Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 767 T.D.O.N.B: Third Upgrade

John's issue remained unresolved, as nobody dared to ask me, and they also seemed to be hesitant with asking him. One thing was obvious, for that guy to join us somebody had to pull some strings. There were probably at least a few theories about that, but I neither cared to find anything about them nor was in a position to get to know that because nobody would dare to discuss anything I'd already agreed upon around me.

Those people who were there with us were simply very grateful for the chance they received.

The situation was clearly awkward. John was an outsider, with only Tihana, Leonel, Carmelita, and Celestine hanging with him from time to time. The rest kept their distance.

I was angry for a few days, which I spent hunting, then calculating by writing on the sand. Not only how long would it take for me to get where we needed to get, but also find out how many points I could use on getting food for our group, to not influence the progress too much. I ended up spending around 10k points in the span of those few days to get the provisions.

I also had to get some other stuff, because nobody actually expected this would take more than a week, and we were already at that point because it took me 6 more days to get to the ten million points needed to get the third upgrade.

I was left with 444 772 regular points, and 25 class points after that purchase. Just like before the slow spin of the device stopped, and the ground shook slightly. People who were gathered around me to watch began clapping. Some whistled and cheered, so I turned around to glance at them briefly.

The moods were very positive, but the tough past a few days already began showing. The humans around me were dirty. Nobody looked malnourished, but I caught on few dark circles around their eyes here and there.

I had to take some action to change this because due to their various health issues, this could vary soon get out of control.

- Tomorrow we will get at least some of you in shape to begin your own hunting activities. Hopefully all, but maybe just most, so don't get too happy yet. I'll get you equipment, and teach you how to not get yourself killed out there - I began my speech, which required me to rise my voice. - Hopefully, we have my wife, my daughter, and John with us. All three of them have an experience in hunting, so they will be able to lead you out there. Leonel and Carmelita are yet to go on their first hun, so please don't expect them to save your lives if somebody bad happens.

My joke got a few chuckles here and there, but also made the two kids blush.

- We will figure out how we will proceed with this tomorrow when we will have the actual numbers we can work with, but rest assured before I will let anybody step into those woods, I'll make sure you all are well-prepared and healthy. All - I repeated the word, to make them understand that we are not leaving anybody behind. - For now, this is all I have to say.

Then I walked to the side, to leave their sight, so they would stop staring at me. Unfortunately, I was not gonna be left alone, and I noticed that almost immediately because Tihana followed me, with John behind her.

- Dad - she spoke out to make me stop.

I did, turning around swiftly on my heel, with an unhappy expression on my face.

- What do you want?

- I want you two to speak - she said and pointed with her thumb at the guy behind her.

The breast stepped forward, going around her.

- I want to help - he started. - I know that I'm an outsider here, but I can contribute. I can help people to get ready. I can teach them.

I was looking at him, but kinda past him, to catch my daughter's face too.

- You want to help? Fine. I'll let you help, but you will be in charge of this - I pointed my index finger at Tihana. - You are going to split people into groups tomorrow, you are going to assign people to train them, and you will even make a schedule for the to go hunting after tomorrow. You know what? You will just do everything! I'm gonna be only responsible for the device from now on.

- You are just lady, dad - Tihana pointed out crossing her hands on her chest.

- Yes - I agreed without hesitation. - But you know what? I can be lazy, because I'm in charge here, so I can do whatever I want, and I want to do nothing.

With those words, I turned around and left them alone, laughing as I was getting further.

My daughter clearly wasn't happy that I just dumped everything on her, but she also didn't protest.

Knowing her, she was more than capable of dealing with all the new responsibilities. She was also the best person to do that. Celestine lacked the strength of character. She was just too good, while Tihana stayed more on the rational side. She would make the tough decision if she had to, despite others protesting or whining.

I was a little worried about John staying around her. It was clear to me that he wanted desperately to be a part of something. He couldn't be part of his family because Joseph, despite everything he was saying, didn't give a shit about his son. That's why the kid found himself a crew of assholes, who accepted him as long as they would get stuff rot that in exchange, but the brat was unable to see that.

Now, in the new place, he also wanted to be a part of something. This was a chance to straighten him up a little. Tihana was more than capable of doing that, but I still was a little bit uneasy. She wasn't quick to violence, even in situations where she should be.

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