Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 923 T.D.O.N.B: S15C, Part VIII - Hailwic's Rage

The situation was rapidly getting out of control. Martin saw clearly the laser almost taking her girlfriend's fingers. Something broke inside him. A second wave of force slammed into the area around, making it even harder to move.

The warriors already laying flat on the ground couldn't now even breathe. Hailwic had it hard too. She was able to only catch small, shallow breaths, while Martin was already swinging his massive morgenstern to smash the lancer, who became unbelievably sluggish.

Each hit slammed into the shield he was using to protect himself, pushing him deeper and deeper into the already-pressed soil. He was getting hammered down badly, and yet was somehow able to withstand most of the damage.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 If you think the situation couldn't get worse, then I have bad news. Another guardian appeared. He came from between the buildings, quite a bit away, and decided to climb the closest intact roof to have a good position. He stayed away from the area influenced by Martin's power, then unleashed his magic.

Because of the situation, the mage had enough time to do anything he possibly could want to do.

He had a blue robe and a simple metal staff with a single blue gemstone at the top. Didn't look like a big shot at all.

He drew an intricate magical circle in the air whit his short finger. Carefully shaping the spell, and spreading the energy. All that to the bit made by Martin, who relentlessly was pounding on the lancer to finish him off, until a massive ray of frost didn't hit him in the back. It was so cold, it made the air turn into snow, just by passing through.

For the human giant, the situation was way worse. He was turned into a shard of ice almost instantaneously. This made the pressure around him vanish. Not completely, but a significant part of the force faded away.

Hailwic jumped on her feet immediately, quickly grabbing the axe, while the other warriors were coughing terribly while trying to gasp for that air. Unable to stand up.

The lancer's situation was much better. He easily freed himself from the hole he was beaten into. Every move screamed that he wished to take revenge on the giant He was about to thrust with his lance when Hailwic came flying from behind with her weapon above her head, ready to split the alien in half.

He raised his shield just in time to block the powerful strike. The cut was so powerful, that it also hit Martin, crashing some ice. The cracks quickly spread as the massive human tore his prison apart, already swinging the morgenstern.

He slammed it into the lancer's side, sending him flying like a ragdoll, and even pushing his girlfriend away just with the pressure of the air.

As he performed that attack, he stumbled backward. Something very powerful hit him. The impact shook the vicinity trashing everything behind Martin in a straight line. The giant went on one knee. There was a hole in the side of his armor, and the blood was pouring out.

- No! - Hailwic screamed as she quickly picked herself up.

She rushed to him, but Martin was already standing up, as if nothing had happened. Proving that not only on the outside, but on the inside too, he was made of steel.

He rapidly turned around, throwing his massive morgenstern straight at the ice mage. The poor creature tried to escape, but the bullet train of heavy metal was way too fast. It took him out along with the whole structure, and a couple of others standing behind.

Meanwhile, badly hit Lancer was able to stand up. Not wasting any time, he charged right at the giant, trying to pierce him once again with his weapon. As that was happening, the warriors finally regulate their breathing and picked themselves up.

Hailwic really wished to help her partner, but it looked better if she would hold the others away. More mess meant more opportunities to actually land a blow. She kicked into her rage though. Her muscles tensed, swelled, and the veins popped out under the armor.

She leaped forward, instantaneously closing the distance, then attacked viciously. Striking with so much power, that the ground around was the biggest victim, as each strike was decimating the already broken and flattened area. The aliens couldn't stop her assault, even cooperating to the best of their ability. She got the upper hand and was not letting go of it.

She struck one in the shoulder, as he tried to block the weird blade, that slit on the edge of his weapon, singing deeply through the thick armor.

That single strike opened a land of opportunities for her. One less opponent significantly lowered the defensive capabilities of the whole group. In a couple more seconds, after a vicious exchange of strikes, she butchered all of them, cutting them to bloody pieces.

Then she turned around, just in time to see another guardian diving down from the sky. This one had an axe, just like her, and was using thick, dark armor with a cape covering his back, now fluttering in the wind.

She rushed straight to Martin, making it in time to block the new challenger ash she swiftly climbed the massive body of her partner, then jumped, intercepting the flying warrior. They clashed, sending each other away because of the kinetic force behind the impact.

She landed on the ground, then charged straight at the lancer, pushing him away from Martin with a series of powerful strikes. Making some room for the giant to catch his breath.

Each strike was living a mark on his shield. The same mark that those whose area was already covered with, but Hailwic refused to use them yet. It was not enough.

The lancer tried to pierce her, but contrary to the massive man, she was quicker, more agile, and easily avoided each of the very powerful thrusts, which scared the land even more.

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