Chapter 447

Qin lie and long mianxin look at each other and decide that they want to stay away from Yan Xu's two aunts. They don't want to suffer the crime of last time!

Zhou Yi, Zhou Xiang, Wei Qi and Wei Shi all have different expressions. Zhou Yi is as calm and capable as I have seen before. Zhou Xiang is still dressed in a foreign style, but he is not as unruly as he was when he first saw them. When he saw Tang Shi and others, he seemed a little stiff. It is estimated that the broken arm left a shadow.

Wei Qi is still proud, but his eyes are a little dodgy when he sweeps through Tang Dynasty. He is really aware of Tang Dynasty's ferocity and is a little afraid.

Wei Shi is just as timid and timid as before. Even he doesn't dare to face people. He often lowers his head and looks very gloomy.

"Just in time, my cousin came back together."

It was Zhou Yi who spoke. She just stood behind and looked at all of them, but they were all wearing hoods. They couldn't see their faces clearly, so they could only be distinguished by their voices. Now approaching, seeing the appearance of Qin lie and Zhan Rong, he suddenly widened his eyes and looked at them in disbelief.

It's not only Zhou Yi, but the other three who follow, except Wei Shi, who lowers his head and doesn't see it. The other three all see the real faces of Qin lie and Zhan Rong.

"You are Blood awakeners? " Wei Qi can't help exclaiming.

After hearing this sentence, all the people who passed by slowed down and looked over to find out.

Now all the blood awakeners, regardless of their strength, have disappeared. The awakened people of huazunyu have only seen those lost blood awakened people on the battlefield. For no reason, they all stand on the opposite side of huazunyu. They actually follow the orders of the foreign allied forces and turn around to deal with huazunyu.

Many people no longer worship and respect the blood awakeners as before. The power of the blood awakeners is really strong. It would be good if they could use it for themselves. But now they have all become the enemies of Huazun. No one will think that the blood awakeners are good any more. Now the blood awakeners are their big trouble. Their combat effectiveness is already very strong. Now many of the blood awakeners are mixed in the foreign allied forces, which is very difficult to deal with.

Zhou Yi and Wei Qi don't know the real identities of Qin lie and Zhan Rong. This time, they directly see their real faces. Naturally, they are very surprised. When they think about the blood awakened people's betrayal of Huazun, they can't help frowning.

Zhou Xiang looked at Zhou Yi, Wei Qi, Qin lie and Zhan Rong. Then he said, "cousin, how did you bring them in? Blood awakened people are not good things. They betrayed Huazun territory and surrounded and killed our people together with the Allied forces of outer regions. "

Now every gathering place is under strict inspection, for fear that those who are awakened by blood will sneak back to the gathering place and send messages to the foreign allied forces. After all, those who have awakened by blood, as long as they do not use the power of blood, it is difficult to find those who have the power of blood.

There are examples like this, but it's not Huaxia city that sneaks into, but another common gathering place, cooperating with foreign allied forces. The final result of that gathering place is the total annihilation of the whole army. Finally, the awakened people who escaped by chance take the news with them and exclude them. They don't even get an upgrade card. After learning that Yanling went to Blue Crystal City, not only his qualification was upgraded, but also his level was upgraded again.

Originally, Yanjing, Yanxing and Yanling only told their families that they wanted to hide from their two aunts. However, Yanling's level was raised one level directly, and other people's levels were also raised one level at a time. This matter could not be concealed at all. The aunts and aunts inquired about it several times. They were all tired of being asked, and they didn't want to cheat them. So the old man asked them to get the upgrade card And the reason for the change of Yanling.

As soon as the two aunts heard that all these good things came out of the hands of the Tang Dynasty, they thought about their attitude towards the Tang Dynasty. When they took out these good things, they didn't even give a hair to their family. Then they knew the attitude of the Tang Dynasty towards them.

Although the two aunts didn't like Tang Shi, they had a plan after all. Knowing that they were back, they told some children to get along with Tang Shi well. Maybe they could also give them some evolutionary seeds and upgrade cards to improve their level. The two aunts are elders. If they offend, they offend. When they can't please Tang, they can only let their peers do it.

Seeing that Zhou Yi was in a bad mood, Wei Qi said, "even if my cousin doesn't tell me, it's hard for us to get the evolutionary seed from the Tang Dynasty. He doesn't like us. How can he help us improve our strength? It's totally impossible. My mother and aunt are wrong. "

Zhou Yi has always been strong. Yan Ling, who was originally of the same level and qualification as her, has not only improved her qualification from excellent to rare, but also from the peak of the Ninth level in the awakening period to the middle level in the heroic period. However, she can only linger in the same place and stay at the peak of the Ninth level in the awakening period. She even has no chance to enter the heroic period. How can she Willingly, for this matter, she did not lose her temper to her mother.

Zhou Xiang's heart was not right. Hearing Wei Qi's words, he was even more angry. "Second uncle and third uncle really used all those upgrade cards, and they didn't know to leave some for us."

"Even if I give you an upgrade card, can you use it?" Zhou Yi stares at this stupid sister and doesn't know what to say to her.Zhou Xiang is blocked by Zhou Yi, and just wants to refute. As a result, Zhou Yi has left first and doesn't intend to stand here with her, which makes Zhou Xiang even more angry.

Tang Shi and others didn't know about their dispute. They were sitting on the back of the mechanical dragon and flying all the way to the villa of Yan's family.

On the way, Qin lie asked Yan Xing, "are your two aunts there?"

"Ah, since the beginning of the war, they have been with my grandfather almost every day. They have almost helped me to live there with my grandfather." Yan star is also very headache, as long as the two aunts in the grandfather there, he and Yan Ling rarely run to the grandfather there, are obediently back to his home.

When Tang heard this, he looked at Yan Xu beside him. His eyes were very clear. He absolutely didn't want to get along with Yan Xu's two aunts. Absolutely!

YanXu pats Tang Shi's back. He can understand Tang Shi's mood very well. Even YanXu himself is afraid to see the two aunts sometimes. However, when I come back, I always have to meet my grandfather. Otherwise, the old man will be so cold hearted.

Qin lie and long Mian immediately said that they are going to stay in the hotel. The kindness of the Yan family has been accepted by them, and they are determined not to stay in the Yan Family!

Zhan Rong certainly supported Qin lie's decision, but ASA was a little confused. However, they were so afraid of Yan Xu's two aunts that they should not be easy to get along with. He doesn't care where he is. As long as longmian goes, he will follow him.

"You Not really? Do you really want to live outside Yan Xing didn't expect that their reaction would be so big.

Qin lie and long Mian nodded at the same time. They had to live outside.

Tang thought about it and said, "is there any extra property in Yan's family? It's better to have a bigger one. We can rent it."

Now that I'm back, I won't leave in a short time. In the future, I may have to live in Yanlai city. There can't be so many people. Just like last time, they all live in Yan's house. Even if Yan's family doesn't say it, they are embarrassed to live all the time. The best way is to buy a house of their own.

It's just that you can't be in a hurry to buy a house. At present, the most scarce thing in every gathering place is houses and food. It should not be easy to buy a big house, so it's better for Yan's family to have such a house. If they don't use it, it's better. They can rent it or buy it, so they can have a place to live.

YanXu doesn't know much about Yan Family's situation in Yanlai City, and he doesn't know how many industries there are. When Tang Shi asked this question, YanXu looked directly at Yanjing, and he should know. After all, he has been at home, and he should know more.

the whole Yan Lai city has the final say of the family of inflammation, of course, the excess property is not available, but the house is not available. Yanjing thought about it and filtered the real estate of Yan Family in Yanlai City, thinking that a real estate is more suitable for them to live in.

"Yan family has a villa in the middle of the city. It's quite big. There are five floors up and down. There are many rooms. The surrounding greening is very good. It should be more suitable for you to live in. It's just

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