Chapter 440

The mechanical walking colossus uses energy crystal. It doesn't need to make energy card or purify energy crystal. The mechanical walking colossus is not picky. Even the energy crystal just dug out can be eaten. As long as the energy crystal is thrown into the energy slot, the useful energy will be turned into the power of the mechanical walking Colossus, and the useless things will be eaten It will be automatically discharged by the robot walking colossus.

The black smoke came out after the impurities were crushed.

When Tang Dynasty went back to the mechanical walking Colossus, everyone else was busy. This mechanical walking colossus is not fully automatic. It needs to be controlled manually. Even the muzzle angle needs to be adjusted manually. The gear to adjust the muzzle is very large and bulky. It's hard for one person to rotate. Even for several of them, it needs two people to work hard to adjust the muzzle. With their hands, the two muzzles open at the same time, which is the limit.

ASA, as a pure human, has limited power. He can only add energy crystals, which is also the work of strength. As long as such a large mechanical giant starts up, its energy will be the same as that of a water pump. Besides, it has to walk and fire. ASA would like to have eight hands holding the energy crystal and throwing it into the energy slot. Even with the two people in Tang Dynasty, he was very busy.

After a round of shelling, all six of them were paralyzed, and the other four were shaking to adjust the muzzle gear. After that, their arms were shaking. In Tang Dynasty and ASA, their eyes were full of energy crystals, and their clothes were soaked with sweat. For the first time in a long time, they are in such a mess.

They finally know why YanXu has not released this mace. It's really There are too few people to play at all. If it wasn't for the six of them, they would not be able to move the robot walking colossus.

When Tang Shi came back, he saw that all five of them were sitting on the ground without any image. The space in the mechanical walking Colossus was very large. Being in it was more touching than looking up from below. It's no problem to install hundreds of thousands of people in such a large space at a time. Besides, there are several layers in it. You can imagine how big the space is.

When Tang Shi saw their appearance, he couldn't help laughing, "can you still stand up? The top leaders of huazunyu are tired by a mechanical giant. If it's spread, the reputation will be greatly reduced. "

Qin lie simply lay down on the cold metal floor and cried: "the workload of dozens and hundreds of people has been done by several of us. Don't you take us to ease it? Brother Yan, don't have another time. I really want to die! "

YanXu is a little better than the other three. When the artillery fire starts, you need to pull the rod manually. Every time you pull the rod, it's not light. Although Qin lie and Zhan Rong are of different races, their strength is much stronger than that of the Terran, but it's still very hard to pull the rod all the time.

When YanXu saw that the two of them were pulling harder and harder, he asked longmian to help. YanXu himself activated the protoss blood and used the protoss power to pull the pull rod. In this way, it would be much easier. Otherwise, he would not be able to control a pull rod alone.

Yan Xu looked at Tang Shi and said, "how about clearing up the battlefield?"

In the Tang Dynasty, he turned his lips and sat down on the ground. "All the enemies were wiped out. There was no one left alive. They were all turned into meat mud. It might be a bit troublesome to clean up the battlefield. It is estimated that those soldiers need to carry shovels."

Long Mian snorted coldly: "what are you doing shoveling those broken dregs? Let them rot on the ground, or give those who intend to attack the enemy a wake-up call. "

Qin lie sat up from the ground and said angrily, "are those Outlands' brains eaten by dogs? Actually help the alien to deal with their own people, are they human or not?! I can't bear his father

After Qin lie scolded him, several people were silent. Seeing Zhan Rong staring at him, Qin lie didn't respond. A few seconds later, he suddenly thought that among them, there was another outlander. Isn't it the same as scolding ASA?

Qin lie hastily added: "that I'm not scolding you, ASA

ASA nodded. Of course, he understood that Qin lie was not scolding him. However, as a pure foreigner, he still felt embarrassed when he stayed here, so he didn't speak.

Long Mian took a look at ASA and said in a voice, "he's not a foreigner."

A few people have a question mark on their head.

Longmian said, "he is from huazunyu."

Since he was chosen, ASA was a member of Huazun kingdom. He couldn't go to his country with ASA, so only a few people came to ASA. The most responsive one was Tang Shi. He immediately said with a smile, "yes, ASA is already a member of Huazun Kingdom since he has found us longmian as lovers. Don't mention that he is a foreigner in the future. He is a member of Huazun kingdom."

"Oh, so it is." Qin lie lengthened his tone and suddenly realized.

ASA looked at longmian gratefully. He knew that longmian was helping him out. Even if he didn't do anything, he couldn't change his status as an outlander. Even if several of them didn't mind, it would be difficult to follow them into the gathering place.

Huazunyu people should hate foreigners to the bone. How can they accommodate foreigners.Long Mian saw that ASA didn't speak, looked at him and repeated, "you're not a stranger."

ASA nodded. "I know. Thank you."

Long Mian stares at ASA for a while. He feels as if he is still in the accident. But he can't think of any way to let him not care.

"Let's go down and ask about the situation." YanXu stood up and prepared to go down.

Others, of course, had no objection. They all got up and went out, and then went down the ladder. After a few people came down, YanXu took back the behemoth behind him.

A group of people came from the front. They came in a hurry, all dressed in the uniform of the awakening army. The leader began to speak from a distance.

"Thank you for your help. I'm Nie Shao, the leader of wanyang city." Nie Shao said and led a group of people to the front.

First, they took a good look at these six people. They were all very surprised. Some of them were from different races, and the two were more powerful beasts and spirits. However, they had never seen such wild beasts and such beautiful spirits. Even their long silver hair was shining with silver light, which was very dazzling.

They have a guess in their heart. I don't know if it's true. It's just that they are five people. How can they become six now?

When a group of people's eyes looked at ASA, they were all stunned, and then their expressions became stiff, and their eyes became complicated from the joy at the beginning, trying to hide their malice.

Their hatred for foreigners is really deep into the bone marrow. Now there is no place for the whole Huazun area to be occupied, and there are no foreigners. As long as Huazun area people find the traces of foreigners, no matter what the reason, they will rush to kill them.

Everyone is just like a madman. He takes revenge on the Outlands crazily. Even if he doesn't kill the people in huazunyu, he has to pay for his life because he is a outlander.

Asa's face was expressionless, as if he had not seen the faces of those people.

But longmian won't let those people go easily. His eyes are cold and he looks at the soldiers whose eyes show malice.

The sight of those soldiers meeting longmian has changed from obscurity to violence. In addition, they are angry at the friend who has just helped them eliminate the enemy. They are with Outlands, and they are with Outlands!

Of course, these people's reactions did not escape the eyes of Tang Shi and YanXu. They said quietly, "Hello, leader Nie, I'm Tang Shi, and this is my lover, YanXu."

The crowd was stunned again, and then they were all excited.

It is estimated that no one in Huazun domain does not know the name of YanXu. Apart from the rumor that there was an ancient troll in YanXu's body before, there is also the rumor that YanXu has the strongest Protoss blood among all the ancient tribes.

Having the blood of the protoss is undoubtedly the strongest existence in the whole Terran realm, not just in the small Huazun realm? Then, the outlanders tore off their disguise and began to attack Huazun. It suddenly dawned on everyone that the target they were fighting against was supposed to be the strongest one in Huazun and even the whole Terran realm, but they were driven away by their own compatriots.

That's why Hua Zun Yu is now isolated and devastated. They asked for it.

When one gathering place after another was destroyed, and when outlanders and other ethnic groups brutally killed all the soldiers and residents of Huazun, they felt more remorseful and missed the strong who had been driven away. They also learned their news from various sources. They knew that not only YanXu, but also his friends were the top strongmen in Huazun domain. Among them, there was an animal spirit blood awakener and an elf blood awakener. There is another fellow in YanXu, the one who was once targeted by the demon server. His strength is also very strong. It can be said that the five of them are almost the strongest existence in Huazun domain.

Unfortunately, after YanXu disappeared, they also disappeared together. No one knows where they have gone, and whether they have been assassinated by outlanders and other people

Almost all of them have been picked out by those who want to. The more they know, the more regret they will have and the more hatred they will have for foreigners.

Mean! Mean! How mean! mean and having no sense of shame! All Outlands are damned!

Now, a few people who thought they were lucky and evil appeared at the same time. How can they not be overjoyed?!

Nie Shao quickly adjusted his stiff expression and said excitedly, "you Is it really you? "

It was the first time in Tang Dynasty that he introduced YanXu directly to an outsider. According to common sense, it was only three years after the end of the world. These people's thoughts should not change so quickly. However, even if they had ideas, Tang Dynasty didn't care. Irrelevant people couldn't affect him.

The main purpose of his saying this is to tell these people that he is YanXu's lover and is tied to YanXu. After all, no one knows YanXu's name. According to the momentum when he left earlier, it is estimated that as long as he says it, they will certainly become the targets of siege.

But, instead of seeing them sharpen their swords, they seem very excited. What's the matter?Tang Shi and others don't know how many people in huazunyu "Miss" them. Every awakened soldier wants to shout "let you be insidious" when he kills the enemy with a knife! Let's use the stratagem to drive away our strong! Curse your ancestors for eighteen generations

Seeing the unexpected expressions of several people, Nie Shao turned his head and immediately felt ashamed and embarrassed. "If you can help us, it's really a great help for wanyang city. Otherwise, millions of residents of wanyang city will die under the butcher's knife of the foreign allied forces. If you don't dislike it, you can go to wanyang city to have a rest, or let's express our gratitude. "

What Hua Zun Yu did to Yan Xu really made Nie Shaohou shameless. Even if he didn't fight against Yan Xu, Yan Xu didn't come to wanyang city. But after receiving the above order, he also wanted to catch Yan Xu. Since he accepted the order, as long as Yan Xu appeared in Wanyang City, he would certainly do it. Fortunately, Yan Xu never came to wanyang city.

Now, with the help of YanXu and others, and the crazy scene of huazunyu at that time, even if YanXu and others stood by and watched them being killed, they had nothing to say. It was they who killed YanXu first and could not blame others.

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