Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 757 T.D.O.N.B: The Beginning Of New Journey

Who stole the seed, remained a mystery until the very day my family was to depart from Arc. I was busy searching for that person, and I wasn't the only one, so I didn't really have the time to check the people picked by Celestine.

They were slowly gathering in Arc. Wuxia was so nice that they provided those people with a place to sleep. My wife had enough time to meet with them several times and even introduced the rest of the family, but the true nature of our project reminded mystery to the very end. Although the conditions, with a long time away from home, were made clear from the start.

The search combined with my duty to deliver everybody to their new worlds kept me very busy. I was barely at home. My investigation, in the end, didn't lead me anywhere. Will also didn't get any good leads. Daniel, the second prominent person on the hunt, was away, so I wasn't able to find out if he made some progress, because the time for departure has come.

I watched as my whole family, gathered in the kitchen, was making the last preparations to meet with the rest of our crew in the city center, and depart for good.

Celestine checked the backpacks for the last time, making sure they had all the necessities packed. I wasn't sure what the first days would look like, so we needed food, water, basic hygiene products, and obviously something to kill the time. In this case books.

We had a plan for how to move during the first days, but I needed to explain it still to everybody else.

- Ready? - I kept asking, and each time I did it, my wife gave me certain look, which basically meant I should shut up.

I didn't really need anything, so I was forced to wait for them, which was annoying. To make things fair, I kept annoying them.

- Bawk! - announced Tam.

- You didn't have to pack shit, so it's obvious you are ready - I said to him.

- Bawk! Baaawk! - he tried to argue.

I ignored him because I knew how it would end. With the two of us yelling at one another.

- I think I'm done too - said Tihana a moment later.

She looked excited, while the rest were more nervous than anything else.

- I think I have everything - said Leonel.

Celestine glanced for the last time inside his backpack, then nodded. He then zipped everything up. Carmelita was the last one to finish since Celestine was already packed since yesterday.

- Ok. Let's go. I'll seal the house, and then will catch up to you - I said to them.

A moment later I was standing outside, with the morning sun blasting its rays at me, as I was concentrating to make sure nobody would be able to enter my property. The family was already gone. Slowly marching to the city center.

I created quite a powerful barrier with many layers wasting most of my mana. It was state-of-the-art protection, so nobody would be able to enter the property.

Then I left, quickly rushing to the city center. To clarify, I didn't go supersonic, just ran at a safe-for-the-surroundings speed.

When I was close, I slowed down, to just walk, to not spoil the future fun.

With the hunters already departed, the city center wasn't as full as it often was in the mornings. There still were some people mainly hanging around the access points or the device itself. A little on the side, to not block anything, was a group of people with Celestine and the rest of my new family.

- Oh, and there he is! - my wife shouted when she noticed me. - He is going to explain everything.

I briefly scanned through the bunch and came to the conclusion there were around forty people there. One guy in a wheelchair, and a few with either missing limbs, or visible prosthetics.

They, one by one, shouted a 'Good morning' at me, led by an unidentified person from the group, who started the chain.

- Hi - I replied when I was close enough to speak normally. - I'm Peter, and this wonderful goddess is my wife Celestine, but you already know her. Those are my kids, Tihana, Leonal, and Carmelita. They are adopted, but I can promise you already that I will fight for them as I would for my own flesh and blood. Yes, it was a warning.

My words made the situation awkward for some. Quite a number took it as a joke and even smiled. I didn't really care and just continued after clearing my throat.

- I know that you are probably dying to find out what the project is all about, and even more to put your hands on the crystals so you can fix your issues, and even become walking gods, but before that, we need to change the environment a little bit. Only then I will be able to tell you more, so... This will sound weird, but I need us all to hold hands. If you don't have hands just touch one another, but not in an inappropriate way! - I continued.

This joke landed, and I even got a few chuckles. Then an awkward process of people looking at one another, to then grab their hands, or in a different way touch each other, forming a chain of sorts, happened.

Some clearly couldn't understand why we were doing this. For me, it was obviously a means to just transport them all to the new location, so I wouldn't be spilling all the beans about seeds and stuff with all the other people walking around. Mainly because there were few small groups watching us. Some probably out of pure curiosity, but others easily could be spying.

Maybe I had this feeling because of what happened recently, or maybe it was a more rational thought. In the end, it didn't matter, because that just had to be done.

A moment later I just shadow walked us all to the new world.

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