Chapter 443

"Squeeze again, fall down and kill you! Not killed. Do you want to be killed? "

"Line up! I put you in line, you hear me? "

"You, you, you! Don't push forward! Do you hear me

The scene was very chaotic. There was a lot of shouting and noise everywhere. Some people were pushed to the ground in order to fight. As a result, they were trampled on by countless feet. If the awakened soldiers didn't find out in time, it would be useless to yell. They were so angry that they whipped away a group of people who were pushing forward and let the people who had been trampled on stand up.

In Tang Dynasty, he took a few steps back silently, and had some maladjustment to the tragedy in front of him.

Nie Shao was also riding on his horse. Looking at the scene, he frowned and frowned. In the end, there was no way. His shouting could not cover the noise of the scene. Looking at the direction of the city gate, it's dark and full of people. They are all rushing to this side. It's obvious that they all follow the wind.

YanXu gives the number of people. In a short period of time, they can't count 300000 people at all. So many people just count for a while. The only simple and quick way is to let the awakened soldiers shout in the sky of midtown, shout out the things that they want to organize people to evacuate again and again, and tell the time.

In this way, people who know about it will use all kinds of means to run outside the city. Then many people will see someone going outside the city and hear that they want to stop the evacuation. After several days of trembling and fearing, they will have a mental breakdown. Organizing evacuation is undoubtedly the only hope they can seize However, they will run out of the city regardless of everything.

Nie Shao and Wang Jinglei are riding on their horses. They can only sigh helplessly when they look at all the residents coming out.

Wanyang city is very close to the West. Many people know the tragedy of those gathering places in the West from the escaped population, so they will only be more afraid. They will tremble when they hear the words "foreign allied forces". They have been expecting that the gathering place can organize them to withdraw. They want to go to the SSSS gathering place. They hear that it is the safest place to enter There, they will be safe. They are no longer afraid that the foreign allied forces will destroy the gathering places of that level. So they look forward to the real evacuation time day and night. Of course, they can't miss it. In their view, if they miss it, they will be dead.

The mechanical walking Colossus was soon filled with people, and the ladder began to rise slowly. The people who were still standing on the ladder ran up unsteadily. Those who didn't squeeze up behind all cried in despair when they saw that the ladder had risen. Some people even jumped up and grabbed the ladder, hoping to climb up.

"Wait! wait! Don't leave us, please take us, take us to SSSS gathering place, please

"Take me. I can give you whatever you want, as long as you can take me away!"

"I may not go up, but will you please take my children away? Please, help my child... "

"Don't leave us behind, take us with you..."

Crying loud, all the people running behind, all crying in despair.

Wang Jinglei flew in the air with a loud voice and yelled: "everyone of you will leave here. They are just the first wave to leave. When they arrive, they will come back to pick you up soon. You should calm down, stay here and wait for them to come back. Don't mess, all line up. Only in this way can you take more people away in a shorter time!"

Someone yelled, "when will they come back to pick us up? What if we are here and are attacked by those monsters again? Do we still have hope to live? "

As soon as the sound came out, many people had the same worry, and they were immediately ignited and began to make noise, asking them to give the exact time.

Wang Jinglei looks at Tang Shi standing on the side in embarrassment. Tang Shi gives him two fingers.

Wang Jinglei immediately said, "please be calm. They will come back in two days. You have to wait patiently!"

Most of the people are still making noise. They have some doubts about the words of the awakening army, but this mechanical object really can't hold so many people. Even if they make a lot of noise, they can't take them away.

Tang Shi was not in the mood to listen to their argument. He activated the mount card, and the snow Griffin appeared in the air. His wound had been healed. The snow Griffin circled in the air, and his ruby red eyes glanced coldly at the people on the ground, and then dived towards Tang Shi.

People close to Tang Dynasty were scared to run away quickly, thinking that this Raptor was going to attack people.

The snow colored Griffin's two forepaws, like the same hands, hugged Tang Shi's armpit, quickly flew up and threw it towards the first entrance. Tang Shi stood firmly at the entrance. The other three entrances have been completely closed, leaving only the first one. It is obvious that YanXu is leaving a door for them.

After throwing Tang Shi, the snow colored Griffin swoops down again and holds up all the people who stay below. After that, it will automatically jam and fall into Tang Shi's hands.

The last door closed without mercy.

Tang Shi and others go forward to find YanXu. However, there are too many people inside. Even if the light is on, they feel very dull. People are crowded by people. If they want to go to the operation room, they can only push one by one.It took a long time to get to the door of the operation room on this floor. The door was closed. Tang Shi knocked on the door and the door opened from inside. Tang Shi and others walked in and found that there were many people standing inside. Everyone was strong and strong.

Tang Shi immediately understood that YanXu wanted to give the robot walking colossus to these people to control, so he would not be too tired. If they were several, it would be very difficult to control the empty robot walking Colossus, not to mention the robot walking colossus full of people? It's going to kill them.

YanXu is explaining how to control with these people. There are 20 people in a group, and there is a group in front of each control rod. There are 50 people in charge of filling the energy crystal. After all, it must be a long way to go, and the consumption of the energy crystal must be very huge, so someone must keep throwing the energy crystal into the slot, so that the mechanical walking colossus can keep moving forward Let's go.

Nie Shao's space card has been opened by Yan Xu, and the energy crystal has been poured on the ground by him, which is convenient to use.

All things are arranged properly. The Hercules begin to work. A pull rod is pulled by ten hands. If the operation is tired, it will be replaced by another ten hands. In this way, they can take turns to let the robot walking colossus move forward continuously.

Everyone in the operation room started to move. Black smoke began to come out of the chimney of the mechanical walking colossus. The mechanical walking colossus squatting on the ground slowly stood up and began to walk forward. At the beginning, it was very slow. Slowly, everyone walked faster and farther, and soon disappeared in everyone's sight.

In the Tang Dynasty, they couldn't find where Wanli city was. Fortunately, they brought an awakened warrior with them. He could show the way to those Hercules. They just had to follow the route. They were not afraid of any strange animals with the huge size of the giant statue of mechanical walking. Even if there were any strange animals, the giant statue of mechanical walking could be trampled into meat mud by one foot carelessly. Where else could any strange animals dare to attack Hit them? Even if you meet a different race, you are not the opponent of the robot walking colossus at all.

After the walking speed of the robot walking colossus is raised, the speed is very fast. It has little to avoid. When it encounters the forest, it directly walks through the forest. For the robot walking Colossus, the forest is the weeds at the foot of human beings. It's not enough to be afraid, just walk.

Tang Shi and others watched for a while in the operation room, and saw that their work was in order, and they were relieved.

They left the operation room and went up the stairs to the front of the top floor. This is simply the "special class". The top floor is a hemispherical space, and the metal shell can be opened, so that you can see the clear sky and beautiful night, but there is no furniture inside. There is only one space, even the floor It's also metal. When they come here, it's really quiet. Unfortunately, they need to sit on the ground directly.

They are all people who have suffered. No one cares about this. Six people sit cross legged on the ground, the zenith is open, and it's very bright. In Tang Dynasty, they put out what they eat. They begin to eat. They are busy. Up to now, everyone is very hungry. They don't care how the people below want to solve the problem of eating. These are not in their charge, and they can't be responsible. So many people can It's good to have a station. There are other requirements.

After they had enough to eat, they directly lay down on the ground and went to sleep. Things gradually came to light, and their worries were less. At present, they just need to concentrate on dealing with those foreign allied forces, and then protect the last five SSSS level gathering places in Huazun. Although there will be a lot of sacrifices before that, those who can survive will be elite.

Wanli city.

At dawn, the duty on the defensive wall began to change. After a night's vigilance, they could finally go back to sleep. Before the awakened soldiers stepped down the defensive wall, they felt the earth shaking. Everyone was shocked. They felt that the earth was shaking.

"Long!" "Long!" "Long!"

A dull sound came from the original place. In the early morning, there was a misty fog over the forest. With the sound getting louder and louder, a huge dark shadow finally tore the fog and slowly revealed itself

When the awakened soldiers on the defensive wall saw the huge shadow, their eyes widened in shock.

My God! What is that?!

"Long!" "Long!" "Long!"

The sound is getting louder and louder, and the vibration is getting stronger and stronger. Many people in the SSSS level gathering place of Wanli city are shocked. They are sleepy and want to see what happened. Those who can only sleep in tents, or sleep directly on the ground, come from other gathering places. The SSSS class gathering place has just been built.

There will be some houses in the gathering place originally zoned in here, but they are not enough for outsiders to live in. If they want to seek this safe space to live, they have to find a way to build their own houses. No one can afford to provide them with such a safe space. It's not easy to have such a safe space alone. As long as they can enter the city, it's just like a dream They are protected by guard cards, so they would rather sleep on the ground than come here.

Many people are curious to look at the city gate, but no one has the courage to go out to see what is going on.The awakened soldiers on the defense wall looked at the mechanical giant with solemn expression, and they were walking towards it step by step. They didn't know whether the other party was a friend or an enemy, so they had to observe first. The SSSS level gathering place was not as big as those ordinary gathering places. The area was too wide and the population was too large to cause any chaos, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

What's more, they have a big guard. What are they afraid of? Even the enemy can't break the protection of the guard array.

Although they all understood this fact, they still couldn't stop being nervous. They all widened their eyes and watched the mechanical giants getting closer and closer.

This made the awakened soldiers guess that if they wanted to attack such a huge mechanical giant, they would have to fire from a distance, but it didn't, just walked forward step by step, like walking to the gate of the gathering place.

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