Chapter 112

YanXu falls to the ground with Tang Shi in his arms, and the bullet hits YanXu's right shoulder. Fortunately, the armor there is still there, which does no harm to YanXu.

Tang Minghai didn't expect that Ning Qin would suddenly jump out to grab the pistol. The recoil of his pistol made him fall to the ground. Ning Qin rushed over, picked up the pistol and wanted to take a few more shots on Tang Shi.

A snow-white silver light flashed, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped to the lowest point, and the silver light made a "creak ~ creak ~" sound.

A few people on the scene felt a sudden cold, but they didn't know what was going on. They found that their clothes were covered with white frost, and they began to "creak creak" from their feet. The ice climbed up along their feet until half of their bodies were frozen.

Standing in the front is Ning Qin, after Ning Qin is Tang Minghai, and those around Tang Minghai are his capable hands. Yan Xu's strike froze them all and stopped them. Then he took the ice fire devil's heart sword and helped Tang Shi up from the ground and got on the car to leave.

Ning Qin, standing in the front, was frozen half of her body. She couldn't move. Only the red line on her neck kept pouring blood out. She opened her mouth and only made a "Ho Ho" sound, accompanied by blood gushing out.

The people standing behind can't see Ning Qin's tragedy. They think it's frozen just like them. After the ice melts, they will find that Ning Qin's blood has dried up, and it's impossible to save it with Yuan Neng crystal.

Tang Dynasty was hurt by his family once again. After the gunshot, his mind completely fell into a free state.

After going back, he shut himself in his room and slept for two days. He didn't eat, drink or go out.

YanXu kills Ning Qin, thinking that Tang Minghai will not give up and will come to him. He has been waiting in the villa for two days, but no one has come to embarrass them.

After adjusting his mind, Tang decided to go to Meizhen.

There were tens of thousands of people in Meizhen. The two men alone said that they had killed the whole town. In Tang Dynasty, they didn't believe it. At the same time, they were worried about the people there. They wanted to go and have a look.

Yan Xu will naturally accompany him, as long as he doesn't suffocate himself.

When they got to Meizhen, they were shocked by the sight.

There was no plum town. The town was completely black. Even the green trees outside the town were scorched. It can be seen how fierce the fire was at that time.

In the Tang Dynasty, when you walk to the gate of the town, you can see a lot of human shaped ashes on the dark road paved with green bricks. There are many human shaped ashes in every posture, especially at the gate of the town.

The people of Mei town were burned to death by the fire. They wanted to escape from the gate, so they gathered at the gate. But the ashes were only in the gate, and no one escaped from the gate. Obviously, they couldn't get out at all. The gate was open, but the people couldn't escape. They all died in the town.

To be able to use fire means that it is not a foreign race, but human beings themselves, devoid of humanity! Kill the whole town!

The anger and hatred of the Tang Dynasty resonated with the sickle of the dead in Yuanhe. When he saw that the ancestral tomb guarded by the Mei family for generations had become a pile of ruins, he was completely furious.

The black and green breath of death, like a flexible black snake, overflowed from the body of the Tang Dynasty. It was tender and intertwined all over the body of the Tang Dynasty. In the eyes of the Tang Dynasty, there was a green light. The breath of death was more and more intense. The air around the Tang Dynasty had already appeared black fog. The Tang Dynasty was not aware of it. He glared at his eyes angrily, and his heart was full of blood feuds of Tu Zhen!

Even YanXu was shocked by such a strong and strong air of death.

He hasn't seen the death of Tang Dynasty for a long time. He saw it when he got the sickle of the dead and slaughtered the three Eyed Monsters in Tang Dynasty. At that time, the death of Tang Dynasty was still very weak. Now, the death of Tang Dynasty has become a black fog, which is more than ten times stronger than that at that time.

Yan Xu is suddenly very afraid. He is afraid of losing himself in the Tang Dynasty. He is afraid that he will become a slave of the scythe of the dead.

"Tang Dynasty! In the Tang Dynasty! " YanXu called him and called him one by one, trying to pull his mind back from the darkness.

But Tang should not, no matter how YanXu called him, Tang should not.

Standing beside him, YanXu is forced to step back by the stagnant Qi. These stagnant Qi are very irritable and aggressive. YanXu doesn't know what will happen after being attacked by the stagnant Qi. Retreating is just an instinctive reaction to being threatened.

The green light that would only flicker in the eyes has now become the essence, completely covering the original black eyes of the Tang Dynasty. The eyes are strangely green and dark, full of dark atmosphere, dangerous and terrible!

At this moment, Tang Dynasty completely broke away from the control of YanXu and became a stranger.

Tang Dynasty's body was shaking, and his brows were wrinkled. The breath of death suddenly stopped. It seemed that he was forced to pull them back to the place where they should go and seal them up again. However, the strong breath of death was sealed up and suppressed for too long. They were just like playful children. It was hard for them to play outside. How could they give up Have to go back now?

Between the two sides, Tang's eyebrows were more and more wrinkled and tight, and the cold sweat dripped down his cheek.

Tang Shi was working hard. He was trying to suppress the death of the uprising. With his will and its powerful Yuan energy, he wanted to close the death back to the yuan core again.Yan Xu strides forward and encircles Tang Shi's trembling body. For those who are close to him, death will attack without exception!

The spirit of death is being suppressed by the Tang Dynasty. It seems that the spirit of death has its own consciousness. It converges into a pure and ferocious skull shape in the air. It opens its big black mouth as if it is roaring. It drags a long dark green spirit of death around the air and plunges towards YanXu!

Yan Xu trembled and his body froze. The Yuan energy in the yuan core quickly lost. As the dead air came out of his body, the Yuan energy in the yuan core was instantly consumed to 0. Not only that, his body was cold, stiff and turbulent.

YanXu gritted his teeth to support him, still holding the posture of Tang Dynasty.

"Hold on, I will accompany you..." Yan Xu said word by word, he felt that even his tongue was stiff.

Maybe he found that YanXu was attacked by his own dead Qi. Tang Dynasty roared, forced all the dead Qi back, and locked them all in the vast Yuan core again. The green in his eyes gradually faded, and finally completely disappeared in the black pupil.

He bent over, supporting his knees, gasping, as if he had been out of oxygen for a long time.

Wait to slow finally once a breath, just nervously hold Yan Xu, "don't move disorderly, the attack effect of dead breath hasn't passed yet."

Think about it and feel angry, "why suddenly come? Don't you know that deadbreath is very aggressive? "

Yan Xu has been slow for a long time, and then it has been slow and stiff brought by the dead Qi. However, the Yuan energy in the yuan core has been lost. For a while and a half, it can't recover. It can only recover tomorrow.

After this fright, Tang Shi restrained his mind and knew that he could not be dominated by anger and hatred. Otherwise, the dead Qi in Yuanhe would absolutely lose control and encourage the attack of the dead Qi. Fortunately, he recovered in time and restrained the dead pressure, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Like YanXu, not only his body is stiff, but also the Yuan energy in the yuan core is taken away. That's the most dangerous. Once he is attacked, he can't move, and he can't even use cards. That's the real death.

In the Tang Dynasty, he YanXu went around Meizhen again, and found no dead body or living person. All of them were burned to ashes.

After Tang Dynasty and YanXu left, two shadows appeared on the top of a building which was burned black.

They wear black cloaks, cover their whole body in black, and wear white masks on their faces. They look at the direction of their departure in the wind.

"Just let them go? What happened to that kid? What is the black air in him? "

That black air looks very dangerous.

"Dead breath, very strong breath." Another white mask said: "I didn't expect that boy is also an awakener, and his strength is not weak."

"If not, we'll kill them now, so that the green Wolf and the ghost master won't waste any more time."

"They can come here alive, which means that green Wolf and ghost master have failed. If you are sure you can succeed, do it."

The white mask who spoke first hesitated. Their task was not to deal with YanXu and Tangshi.

"The first batch of upgrade cards will come soon. Our task is to get back all the upgrade cards."

“…… It's cheaper for them. "

But Tang Yuan Xu insists on driving back, which makes him very tired.

Driving back, he looked at Tang Shi next to him. Since he got on the bus, he didn't say a word, so he closed his eyes and leaned in the seat.

YanXu thought that Tang Dynasty was still depressed because of Meizhen. He didn't know what to say for a moment. Meizhen massacre was extremely tragic. He would never let those two people go.

Since they escaped last time, they haven't appeared yet. I don't know where they have been hiding. Since they want the grave goods in the hands of Tang Dynasty, they will certainly appear again. YanXu is determined to cut them next time!

The incident of Meizhen completely angered Tang Shi. He would never give up on it!

Tang's idea is the same as YanXu's, waiting for them to find their own way. With fish in hand, I'm not afraid they don't smell fishy.

He is now consciously looking at the ancient nine wasteland map given by the system. After the map was infinitely reduced, he saw that the map was greatly enlarged in the Tang Dynasty, but there was still a layer of fog around and in some places. Even if he zoomed in, he could not see what was in those areas. These places could be the weakest places of the two spatial integration, so they could not be displayed directly on the map.

In the Tang Dynasty, the map was enlarged infinitely to find Qi County, where he was, and then slowly look at the gathering places around Qi county.

It seems that there are not so many small dots in the last time. On the map, the size of the small dots represents the size of the gathering place. If there are small dots, it means that there are human beings living there.

Will this map be updated automatically?

Is that too advanced?

What is this system and why does it exist in Mei's blood?

There are too many questions that Tang Dynasty wanted to know. The system of asking these questions is useless. The only person who can give the answer to Tang Dynasty is the Yuanzu of Mei family. But Yuanzu can't use the calling card now. He didn't call totem. Nothing goes well.When they returned to Qi County, it was already evening and there was not much oil in the car. YanXu drove the car to the gas station to refuel.

The first choice is gold, the second is yuan Neng Jing, and the last is consumption card.

There are no gold coins in the Tang Dynasty. Consumption cards can be used at any time, and they won't be wasted in the Tang Dynasty. Only yuan Nengjing and Yan Xu can't use them now. They can be used as currency. Just because they can't use yuannengjing doesn't mean others can't use it. Nowadays, most awakened people still need yuannengjing very much. They need to rely on yuannengjing to improve their strength.

When they went back, they didn't take the main road. When they came out of the gas station, they went back to their residence in a small alley, but the alley was narrow and the SUV was large, so they had to drive slowly.

Although the speed is slow, it's time for an accident.

If you don't crash, you can't stop people from crashing.

"Bang" a sound, rushed out of the fork in the road, personal, is hit on the front of the car, the speed is not fast, people did not bounce away, was rolled down to the car.

YanXu emergency brake, just want to curse!

Every one of them died. Last time someone hit his car at the gate of the city. Now the speed is so slow, someone still hit his car in the front!

YanXu hateful slams the door and gets off the car, ready to drag people out, and beat him to death if he doesn't kill him.

The man was stuck under the car, and YanXu bent down to have a look. Fortunately, he didn't get into the wheel, but was brought under the front of the ca

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