Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 925 T.D.O.N.B: S15C, Part X - The Fallen

I jumped up to get a good view of the surroundings. I noticed Nobuo, still engaged in his fight. Further back was Hatta holding up some fire mages, and keeping the crazy heat Nil unleashed from spiling further around.

Druoag, surrounded by more than z dozen of corpses was still beating up some guardians, who barely could hold him off. The situation seemed to be just a matter of time.

Then I saw what was going on the other side. The barrage of magic was thrown at my friends, where something definitely looked off.

I got there almost in an instant. With a wide barrier, I blocked all the spells, which smashed into the invisible wall. It briefly obscured everything in front of me while all the flames licked the blockade I put.

It quickly disappeared, and I was able to notice the two warriors that held Will for so long. I intercepted them, allowing the mages to attack once more.

One tried to attack me, but I was way faster. I pierced his armor with my hand, grabbed the spine, and pulled it out. Obviously, the damn thing snapped, so I just got a handful, but the guy got eliminated.

He fell down, while his companion tried to defend, but I flanked him with ease. Before he could respond, I already punched his side, breaking some bones; grabbed his head, and with my knee crushed the skull, then went to prevent the spells from reaching my friends once again.

I blocked everything, then attacked with my own magic, decimating the spellcasters, before very quickly landing next to Will.

He was healing Hailwic, kneeling next to her. Just by a glance, I was able to tell that the wound was terrible, and he probably brought her from the brink of death.

Close by, even while on his knees, Martin was towering above us. He had a big smile on his face. Seemed happy. Was dead.

It almost knocked me off my feet.

Hailwic had to notice. Despite a grimace of pain on her face and gritted teeth, she glanced at him, but with the angle and her position, there was no way she could tell what was wrong, so she both on her elbows, trying to pick herself up.

- Lay! - Will nagged her and pushed her down. - I'm almost done.

- What is going on?! Tell me! Martin?! - I could see that she was panicking.

Since the giant didn't say a word, the situation only worsened. Fortunately, the healing process was almost finished.

- Martin?! Say something! Please! - she begged, but since there was no response, she pushed Will away, making him fall on his back, and picked herself up to crawl to he beloved. - Oh god...

I couldn't watch this. My heart was broken.

Hailwic picked herself up completely just to throw herself on Martins's neck. The tears were pouring down her dirty cheeks.

- Please, please, please! - she begged. - Please! I beg of you! Say something... Please!

We just watched, because there was nothing more we could do. I felt tears coming out of my eyes too. My throat was twisted.

Will was the only one, who somehow kept his emotions inside, but I could see that he was also feeling the pain. He slowly stood up, then came towards me, to make me slightly step back.

- She will need a moment - he whispered.

Hailwic was whispering too, straight to Martins's ear. Her voice would often crack. Sometimes completely break, to leave room for an uncontrollable wailing.

A few moments later everybody else gathered nearby too. They could see the situation and immediately understood. The initially happy faces turned grim. Nobody was talking for a moment, but eventually, particular words had to be said. It was Druoag who took this burden on himself.

- We need to keep moving - he stated.

It was like a magic spell that flipped Hailwic off.

- It's your fault! - she suddenly screamed, then turned around to look directly at him. - It's all your fault!

Her face was a mess. There was snot dangling from her nose, and her cheeks were glistening from all the tears, despite her face being all bloody and dirty.

- Hailwic... - Hatta started, but immediately closed his mouth when Nobuo placed his hand on his shoulder.

- She is in pain. Allow her - he said with a calm voice.

- I'm not going anywhere! - she yelled at all of us. - I'm staying here! We are staying here!

Obviously, she meant Martin by saying we.

- You all should stay here - I added to her words. - It was a mistake from the beginning. I should have gone alone.

I grave silence responded to my words. Even Hailwic didn't know what to say, but I could see it in her eyes. She wanted to agree, but she also wanted to blame me for everything. For this whole situation. Those were emotions speaking.

- We all understood that this could happen - said Nobuo. - I do not regret coming here, but I do wish it would be me instead of Martin who had to sacrifice his life. I think those who wish to stay, should stay, but I'm going.

- I'm going too - said Will.

The rest didn't say a word. Druoag just put his massive hand on my shoulder. Well... More like a couple of fingers. Then he leaned and said quietly:

- We need to go.

I didn't want to do it, but since I could see everything around me with my mind, I noticed how terrible Hatta, Ki'rai, and Nil felt that they didn't announce that they are going too. I didn't blame them. If anything, I understood.

They were the first on the very short list to die next.

Without saying anything more, the four of us gathered, and I created a protective bubble around us, then we started flying up, to leave the planet. I felt like I should say something, though. It was this annoying almost painful feeling.

- We will end this - I assured them.

Then we shot up, quickly finishing into the dark space.

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