Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 828 T.D.O.N.B: Clubbing?

I came in the morning with some groceries to make breakfast for my family, but to my surprise, they were already out of their beds. They decided to flip the whole house on its roof, and by that I mean they decided to clean up.

There was so much residual dust everywhere, that they had to literally move everything inside to clean behind the bookshelves, cabinets, and all that stuff. Thankfully there weren't any bugs in Arc, because probably we would have giant spiders living there, and everything would be covered in spiderwebs.

So instead of cooking, I was forced to clean. Imagine my face.

After that, we ate. Yes, I still had to cook, because, for some reason since I went there from the beginning, they unanimously said I did the least, so that's why cooking was put on me. I just agreed, because I didn't want to argue, especially when I had something stupid planned, and I had to kill their suspicion.

Aaraam'soturi, thanks to the number of ghosts roaming around the flying city, was a fortress. I was strong. I wasn't necessarily fully aware of my strength, but just in case, I felt like I should prepare myself before going there.

I also needed a good excuse, but I already had one in mind. After all, Loistavadvaar was still out there, and it had plenty to offer. I just needed to first bullshit my way there, but it wasn't easy since we barely returned, and not only Celestine wanted to spend some time together with me, but I also wanted to spend some time with her.

So yeah... It was this weird mix of wanting to go, but also not, and having people to help me at home.

There was also some of Will's whining on the back of my head, so I had this urge, to at least try to do something to be better prepared.

- Let's go swim - Celestine suddenly said, bringing me back to reality.

We were still by the table, finishing the food. I had a bit of egg remaining on my plate, while everybody else seemed finished. Tihana was already gone.

- After eating? - I asked surprised.

- Why not? It's not like any of us will have problems because of that - she rolled her eyes, making Carmelita giggle.

- Right - I agreed.

Some of the norms from my life before everything had happened were still there, and despite all this time, when caught off guard I would return to that mindlessly.

- Uhmm... I spoke with Tihana before, and we agreed to go clubbing later if that's ok - Carmelita suddenly said.

I was surprised that she was actually asking me since she was already an adult. At least technically.

- Well... Your life maybe wasn't as normal as one would like, but you are old enough. Go have fun, just... Don't do anything stupid - I said.

- Can I go too? - Leonel asked.

It was a weird question as it was directed to both me and his sister. I shrugged my shoulders. Carmelita on the other hand smiled.

- Yes. Why not? - she agreed.

- I would go clubbing too - Celestine joined the conversation. - What do you say?

She looked at me, clearly expecting an answer. I already had plans to go to Loistavadvaar, but if I was to say that, she would get angry. I was kinda pissed about that but had to hold my expression still, so nobody would notice.

To tell you the truth, I was never a club person.

- Yeah. Why not? - I put a fake smile on.

- We should go shopping then. There is no way they will let you in, in that - she pointed at me with her index finger, but in a way, that was very judgemental.

The finger did a circle In the air, then stabbed my very soul.

Both Carmelit and Leonel giggled at hearing that. I guess it was quite obvious that my attire wasn't the fanciest.

- What's wrong with my clothes? They are fine - I argued, knowing that it was pointless, but I still wanted to underline my position.

- Peter, we are going shopping. No discussion. You need some different clothes, and I wouldn't say no to a new dress - she said in a way that was kinda annoying, flipping her hair at the end. - Besides, kids need new clothes too.

- They are not kids anymore. They can afford their own shit - I said quite angrily.

- Stop. We are going shopping, and we are going now. You shouldn't be so cheap. This is your family after all - she argued.

- It's fine, mom. We can buy our own stuff. I have some crystals from Petrograd left in my room. It will be enough for me and Carmalita - said Leonel.

- See? - I asked her, pointing with an open hand at my soon.

She rolled her eyes.

We bickered a bit more, but I was in a losing position anyway, since practically the whole family was against time, so I just gave up in the end.

We left the house, originally to go and use the device, but it so happened, that we met Will on the way, and he directed us to a different place. There was actually a very good tailor in the city, who originally came from India, and set up a small shop, which become very fast and very popular. Not only in Arc.

Everything popular in Arc was almost always popular everywhere around the world, so the guy suddenly had one of the most famous clothing brands out there. Despite that, he stayed local, just his prices were outrageous.

Because of Will, though, we got the shit for free.

I took a completely black suit with a black shirt and a black tie. It needed some slight adjustments, but they told me it should be ready in a few hours.

Leonel went with something similar, but his shirt was white.

Celestine decided to get also a black skin-tight dress, to match me, while Carmelita took a nice red piece. We only needed to get some shoes to add to that, which we did, in the device. Then we went to a barber shop, which also had a hairdresser. To 'refresh' how we looked.

A few hours later we were back home, making dinner, practically ready to go and party.

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