Chapter 126

The aranka Mountains extend out into thousands of small mountains, which are intertwined and interspersed, dividing the Terran realm into countless small pieces.

From the map of Jiuhuang, the aranka mountain range is a giant dragon that encircles the Terran realm from head to tail. Countless small mountains that extend from the aranka mountain range become winding serpents. By contrast, the size and height of the main mountain range of the aranka mountain range were beyond imagination in the Tang Dynasty, which is really amazing.

According to the speculation of the Tang Dynasty, the Terran realm surrounded by the aranka mountains alone is larger than the original land area of the earth. If you look at the whole ancient map of the nine wastelands In Tang Dynasty, I felt that I had better not take a long view. Every time I felt that the Terran was so small and vulnerable that it was too shocking.

The Geyue mountains, a direct branch of the aranka mountains, are the most famous mountains in the Huazun region.

In the Tang Dynasty, the place to go now is on a small branch of the Geyue mountain range. Fenghuoling, which is closest to Qi County, is surrounded by heiyue valley. Starting from Qi County, it takes at least seven or eight days to get to the foot of fenghuoling by car. As long as you cross fenghuoling, you can enter the Black Moon Valley.

Generally, the places close to valleys, forests, sea areas and bogs are the most dangerous areas. No one knows what monsters there will be. The three of them bravely came here this time, and they were not prepared to go deep into the interior of the Black Moon Valley. They just strolled around the periphery to see if they could hunt the prey they wanted.

They park their cars in the hidden place of fenghuoling and walk up the mountain. As long as they cross fenghuoling, they can see the Black Moon Valley. The three people are running fast in the woods. There are more mutant creatures on fenghuoling. They hunt each other in the biosphere of fenghuoling. The strong are respected. They suddenly break into the alien race. Naturally, they don't want to encircle and kill the three people together in the Tang Dynasty. The craziest one is Shiya wild boar, which is three times bigger than the common wild boar. Even the earth is shaking when it runs, let alone the whole Shiya wild boar group?

Qin lie ran wildly and cried, "hunt two wild boars to eat? The boar meat is delicious

"Do you want to be beaten by a group? Wild boar meat is firewood, coquettish and hard. Where is it delicious? "

Qin lie muttered: "it's more exquisite than sawtooth mouse meat."

"Run first, there are many delicious prey in front of us!" YanXu runs very attentively, and always follows the Tang Dynasty.

Among the three, Qin lie is the fastest runner. His bloodline of animal spirits is not white, so his running speed is too fast.

Tang Shi now regretted that he would not make a particle card, otherwise he would fly directly to the Black Moon Valley by snow Griffin, which would save him running marathons with those creatures.

There are more and more Shiya wild boars chasing after them, and other creatures are constantly joining in. Wherever they pass, all the small trees are directly broken, which is even more domineering than the road roller. Qin lie activated the animal spirit form, turned around and hit the ground!

"Angry tentacle · barrier!"

All of a sudden, countless green tentacles of adult arms come out from the ground, twisting and intertwining with each other. By using the surrounding big trees as piles, it seems that there is an invisible hand weaving a large green net. Before those creatures rush over, a row of green tentacle barriers are formed!

The Shiya boar group that ran in the front didn't stop. They all hit the green tentacle barrier. The sharp spines on the tentacles were very hard and penetrated into the flesh of the Shiya boar. The Shiya boar in the front row howled with blood.

When Tang Shi looked back, he saw such a scene. A green barrier blocked the way of chasing creatures. It was several meters wide. If he wanted to continue the pursuit, he would have a whole life based on their intelligence quotient. Tang Shi praised: "good job! I know the application of transformation in such a short time! "

"Hey, hey." Qin lie turned back triumphantly, "with such a smart man as Lao Tzu, these are small things What's that look on your face? Laozi Ah! "Horizontal trough!"

Without any accident, Qin lie bumped into a big tree in front of him. He was so dazed that he didn't even know where to go.

Tang Shi patted him sympathetically, "you need to continue to be familiar with the speed of the animal spirit form. It's estimated that you'll be silly if you bump into it a few times. Qin lie covered the big bag on his forehead depressed and followed them to the top of the mountain. Those creatures with low intelligence are still figuring out how to break through the net. When they realized that they could still walk around from the side, they were gone in Tang Dynasty 。”

Standing on the peak fire ridge, you can see a crescent shaped valley below. In that valley, the trees are very dense and luxuriant, forming a dark crescent.

"Here we are. It's down there. Let's go!" In the Tang Dynasty, he rushed down with a little excitement, followed by Yan Xu and Qin lie.

To their surprise, they were chased miserably on the opposite side of fenghuoling. They ran to the edge of the Black Moon Valley and didn't meet any exotic animals.

Black Moon Valley is very quiet, with ancient trees in the sky. Each big tree is as thick as several people. They never saw this kind of tree in the Tang Dynasty. A straight trunk leads straight to the sky, and then the dense branches and leaves like umbrellas are spread at the top, just like a giant mushroom magnified countless times. It looks very strange, and the ground is bare, except for the strong roots Other plants, the top more than a few fingers high grass.Qin lie turned around and muttered, "this place is really weird."

Yan Xu materialized the ice fire evil heart sword, alert attention around.

In the Tang Dynasty, two wolf ghosts were directly sent out to lead the way and look for the native lizard, the black moon giant lizard. That's what they came here for.

Before the upgrade card comes, what they need most is armor. The armor of Tang Dynasty and YanXu has been damaged to the point that it can't be repaired, unless they have real iron ore. even so, it's no different from remanufacturing a set of armor.

In the Tang Dynasty, they decided to make a suit of armor for each of them. The necessary material for this suit of armor was the skin of the black moon giant lizard.

The black moon giant lizard is definitely not a good creature to deal with. It belongs to the top beast in the awakening period. Considering that it might be very dangerous to come here to hunt rashly in the Tang Dynasty, the three decided to hunt the black moon giant butterfly after discussing the matter.

Qin lie was very excited when he heard that there would be armor. He kept imagining how handsome and powerful he would be when he put on armor. A stop on the street would definitely attract a lot of beautiful women. He would open a branch for the Qin family and say, "wait!

They followed the wolf soul beast in one direction, but the speed was not fast. As they walked, they paid attention to the surroundings. They didn't see any strange animals, but they could vaguely hear the roar of the beast.

Wolf soul beast went out not far, suddenly stopped, Tang Dynasty and wolf soul beast heart to heart, he knew wolf soul beast must have found something. The three men walked over carefully. In front of the place where the wolf ghost beast stood, there was a depression with a large area. This area was also very open. The huge ancient trees bypassed here and left an empty space.

Tang Dynasty walked forward two steps, and suddenly one of them crawled to the ground. At the same time, he motioned to the two people behind him to get down, and even motioned to Qin lie to restore his human form and hide his breath as much as possible. They lie on the ground, carefully climbed to the edge of the concave, looked down, suddenly stunned.

The lowest part of the depression is at least 80 meters away from where they are. The slope is very steep. There are many different animals gathering in the depression. They are fighting each other. The roars of different races are mixed together. They take the ethnic group as the unit to kill other races except themselves. Those who are completely at the bottom need not be mentioned, including giant toad, ghost crawler and twilight boar Even the jungle cheetah and the earthquake rhinoceros, which are not easy to deal with alone, are crushed by them.

No wonder we can't find a strange beast here. They all hid here to compete.

Qin lie was stunned, "fuck! It's the first time that I've seen so many big scuffles. "

Tang Shi was very excited. He restrained his beating heart and said excitedly, "it's better to come early than to come coincidentally. We are so lucky!"

Qin lie then said: "it's really lucky. Look at the dead animals below. When they're finished, we can just drag a few back for a while."

"That's not what I'm talking about! You know how to eat! " "Don't you ever think about why these monsters gather here to fight?"

Qin lie grabbed the back of his head and guessed: "fight for territory?"

The Tang Dynasty rolled a white eye, this two Leng son is to have no to save, pour is nearby of Yan Xu see a problem, "they all want to go to the middle that tree past, that is what?"

"Yes! That's it! That's a good thing. Many people can't find it, but there's one here, and it's just the mature period! " "It's not the face of the red tree, but the face of the red tree," he explained

In the Tang Dynasty, he pointed to the fruit hanging on top of the thick twirling vines. "See, the fruit on it is called" evolutionary seed ". This kind of thing is very good for living things. Let's just say our servant card. If you want to upgrade, you have to rely on the advanced seed. Now is the mature period of the evolutionary species, and the energy in it has attracted countless exotic animals. They all want to get the evolutionary species to improve their strength, so they will start fighting. "

Qin lie pointed, "one, two, three, four, five Kuo, such a big qitianteng, has only five evolutionary seeds. It's a shame! And it's not the same size. Is that caused by malnutrition? "

"Of course not. It's very good that such a big qitianteng can produce five evolutionary species. The difference in size is due to the uneven distribution of energy. If you look at the two biggest ones at the top, they contain the most energy. If you eat that one, you can even go up several levels. "

These five evolutionary species are all different in size. The top two are the size of a football, the bottom one is the size of an adult fist, and the other two are the size of a plum.

"Can people eat?" Yan Xu asked.

"Yes, humans don't have any significant changes after eating, but there is a certain chance that they can improve their own qualifications."

Just improving their own qualifications is enough for everyone to rush. There are too many people who have been imprisoned in the awakening period because of their qualifications. No matter how hard they try, they can't get out of this boundary. The fundamental reason is the problem of qualifications. Now there is a fruit that can help them enter a higher level, and those people will definitely get it by all means.Yan Xu nodded and turned his eyes to the beasts fighting in the hollow. The three of them couldn't rush in at all. There were too many beasts in the hollow. There were not thousands of them, but there were hundreds. Although many of them died in the fighting, there were still many for them.

Tang Shi had an idea and said with a smile, "don't worry, I have a way."

Both of them looked at Tang Shi, who was laughing unkindly. Tang Shi raised eyebrows and said, "don't you find that there are no monsters with high level below? Even level 9 doesn't exist. That's because level 9 still stays at level 9 after eating. Unless you get an upgrade card, even a different beast can't cross the confinement of the whole world. "

Yan Xu a listen, raised the corner of the mouth, know Tang time hit what idea.

"How's it going? Try it or not? " Tang Dynasty pick eyebrow road.

Yan Xu nodded, "good idea."

"Go In Tang Dynasty, he took the lead.

Qin lie's face was blank, "what? What riddles are you playing? Why don't you explain it to me? "

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