Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 725 T.D.O.N.B: Tokyo

Everything was ready. We all were packed, and the luggage got stored in my vault. Even Will was notified about our plans.

We departed without trouble and ended up landing in Tokyo. From where we got taken to a hotel. It was a first-grade place. We reserved two rooms, both with a great view over the city, and gathered in one of them in the late evening.

The salon was a big space, placed a bit lower than the rest of the room, with flour made out of polished wood, and a big white couch shaped like a massive 'C'. There was a big TV in front of it.

In the corners were placed some wooden sculptures. The bedroom had a large bed, also white, and a bunch of paintings with Japanese-style drawings. On both sides were small cabinets. Both black.

There was a small kitchen area, connected to the salon, with a big fridge, full of stuff. On the opposite side, next to a wall, was a big cabinet with many bottles of alcohol put behind glass doors with frames made out of wood.

The wall opposite the door had a set of large windows with a previously mentioned view over the city, with a coffee table and two armchairs next to it, so one could sit and watch.

We did that. Me in one of the chairs, Celestin in the other one, with Tihana, sitting on arm support, next to her. Relaxing with glasses of wine, or grape juice, in our hands, just looking at the people walking down below. There were so many of them.

- I love it - said Tihana after a long moment of silence.

- Me too - Celestine agreed.

They both didn't move their eyes off the view, though.

- It's gonna be a fun vacation - I said.

This caused Tihana to switch her attention to me.

- Oh, yes - she said, not hiding her excitement. - I already have everything planned. We are going to visit an anime museum and go to some cosplay convents and get a tour of a few animation studios and...

I cut it short because it was a long and nerdy-as-heck, list of a fan of Japanese animation. I'll just say she went on and on for a few minutes.

- ... And we will finish with a tour through the best onsens in the country.

- Onsens? - Celestine asked.

- Yes. They are like bathhouses, but better - my daughter explained.

I wanted to say that everything in that country was 'better' for her, but I bit my tongue. There was no need to cause arguments when we were to enjoy ourselves on this trip. Still, it was a fact that Tihana was seeing things through pink lenses if it came to the country where her favorite type of entertainment came from.

Her excitement was making her adorable, and I wasn't the only one who saw that. Celestine's behavior told me that she was seeing that too. Her little smiles. Occasional glances at me. Those were clear indications that she took at least a part of what my daughter was saying as ridiculous.

Nevertheless, she got to enjoy the monologue.

- A bathhouse sounds nice - I pointed out.

I already had some images in my head. Especially the one of Celestine, wearing just a towel. Having a bit of fun in the water also sounded interesting, as I never did something like that. I guess those thoughts made me look weird. I definitely smiled in a suggestive way.

- Perv - Tihana threw at me.

As I once again focused on them, I noticed that the brunette was blushing a bit, my daughter, on the other hand, looked disgusted.

- What did I say to earn that? - I asked.

- You didn't have to say anything. Your face did it for you - Tihana responded. - You were having dirty thoughts. Very, very dirty thoughts.

- You can't prove anything. Maybe it was you, who was having dirty thoughts, and now you are projecting them onto me? - I proposed, with a smirk on my face. - I'm a very pure, noble, gentleman. A hero, some would say. Noble knight, although without a sword because swords are for sissies.

- Hey! - Celestine clearly felt called out, since she was using a sword.

I ignored, it, continuing because I knew that I fucked up, and I needed to bury it deeply, so she wouldn't pay too much attention to that part.

- And also without a horse, because, let's be honest, in modern times we don't need horses, and I'm faster on foot. I'm also humble. Very humble. Barely anybody even knows that I've saved the world multiple times. So how dare you. How dare you! Question me, your father. You should be shame to smear my name with such disgraceful accusations.

I guess my bullshit talk worked, and Celestine instead of feeling called out was smiling. Tihana rolled her eyes multiple times but allowed me to speak without intrusion.

- Say what you want, mister noble knight. But the fact is, that you have dirty thoughts, and instead of a horse you have a chicken! - she said giving me an annoying expression.

- O shit - left my mouth, as she spoke those words.

And that was because I forgot to bring out Tam from our house, where he was waiting for us to avoid the issue of traveling with a pet.

I immediately jumped back and forth, bringing a furious chicken to the room.

- Baaawk! Bo-bawk! Baawk! - he yelled at us.

- Shut up! - I hissed. - Don't make a noise, or we will get kicked out for having you here!

Still angry, flapping his wings, he marched off, to explore his new quarters. A loud sigh left my mouth, at the same moment as a giggle left Celestine's. Even Tihana found it funny. I didn't because I knew that this damn rooster was trouble. Liability even.

But bringing him along was not even a question, because the trouble he could cause if we didn't was much greater in comparison. Besides, he was also part of me, and I preferred to have him with us.

After all, he was also part of the family.

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