Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 929 T.D.O.N.B: S4G, Part II - The Alien In Red

It was astonishing how quickly hell could be raised in such a breathtaking environment. Like with a snap of fingers, everything was suddenly on fire. The light, pouring down from the sky, was fighting with the red and orange, coming from below.

I unleashed 'Void domain' adding blackness to the mix, as the walls of raging darkness resized far away, on the edge of what could be seen even at such a height. Another clear indication of how strong I became.

A bit of blue was provided by the lightning stretching on the sky like cracks in the reality itself. A truly surreal view.

In the middle of that, people were fighting for their lives. Both, the guardians and us.

I couldn't really focus on anything else than what I had to deal with, because there was simply no room for such activities.

I was stormed by several soldiers, who tried to take my life in various ways. A thin, four-armed alien I already described while visiting a different planet tried to pierce me with a fancy-looking spear, humming with energy at the very tip.

His attack was like a beam of energy. I dodged it, closing the distance to grab the weapon and prevent more attacks, but two warrior-class guardians blocked my path. Both were armed with weirdly-looking blunt weapons and heavy shields. They were bulky, but that is all I could say about them since they were wearing heavy armor.

I punched one so hard, that my hand went through the shield, but the hit didn't have enough for me to actually pierce his chest. He still got slammed hard enough to be blasted away, but the other one got an opportunity to hit me in the side.

A powerful blow I took directly, despite an attempt to dodge it, then the spear returned, almost taking my head off.

I kicked the protector next to me, bending the shield he used to block the attack, and sending him flying, with created an opening to reach the guy with the spear. I avoided his next attack and finally was able to tear his head off.

Without any aliens, immediately around me, I was blasted with waves of energy. I partially blocked some of it, and partially avoided the main force of the attack, but still received some damage.

The problem was that there was no single source of all this magic, so I just couldn't eliminate it all easily. Even so early I knew we were in trouble. It was partially due to the fact that I was facing the bulk of the forces, but the reality wasn't much different from my conclusion.

I needed to create some chaos around, so using 'Telekinesis' and 'Gravity manipulation' I started to pull everything guardian I could see towards me. After all, I had enough power to blast them if they were to get in range.

Some got yanked out of the space they were occupying and went directly flying at me, despite their desperate attempts to stop themselves. Most, struggling a lot, did endure my skills. It wasn't really that impressive, considering the fact that I reached for everybody around me at once.

With a bit of plate made out of void essence, I was able to strike those few very quickly, thinning the enemy forces, but my assault ended very quickly.

The city under me erupted violently, shooting tons upon tons of rubble at once. It was so dense that I had to force my way through as if I was forcing my way through stone itself, but before I could even give escaping a good shot, all that construction material was wrapped around me tightly, imprisoning me completely.

Since the temperature was growing fast, I was pretty sure they wanted to melt all that crap on top of my head.

"Right now one shadow walk would change everything. Fucking rule of this fucking dome", I cursed to myself before gathering as much telekinetic force as I could, then just releasing it all to push all that rubble out of myself.

It had to be held by a spell, because what I did definitely broke it, sending all the bits and pieces, some already white-hot, flying in every direction, trashing even further already a heavily destroyed agglomeration below.

In such a way I was granted an unbelievably great opportunity because some of the guardians were quite busy dodging all that crap, so I could close the distance to a few. because of the 'Harmonization' I so often forgot to use, and my speed, the first few didn't even notice, so I was able to think the ranks even more.

It all started to slowly look better for us. Below, Nobuo was having a tough fight with a single, smaller alien that was way faster than him, but he somehow held his ground.

Druoag took on a few but was already wounded because of his greed. Still, he seemed to be fine. Above us, Will mainly focused on distraction, by throwing some swords here and there, and mostly dodging or blocking the attacks.

Seeing them, although only very briefly, still alive, gave me additional strength to continue. I pulled my pudao from the vault, then rushed to attack the back line where all the guardians attacking from the range were.

Through maybe ten to fifteen seconds, I was able to give them hell, although they did their best to defend. Then, unfortunately for me, I was stopped by a few capable aliens. Still, I was only pushing the scale of victory further toward our side.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 It seemed awfully like we were going to somehow make it. It seemed, yes... Then the sky above opened, and a creature slowly descended down. I could feel it the moment it passed the dome that opened for that damn overlord.

I was actually too engaged in the fight, taking a few more guardians down before he appeared right in front of me. Completely calm and completely collected, despite witnessing his men dying all around.

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