Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 917 T.D.O.N.B: S15C, Part II - The Burning Man

They tried to stop me. A few bulky aliens wearing still from the soles of their shoes to the top of their heads. All were armed with heavy shields and single-handed weapons. Fixe of them in total positioned to clearly stop me, with a shimmering barrier spread between those shields of theirs, reaching far beyond.

They clearly knew what they were doing, because I couldn't in a simple way go past them. The only thing I could do was resort to violence. Releasing some Ki inside my body I punched. The sheer pressure made by my hand compressed the air so it looked like it turned into semi-solid form, where the cracks could appear, but the temperature also went up to the point of ignition, so the flames erupted when my fist crashed into the shields reinforced with the barrier, sending the guardians flying, as the kinetic force ripped through the plaza, tearing the plates it was paved with to pieces, and throwing them everywhere.

The blast created a cloud of dust that spread very quickly from me all around the plaza, obscuring the visuals for everybody. I didn't waste even a fraction of a second, rushing forward straight where the red arrow was directing me.

Meanwhile, my friends had trouble landing down. At least those who couldn't fly. Martin grabbed Hailwic in his arms, protecting her with his own body from the barrage of lasers, fire magic, and electricity. He couldn't do much against the last, but the prior two had problems penetrating the thick plates of his magical full plate.

Hatta made a disc for himself to descend a bit slower and in a controlled way necessary for him to focus on the fire magic. He prevented a lot of attacks, taking a few directly. Fortunately the quick barrier he put around himself withstood those.

Ki'rai joined him, although she was invisible.

Will, who didn't have to worry about gravity, could focus on retribution, so the swords were raining down at the whole area. All shining with gold, leaving marks of light as they fell. With such a wide-range attack, he was able to slightly decrease the potential of enemy magic in the air, forcing at least a couple of them to briefly focus on defending.

A couple of spells went his way, but the blade barriers popping out of nowhere blocked all the explosions and the laser beams.

Which allowed my friend to focus on his next move. As he raised the claymore in his hand, the sky changed. It started shining with gold, changing the already beautiful morning into something incredible. Breathtaking.

The rays of light started to pierce through the clouds, reaching the ground and flooding everything with bright light. It reached me too, and I immediately felt reinvigorated.

The skill seemed similar to my 'Void domain'.

Then Druoag landed on the ground destroying a part of the paved plaza. He was immediately attacked by a whole group of several guardians who used a variety of magic to restrain the insane strength of his body, allowing the warriors to actually fight on pair with the accomplished gladiator.

Rows of shields restrained his movements, which combined with the spells kept him in a small space, while more agile aliens tried to find some room to attack. He was cut, but the first few attacks failed completely, unable to pierce his skin.

Nil also landed, just a moment later, and found himself challenged by a group of four.

- Fuck - escaped his mouth as he unleashed the flames, making a human torch out of himself, then charged.

The fire got quickly extinguished since the group had a mage, whose control of the elements proved to be stronger. At least at the moment. Two armed with melee weapons flanked my friend, while the last one was preparing a ranged attack. Definitely, something powerful, as he needed some time to unleash it.

Although I made myself a clear path to the tree, the situation on the other side was deteriorating faster than anticipated, actually. Which made thought to return and help appear in my mind. I pushed it away, focusing on the task ahead of me.

At the same moment, Sanders decided to go all out. The little bit of the fire aura left on his body suddenly changed color. It became blue before the eruption happened. The fire appeared once again, but in a completely different form. It was scorching hot from the get-go, melting the ground under his feet. He wasn't longer a human torch, he became a human blow torch.

The first punch he threw at the fire mage, who immediately started trying to suppress the flames, was accompanied by a leaping blue tier, which came out of Nil, expanding in the air.

The hit was incredibly fast, and the fighters couldn't do anything about it. It blasted the spellcaster like a ragdoll, despite the distance, then the animal came too. Like a drop of burning liquid, when it reached its target, suddenly everything was covered in flames. But not just any flames. Those were flames of fur. Pissed to the brim seemingly at everything, and trying to turn the whole world into smoke.

The ground was melting.

This single attack could very much be the end of this encounter, but the guardian who was preparing his attack for longer finally unleashed it. It was a concentrated vortex of ice that appeared around Nil. There was so much ice there, that the shards were literally scraping against one another.

The freezing effect solidified the liquified stone on the ground, then covered it with white frost.

Even the effect of the tiger got influenced, creating an opportunity for the hit mage to get a hold of himself. He produced a barrier to hide behind it, then took over the blue flames, killing them in a moment.

He definitely was badly hit, but still able to stand, although barely.

The vortex around Nil froze completely, trapping him inside a tomb of ice.

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