Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 212: Danger Premonition

Chapter 212: Danger Premonition

Everyone else maintained great distances and allowed the two men to engage in battle. Everyone. Zhang Xiao Qiang’s 12 members and the man’s 100 odd survivors all stood in the corner and looked over. Zhang Xiao Qiang’s subordinates were unable to intervene, but what about the men’s subordinates? No one knew.

The two fought so intensely that it caused the spectators in the distance to produce cold sweat. It was unlike the old television shows where the spectators watched the spectacle of one martial artist cleaving a mountain down while another fought like a beautiful crane.

The two men did not use any skills, they simply swung and collided their weapons endlessly, competing in speed, ferocity, in strength.

The mysterious man was more on assault, his speed itself was too fast for a normal human being, the blade in his hand moved like flowing water, endlessly pouring down on Zhang Xiao Qiang. The bright flames on the blade body produced thin lines of afterimages as he swept at Zhang Xiao Qiang.

In the wake of his torrential strikes, the streaks of white lines formed into a brilliance that resembled satin reflecting moonlight, causing everyone’s eyes to be dazzled and feel dizzy.

With both of his hands on the handle, he swung faster and faster. The rhythm in which the long blade clashed with Jing Wei Blade became faster and faster like a typewriter.

With the man heavily assaulting him, Zhang Xiao Qiang focused on defense. He knew that his speed was inferior to the enemy and the only thing he had an advantage in was his strength. He could only barely keep up to the speed of the man’s blades. The man’s attacks were like a sudden rainstorm while Zhang Xiao Qiang defended perfectly, regardless of whatever angle the blade onslaughts were coming from, Zhang Xiao Qiang was able to react to them.

Time crawled and the sky turned bright. The two were at their limits, the blade in the man’s hands was still as unrelenting while Zhang Xiao Qiang’s sword was like the reef in the water. Regardless of how high or how fast the attacks were, he was able to defend against them like a majestic mountain. Along with their endless shifts and movements, the two of them kept on changing positions and angles.

Slowly, the two of them arrived by the side of a simple house. The front of the simple house had a bundle of thick logs with a half-naked young man tied and hanging from it. With his head drooped down, no one knew if he was alive or dead.

Zhang Xiao Qiang realized that he was the lunatic Guo Fei, but he was in a heated battle against the mysterious man and had no time to care about Guo Fei’s situation. It was only after he had parried against the man’s torrential attacks and wanted to make a spin to counterattack did he realize that Guo Fei was using his toes to draw circles.

Zhang Xiao Qiang could not understand what Guo Fei was playing at and concentrated on fighting against the man’s storm of attacks. The two of them had unknowingly fought up the logs, where Guo Fei was tied up behind the man. Guo Fei suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Xiao Qiang before turning his vision to a raging bonfire.

Zhang Xiao Qiang stumbled slightly from Guo Fei’s indication, to which the man took advantage of and swiveled his blade and slashed towards Zhang Xiao Qiang from a slanted angle. Zhang Xiao Qiang subconsciously used his blade to protect him from the side.

“Clang...” The sword body collided with the man’s blade and released a strange sound. Zhang Xiao Qiang’s heart dropped, the sound was different from the usual collision sounds.

After receiving countless attacks from the man’s blade, Zhang Xiao Qiang had memorized the sound of the metal of the Jing Wei Blade after being hit, but this sound was completely different. Zhang Xiao Qiang retreated half a step and looked at his blade.

“It’s broken....”

Zhang Xiao Qiang saw that the blade that had struck him first was with the use of the back of the blade before swapping and using the blade tip at him. The man actually accomplished two moves with the swing.

This style of blade-work was used by the Broadsword Team to kill the Japanese in the war, just that the man used it in reverse, the Broadsword Team’s back of the blade upwards before hacking down with the blade tip while the man had used the back of the blade downwards before slashing upwards.

To speak of all these information sounded slow, but everything happened in an instant. The man’s upward slash was already aimed at Zhang Xiao Qiang’s belly.

In everyone’s eyes, Zhang Xiao Qiang had his belly open to the man with one slanted slash that contained sufficient strength to destroy Zhang Xiao Qiang’s blade.

All of the members raised their Type-81 ARs in unison and aimed straight at the man, ready to fire, but the gun fires never came out. Right as the man was about to rush to Zhang Xiao Qiang and attack him, Zhang Xiao Qiang who was lying on the floor sat back up and threw the broken Jing Wei Blade at the man.

The man had absolute confidence in the sharpness of his blade. To him, even with the bulletproof vest, Zhang Xiao Qiang would be sliced through with his own blade, so he never expected Zhang Xiao Qiang to retaliate upon seating back up. Upon seeing the incoming sword, he lowered his body to allow the blade to fly past him. But by the time he stood up, Zhang Xiao Qiang was already up.

With the Jing Wei Blade thrown out, Zhang Xiao Qiang was left with the silver Desert Eagle. He aimed the large muzzle at the man, to which the man responded with no caution and the faint smile of ridicule appeared back on his face.

To him, Zhang Xiao Qiang with a gun was less of a threat than Zhang Xiao Qiang with a blade. Aside from his increase in speed, he also had an ability that no one knew of, Danger Premonition. He had the ability to always sense impending danger and from the specific direction. The duration of the sense was not long, a few seconds, but these few seconds matched flawlessly with his ultra speed, making him undying and was an advantage for him to stay safe.

Ever since he gained these abilities, he never lost even a single hair in battles. Even when Zhang Xiao Qiang had over 10 guns aimed at him, he was able to dodge them all. That was why he was not afraid of Zhang Xiao Qiang’s Desert Eagle because all he needed to do was pay attention to the gun.

As for when Zhang Xiao Qiang fought him at close quarters with a sword, the sense of danger was never ending, this type of danger was more hidden and dangerous, like a thousand catty boulder on his head and you are unsure of when it might fall.

He disliked that feeling, he wanted everything to be under his control. Ever since he gained his abilities, he saw himself as a God, and all humans and zombies had to kneel before him.

The constant emission of danger coming out from Zhang Xiao Qiang made him feel uneasy. When Zhang Xiao Qiang raised the pistol, all the uneasiness disappeared and the sense of control came back again, which intoxicated him.

“Bang Bang...”

The fires that came out from Zhang Xiao Qiang’s pistol was brighter than a bonfire. As the guns recoiled, bullets sprayed out towards the man. The man slowly retreated, changing his stances while moving. Seven shots came out, and he avoided the last bullet.

Just as the man was about to launch his assault, the Desert Eagle that was still hot flew at him. The man felt that it was funny, he thought that Zhang Xiao Qiang had exhausted all of his means. It was to the point that he did not even use his blade to block the gun.

Right after he dodged the pistol and was prepared to continue his assault, three black triangles flew at his cheeks and stomach.


Two of the Triangular Spikes were struck away by the blade, the man’s upper body suddenly slanted backward as he barely dodged the third triangular spike. Without even getting up, he exerted a force at his feet and pushed his entire body up and backward.

Not long after he was in the air, yet another three Triangular spikes in the formation of ‘品’ flew past his original position. Halfway in midair, he had to twist his waist and force himself to dodge when an impending foreboding premonition appeared in his heart once again.

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