Chapter 135

The battle between the two awakening teams is almost over.

Zhong Zifeng obviously can't fight against fan. He has already killed several of his subordinates. Zhong Zifeng is so anxious that he is sweating. He can't die here. He must try to escape. As long as he can escape today's disaster, he can always find a place by relying on mangkui's awakeners team in the future, but Yu Fan obviously wants to kill him today.

When Zhong Zifeng was thinking about the way to escape, he suddenly heard a long whistle from far and near. The speed was at least 120 yards. No matter whether there was something in front of him, he drove straight over!

The two teams that were still fighting just took the road as the dividing line, and the fighters were standing in the middle of the road. Frightened by this, both the people and the card creatures fled to the side quickly, which formed the situation that they belonged to each other.

Zhong Zifeng saw a good opportunity, immediately called his teammates, quickly climbed into his car, followed by the speeding off-road vehicle behind.

Yu fan saw that he was going to kill the fish. He didn't expect that an off-road vehicle would come out suddenly. He was stunned. He thought it was Zhong Zifeng who didn't dare to catch up with him in time, but when he saw that the license plate number of the car was outside, his face turned black and roared angrily: "go and find out the person on that car! A few stray dogs outside dare to be disrespectful to me! I want to let those rubbish know that if they offend me, there will be no good end! "

Tang Shi laughingly looks at Yan Xu. He has already slowed down. When he hears what Tang Shi said, he thinks that Tang Shi was bullied by that scum in his last life. He just steps on the gas and rushes over. He's not afraid of hitting people. Even if they really hit people, they deserve it.

Tang Shidao: "at that time, I had a better sense of self-knowledge. I knew that I couldn't be provoked, and I didn't provoke those awakened groups with high levels."

In fact, he didn't even dare to provoke the other members of the awakening team. With his level in his last life, it was abusive to recruit anyone, so he would not die.

Yan Xu cold face way: "you want to provoke who, see who is not pleasing to the eye, although go up to beat, beat but still have me."

Tang funny looking at him, Qin lie a listen also very righteous said: "and I have me, if you can't fight, we three together."

At present, the awakened people who can make them fight together have not appeared.

Qin lie looked out of the window and said strangely, "Why are those two cars following us all the time?"

Looking at it, Tang Shi recognized that it was Zhong Zifeng's car. "From this direction, this is the only way to enter the city. As long as they enter Xianglong City, they will be safe."

Does Xianglong city have a mature protection mechanism Qin Lieqi's strange way.

Before they were in Qi County, even in the city, it was common for the two forces to fight for death, and there was no safe place anywhere. "This is the fundamental difference between the big gathering place and those" bandits "who occupy the mountain as the king. In the regular gathering place, no armed conflict is allowed, let alone killing people at will. The gathering place has its own punishment organization, and the criminals are punished, and no punishment is allowed If you go out of the gathering place, your life and death will not be under the control of the gathering place. "

"A formal gathering place is a small country. There should be social systems, but it's not perfect yet. Human beings are still in the exploratory stage."

"It's not bad. We can finally go back to the civilized society," said Qin lie

In Tang Dynasty, he calculated the time and said: "soon Xianglong city will be evaluated according to the population, the number of awakened people, the resources obtained, the defensive power of the gathering place and other conditions. After ranking, the system of Xianglong city will be more perfect. "

Qin lie asked: "brother Tang, how do you know these things? You are so familiar with Xianglong city before we arrive. "

In Tang Dynasty, he blinked his eyes, half true and half false, and said, "don't you know that I have a 'sky eye'? I know everything, even when you were 16 years old

Everything about the treasure of the Mei family is of great importance. YanXu decided not to tell anyone other than them, so as not to cause trouble. So he had to find an excuse in the Tang Dynasty.

"The trough! Are you serious? Do you know that? " Qin lie screamed in horror.

"So you'd better leave me alone, or I'll bring out all your secrets." When Tang Dynasty threatened him, Qin lie looked at him suspiciously. He didn't know whether what he said was true or false. Tang Dynasty said with a smile: "don't you believe it? I'll tell you another story. Your first lover's name is min LAN. She's a beautiful woman. It took you three years to catch up with someone. In the end, it didn't take you half a year to get involved. She was kicked by someone directly... "

"Big brother, big brother! I know it's wrong! Don't be presumptuous any more, please don't say it! " Qin lie screamed, it was the pain of his life, other people's first love is beautiful, only his first love is miserable.

It's noisy here. You can see the gate of Xianglong city.

The gate is very tall. The wall alone is 4 meters high and 2 meters thick. It has surrounded millions of people in Xianglong city. This is an emergency measure taken by human beings after the disaster. Although it is not absolutely safe, most of the animals in the awakening period can be blocked. There are four gates in Xianglong City, which are distributed in four directions. Each direction is closely guarded by the awakening army of the military, which is related to the safety of millions of people.All the survivors in this area will finally gather here. The population here will only be more and more. The protection of the city defense is the top priority.

There are three teams of people at the gate of the city. The people on the right side of the road are survivors gathered from all over the country. They are queuing up to register and enter Xianglong city in order. The two teams in the middle and on the far left moved quickly. They were all people who had already entered the city. Many of them were people who went out hunting or came back from hunting. The gate of the city was very busy for a while.

Qin lie is lying unkindly at the window pointing. The butt is big, the waist is too thick, and the chest at the back is drooping. When he hears Tang, he wants to throw him out of the car. Now the goods are full of brains and can't hold anything except women.

When YanXu was waiting in the queue, the two cars that had been following them just now honked the horn when they passed them. All the people on the car looked ashen and saw that there were only three young people in the car. They all looked like weak chickens, and they just came from outside. They knew they were dead.

Cao Wen couldn't help but sympathize: "these three idiots offended Yufan when they first came to Xianglong city. They must be dead. Unless they don't go out of the city all the time, they will be blocked."

Zhong Zifeng's face is very ugly, he and Yu Fan's hatred knot big, things certainly can't be so good.

When all the people in front of you have registered, they will get out of the car to register and report their life, age and whether they are awakened. If they are awakened, they will send you a golden dragon head logo as a symbol of their status in Xianglong city. Of course, it is impossible for ordinary people to pretend to be awakened people. With human wisdom, they have developed the yuanneng survey instrument. You can see if it is true or not. Therefore, no one dares to tell this easily detected lie.

Xianglong city is such a big gathering place, but the registration is very simple. There is no entry fee. As long as they have registered, both ordinary people and awakened people can enter. But after entering the city, what kind of life they will have depends on themselves. It is said that 369 is absolutely light, and ordinary people in this era are definitely harder than peace times.

This era is the era of the awakened. Naturally, the awakened are human beings. They are very popular in any gathering place. Ordinary people can only survive with the help of the protection of the awakened. Therefore, their status is very humble. The people who can't awaken up to now have no hope to awaken again in their life. These people account for 20% of the surviving human beings. This number is absolutely absolute Many of them, as long as they go into the wild, do not have any self-protection ability, most of them can only stay in the gathering place all the time, but these people are indispensable to the basic layer of a gathering place.

After being a savage for more than four months, he integrated into the human society again. As soon as he entered the city gate, he saw people coming and going. There were many people standing at the inner entrance of the city gate, no matter men or women, they were thin skinned and yellow faced. You can see that they were ordinary people by their clothes and looks.

They will keep asking the survivors who have just entered the city "do you want to stay", "do you want to eat", "do you want to rent a car"

these are the sources of their livelihood. They must work hard to survive in this era as ordinary people.

Qin lie also lies on the window and looks out. On the side of the road, a sallow skinned woman is paying attention to the flow of people who have just entered the city. Next to her is a little girl of several years old. Her hair is messy and her clothes are dirty. Because she is too thin, her head is very big. Her thin neck seems to be unable to support the brain bag. Her big eyes are staring at the flow of people who have just entered the city One hand is holding the woman's clothes tightly.

The woman is searching for "prey". Her eyes brighten when she sees Qin lie staring out of the window. What's more important is that she sees Qin lie's golden dragon head, which symbolizes the identity of the awakened. Everyone knows that the awakened are the richest. If you can make them happy, you may get a lot of money. It's definitely a fat sheep.

The woman rushed over and ran with the car, shouting as she ran: "Sir, Mr. noble awakener, do you need accommodation? I'm a native of Xianglong city. I have a spare room in my home. Do you need it? "

"Mom -" the woman ran too fast. The little girl was left behind by her, running after the woman and shouting "Mom".

The woman looked back and saw that the little girl was stumbling after her. She hesitated for a moment. She felt sorry for the child and ran back. She hugged the little girl and quickly ran after the SUV in front of her.

Qin lie was silly. He had never met such a thing. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

Tang Shi looked back in the mirror and saw a woman running after their car with her child in her arms. She frowned and said, "stop the car."

Yan Xu had seen this woman for a long time. She was ordinary people in her clothes and was extremely embarrassed. He didn't want to pay attention to it. He was going to take Tang Shi to the city and find a more comfortable place to live. Unexpectedly, Tang Shi stopped the car.

The woman finally caught up with her and said breathlessly, "Jue The awakened Mr. awakened, do you want to stay? I have a spare room at home

When Tang Dynasty stares at a woman to see a few eyes, just way: "get on the car, lead the way."

As soon as the woman heard that they agreed, she was overjoyed. Then she reacted and said in a hurry: "no, no, no No, I'll just follow the car. "The awakened people are all superior beings. They despise ordinary people and despise them for being dirty, poor and disorderly. The woman clearly remembers that Hua Qin, who lived next to her house a few days ago, was beaten by the people in the car because she was chasing her with a car, and asked her to kneel down and wipe the place she touched with her clothes, otherwise she would not be let go.

Those people are new to Xianglong City, and obviously don't understand the rules here. They will be punished later, but they have been beaten. The punishment for awakened people is just a little money, which is nothing to them. But for ordinary people like Huaqin, they have to lie at home for two days after being beaten, which means they can't do business these two days and have to starve for two days God, if there's a family to support, it's even worse, so women would rather walk on the ground than get on the bus.

This kind of bullying was common in the Tang Dynasty. Naturally, she knew what women were worried about. She said in a warm voice, "it doesn't matter. Get in the car. It will be dark if you can do it faster."

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