don't have much time. Half a year, it's estimated that they will spend half of their time on the road. There are really very few things they can do. They have to take a shortcut. The decision to kill the leader directly is the quickest way, but they can't be sure where odafar is.

Zhan Rong's eyes were bright, and he obviously agreed with the decision.

However, the danger of this matter is very high. If you let YanXu know, you will not let them go unless YanXu goes with you.

They are not impulsive people. At least Tang Shi and Zhan Rong are not. When they think about it, they begin to discuss it. The more they think about it, the more feasible they feel. There is really not much time left and they can't waste it any more.

Zhan Rong was silent for a moment and said: "this matter, I want to talk with Yan Xu."

It's better to let YanXu go together. It's safer. Among them, YanXu is the most powerful. There's no doubt about that. Besides, if YanXu knows that they have made such a bold decision without telling him, Tang Dynasty will certainly bear his anger.

Tang also thought about whether to tell YanXu. However, before telling YanXu, we need to talk to YanXu's family about this matter, so that they can make the fastest response when there is any change.

"Let's go to Yan's house." It goes without saying that Zhan Rong knew what he meant.

The three set out immediately and drove to the inner city by mechanical dragon.

All of a sudden, the three of them came over. There was only the old man in the house, and the others were busy. Tang Shi told the old man what he had come for.

When the old man heard that they were going to directly kill the leader who planned the war, his expression became dignified.

To tell the truth, they are not sure who is behind the war, but they seem to know it in Tang Dynasty.

The reason why the Tang Dynasty knew about this was that he got the news through ASA. He had been following odafar for so long, and there was another case in which odafar encouraged the orcs and the light elves. Even the two aborigines who had been captured knew about odafar and sold him.

In ancient times, there was no such taboo as the Terran. They would listen to odafar's orders, but they just wanted to take revenge anyway. Why didn't they unite to attack the Terran?

So there is the present war.

What the Tang Dynasty didn't understand was that since it was the Revenge of the ancient tribes on the Terrans, could the Terrans of the three Outlands be spared?

Now all the spearheads are directed at Huazun territory. Revenge is on the one hand, it's estimated that on the other hand, they still want to get the "bone burial place" of Hogwarts, or they are thinking about the bright holy spring in the bone burial place. That's the only way to purify the blood of the ancient hundred ethnic groups, so no matter what the cost, they must first eradicate Huazun territory.Once Huazun domain is destroyed and odafar's strategy succeeds, it is estimated that the next three outer domains will suffer.

Since the Huazun region and the other three regions can know the hatred of the ancient people, they will not fail to understand the truth of "lips die and teeth cold". Since they are the same people, they may be retaliated by the ancient people. Why can they help the ancient people to pay the Huazun region now?

After Huazun, there are three of them. What's the difference between this and suicide? No one with a little brain would do such a thing.

In the Tang Dynasty, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that something was wrong. As expected, I had to go to Outland to have a look. I had to explore what was going on.

"It's very dangerous. If, as you said, the mastermind behind the scenes is a pure blood night elf, then there must be hundreds of ancient people around him. You only have a few people, so you may not be able to get him. In the end, you may be trapped. Although it can save a lot of time, it's too dangerous. "

The old man was worried about the Tang Dynasty. He would rather send more soldiers to fight with the foreign allied forces than encounter an accident in the Tang Dynasty. If he had any problems, his grandson would be crazy. YanXu lost his parents when he was young. How could the old man have the heart to let YanXu lose his love again?

"Grandfather, there's no room for discussion. We don't have time." The time is too short. They don't have the spare time to arrange and plan step by step. Even sitting here to discuss this matter is a waste of time.

The old man still hesitated, but he didn't let go.

Tang Shi was worried, and finally he could only say: "if you are really worried, send a big leader to replace YanXu and let him work with us. YanXu has Protoss blood. There is no doubt about his strength. Besides, he has Longka in his hand. Few people can really hurt him. Even if he is in a desperate situation, he will be OK. "

The old man thought about it carefully, and thought about all kinds of advantages and disadvantages as well as possible accidents. However, no matter what he did, there was really no good way to solve this problem in a short time. Now they had to send troops to support where the war was critical, and they were completely led by the nose, very passive.

Want to take the initiative to attack, but can not find a breakthrough, now it is not easy to have the opportunity to take the initiative to attack, but it is so dangerous that he can not let go. If we can't hit hard, we will lose half a year's delay on the road. We won't have to do anything at that time. Let's sit and die together.

Instead of waiting to die together half a year later, it's better to let go now.

After the old man decided, he gritted his teeth and said, "as you said, change YanXu back. You must be careful. The future of the Terran depends on you."

Tang Shi nodded solemnly, "you don't need to change it back. You just need to send someone to replace it. We'll go through there and meet him directly."

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