Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 873 T.D.O.N.B: The Mastermind

After waking up, just as I usually did, I went to prepare breakfast for my family, but a few minutes in, I heard the doorbell ringing. I sighed already annoyed by the unexpected visitor, but still went to open.

- What the fuck did you do? - Will asked as soon as I pressed the handle and the door started to move.

I waited for my answer to open it fully.

- Good morning to you too, and I have no idea what you're talking about - I lied, putting a fake smile on my face.

- Like hell you don't - he growled at me.

- Is he alive? I fucking hope he is alive - he almost stabbed me with his index finger when he put it forward as a clear warning. - I want him back.

You probably have a decent idea what all of that was about, but just to paint a better picture, let's move a little bit back. Just a few hours, to be precise.

After a few hours of investigation, I found out that all six assholes, including Luis Martinez, had a meeting after the first day of the tournament in the skyscraper belonging to the 'Wolf Warriors'  company. They probably were talking about what to do after only one of them won their duel.

This led me to find a spot from which I was able to have a good look at the entrance and the parking lot in front of the building. I didn't actually have to wait long, since they were soon finished, and all went to their separate cars to drive away. I followed the one belonging to my new Cuban friend.

He headed straight to the city center and then went to a club to have a party. A bit annoyed, I waited some more, till he got out.

This took longer. Couple of hours. Around three in the morning, he parked in front of his mansion on the outskirts of the city. He had quite a nice home surrounded by a tall fence, but that wasn't a problem for me.

While he was opening the door with his keys, I transformed back from my crow form and started approaching him. He had to hear my footsteps because before stepping inside, with the door wide open, he turned around to look at me.

- What the fuck do you want? - he asked.

I saw through the facade. He looked tough, but his fingers still moved the keys around to put each one of them in between his fingers, as a makeshift knuckle-duster.

- You were disrespectful towards my wife - I pointed out.

- And you came here to get a payback? - he asked, and snorted. - Fuck off. If you want to fight, let's do it like men, in the arena.

He clearly wanted to buy time, so that's why he said what he said. I just smiled at him.

- I don't want to fight. You are not worth fighting with. What I want is something else - I told him.

- Yeah? What? - the threw at me moving his head, to show that he wasn't afraid.

- You - I said with a smile.

My eyes turned black, and my mouth opened grotesquely wide, as the 'shadow fusion' kicked in, letting a bit of smoke out. At the same time, I partially summoned a couple of my bigger guys. The fiends. Their hands grabbed him by the head and arms, then pulled him straight into the void.

He couldn't even scream before he vanished.

- I don't know what you are talking about - I told Will, after returning from my quick mind trip.

- Like hell you don't - he rolled his eyes. - Remember the plan. We were supposed to wait until things settle down a bit.

- I'll repeat myself. I don't know what you're talking about. I'm cooking breakfast. Do you want to join us? - I asked him after tying through my teeth.

He shook his head, then marched off.

I shrugged my shoulders, then closed the door and smiling, went back to the kitchen. A few moments later, as I finished preparing the food, my family started to come down from their rooms. John came too, as he stayed in one of the free ones, specially prepared for the guests.

- Morning - we all repeated to one another.

The moods weren't great, especially Tihana's so I somehow started thinking about cheering her up. This gave me a crazy idea.

- I see you are still feeling down - I pointed out while putting food on my plate.

She shrugged her shoulders.

- How about we change our environment? A little family trip. A proper one, since we haven't really been on one? - I proposed. - Tihana likes Japan, so maybe there?

It was a shock at first, but they clearly didn't see through my true intention behind the proposition. Carmelita seemed the most excited about the idea, and she even smiled to show it off.

- I-it would be nice - she said a bit shy.

- Just let this time spare ourselves from visiting everything related to anime, ok? - Celestine asked, with an awkward smile peaking at our oldest daughter.

- M-my father has a nice property in Japan. I'm sure he wouldn't mind lending it. I'm quite familiar with the country. I could show you a few nice places - John proposed, looking mainly at his girlfriend.

Tihana tried her best to fight with a smile, but she just couldn't win. She ended up staring at her plate with an awkward smirk on her face.

- I would like to visit another country - Leonel said. - I've actually never been anywhere, except here, my old home and Petrograd.

- Then it's settled! - I jumped before the conversation derailed. - I'll grab some money later today, hopefully, and we will go on a trip as soon as possible! Anime-related stuff is prohibited! We are visiting at least ten onsens, and I want to see a sunrise on mount Fuji.

My declaration started a long conversation about stuff we should do or visit, but it only solidified the fact that we were going there.

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