Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 897 T.D.O.N.B: My Ghost Friend

Since I didn't want to bug anybody around, because they had plenty of better things to do than to entertain my whims, I just went to one of the worlds connected to Loistavadvaar to find a nice ghost, willing to help me. Knowing how good samaritans they were, I had no doubts that the first one I could possibly encounter would be willing to give me a hand.

The problem was that there weren't that many around anymore, so there was a chance of me just wasting my time. Although now my senses were better, not to mention different entirely, so I had better chances of detecting them.

The world I chose had clouds of chemicals blocking the light coming from space, so the only source of light was street laps, shining quite brightly in every direction. They looked like straight columns with reflectors built inside, sending the rays all around.

Except that there were also drones, flying around. Two types, as I've noticed. One just to illuminate more space,e and others to keep away the clouds. Probably because of their toxicity, but that was only a wild guess.

The infrastructure was dense, clearly indicating that it was a very industrial city. The further I traveled, the more large facilities I noticed. Most completely trashed.

I wasted an entire day before encountering a single ghost. He had a dark, torn to shreds cloak, and from underneath the cloth was poking a black armor. By the way, some parts of it reflected the light, I determined it was made of some metal.

Behind him, two star-shaped rings, each the size of a human, were slowly levitating. His weapon of choice.

I got close to him, so he would attack, and it worked like a charm. He sent the rings to me. I didn't dodge them at all, just blocked with my own hands, shortly before that rolling my sleeves, so the kevlar hoodie wouldn't stand In the way. I gritted my teeth as I prepared to feel the pain, but I was wrong. There was no pain, as he couldn't penetrate the psionic protective layer around my skin.

- Fuck! - I shouted at myself.

Not being used to this new skill, I didn't even think of turning it off. I did it immediately after the failure. Meanwhile, my little helper pulled the rings back, just to send them at me once again, as he charged forward, slightly circling around me, to approach from a different angle.

This time I grabbed one while trying to block the other with my left forearm. The first ring tried to escape my grasp, but the difference in my strength and the ghost's psychic power was overwhelming. The damn thing wouldn't budge, and neither would I, as the skills held me in the same spot.

The other thing failed too, unable to cut my skin, even without the prionic layer of protection. My analysis made me slow to react, so he actually got close enough to punch me, but it felt like a friendly tap on my back.

It became obvious that I was way too strong for this guy, so I ended up tearing him apart, picking up the crystal, and then returning to Loistavadvaar.

I was a bit pissed at myself for wasting all this time.

Then I did something possibly even more stupid. I pulled my pudao from the vault, and with the sleeves still rolled up, I cut my own hand. I went a bit overboard and got the whole limb.

Obviously, I was expecting a shit ton of pain, but it wasn't that bad actually. It still hurt, but nowhere near as bad as it was supposed to.

This dumb action allowed me to witness something incredible. I saw with my own eyes as the whole hand regenerated itself. The cells were multiplying at a very rapid pace, forming the bone, flesh, veins, and nerves. It itched as hell but was surprisingly fast. Not instant, though. It still took around a minute.

Through this time, the hand I cut off turned black, then started slowly falling apart.

Overall it was an interesting experience. It allowed me to realize that if I want to change anything about the new me, I will have to ask somebody like Druoag, or perhaps Will if he would get sufficiently stronger thanks to the new upgrades.

Just for shits and giggles, I grew myself another hearth, then placed it on the other side of the ribcage. It didn't really fit, so I had to move some other organs around, which ultimately made me resign from this idea. I did it only to test how the manipulation of my own biology worked.

I also checked to transform my limbs. I created two massive bone swords for hands. I swung them around a little bit, but eventually also resigned. It was a cool feature, but I preferred a more traditional approach. My good old pudao and fists.

With this little testing out of the way, I once again approached the device to check what I possibly could invest next. I scanned through the few possibilities on the list eventually picking the direction I preferred to go with. I had partially upgraded the 'Monk' class, which I decided to develop further, hoping that Ki would allow me to cheaply gain a lot more speed and a lot more power.

Then I also decided to go with the combination of the 'Monk' class and 'Fighter' hoping to further utilize the Ki energy into not only my body but also the gear, as I used to do back in the day, still hunting bears. The combination's name was 'Enlightened blade', and I was basing my prediction about it solely on the class name itself. But what else could it possibly be, than what I had envisioned?

With thoughts like that in my head, I started shopping, wishing to spend the last points before going for flat upgrades of my basic statistics.

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