“If even the Arcane Mountain is unable to open the book, then it is merely a decorative item.”

“It doesn’t matter! An item belonging to the Great Empress is priceless!”

“We’re quite lucky to have arrived early, the other Sects coming later are missing out on a big opportunity.”

“I wonder how high this book will go for?”

Discussions broke out amongst the people in the auction house and their anticipation rose. Although the majority of them were all aware that they have no chance of opening the book and only a small chance of obtaining it, a thought sparked in their mind.

What if I get lucky?

At the same time, they were thrilled that only two of the top ten Sects are here! This increased their chances of getting the book!

Inside the VIP room of the Ardent Yin Sect, Bing Yi was currently scolding Lin Roulan.

“You brat! Why didn't you tell me the Solitude Auction House is auctioning an item belonging to Empress Han Lan?”

Lin Roulan giggled seeing Bing Yi’s annoyed expression. She stuck out her tongue and said, “I didn't know either! Dad and Aunt Caihong never tells me anything.”

“That’s because they know you can’t keep your mouth shut.”

Lin Roulan pouted cutely and felt wronged.

Bing Yi ignored her and took out a small wooden tablet. She held it with one hand and poured her True Essence into it while everyone else quietly waited.

A minute later, she put the tablet away and said, “Unfortunately, Master is currently preoccupied, but she wants me to attain the book at all costs.”


In another VIP room on the third floor. Ouyang Ming put down the wooden tablet with an excited expression. He was also told by Elder Chen to obtain the book at all costs.

“Our only competition is the Ardent Yin Sect, it’s a good thing the Merit Craft Sect hasn’t arrived yet. In terms of resource, they’re second only to the Arcane Mountain.”

Although the Merit Craft Sect isn't ranked within the top ten in terms of strength, through their connections and shrewd business practice, along with the mysterious ways in which they operate, they're a force that can't be underestimated.

At the side, Hong Tian was looking at the book with an interesting expression.

She opened her mouth and said, "Tell me about this Empress Han Lan."

Surprisingly, similar to Ji Xian and Xia Lihua, she too wasn't familiar with the Great Empress.

"Miss Hong Tian, allow me to explain..." Ouyang Ming wasn't surprised by her question and went on to explain.


Back on the stage, Lin Caihong overlooked the audience and enthusiastically said, “The opening bid will start at one Essence Spirit Stone!”

The low starting price caught people off guard but they instantly understood that it doesn't matter! The price will skyrocket!

“Sixty-nine Essence Spirit Stones!” Someone immediately yelled.

“Four hundred and twenty Essence Spirit Stones!”

“Two thousand!

“Eleven thousand!”

Hands rose one after another and voices rang out repeatedly without pausing for even a second. The bids only begin to slow down once the price hit a million spirit stones. At this point, only the first-rate Sects could afford to participate.

Lin Caihong watched all this with a smile. She glanced at the two VIP rooms, both the Ardent Yin Sect and Serene Yang Sect has yet to bid. She didn't mind as she knew it was only a matter of time.

Finally, after the bid of five million spirit stones, Ouyang Ming’s voice sounded out, “Seven million Essence Spirit Stones!”

The sudden increase of two million spirit stones caused the other sects to quiet down and bitterly smile.

“Eight million!” Bing Yi yelled.

“Nine million!”

Ouyang Ming and Bing Yi yelled out one after another causing the price to increase higher and higher.

An old man in the crowd sighed, and he said, “This is the difference between us and the top ten sects.”

Many people nodded and agreed with him. At this point, many people have already figured out who was occupying the two rooms on the third floor.

“Twenty-nine million!”

“Thirty million!

The continuous bidding went on for ten minutes and at this point, Ji Xian was getting tired of waiting, he sent Xia Lihua a message causing her to make a move.

“Three hundred million Essence Spirit Stones!”

The amount made everyone in the Solitude Auction House gasp in astonishment! They noticed that the voice came from the room occupied by the Ardent Yin Sect but it wasn’t from the Chosen Bing Yi.

Lin Caihong smiled brightly on the stage and at the same time, a hint of admiration sparkled in her eyes.

When the Arcane Mountain asked that they, the Solitude Auction House, not announce the book to the world, she, along with the other Elders refused. After all, this would mean they will make significantly less money, how can any business accept such a loss?

Only after a certain person from the Arcane Mountain guaranteed that they won’t make a loss, did she and the others agree.

In a certain VIP room, Ouyang Ming was currently wide-eyed.

“Three… hundred.. million? That’s probably more than how much our Sect makes in two to three years.”

“Senior brother Ouyang, that voice didn’t come from Bing Yi, could it be from that lady surnamed Xia?” A disciple asked.

“You’re right! What is her background..?” Ouyang Ming pondered.

He glanced at Hong Tian. At this point, she was his only hope to obtain the book.

In another VIP room, Bing Yi was looking at Xia Lihua in shock.

“Senior Xia, you want the book as well?”

“Yes.” Xia Lihua calmly nodded.

“But.. you didn’t even know who the Great Empress was until a while ago. You’re willing to spend that much?”

“It’s just pocket change.”

Her casual response made Bing Yi speechless, along with everyone else in the room.

Three hundred million Essence Spirit Stones is considered pocket change?

Down at the stage, Lin Caihong saw a lack of a follow-up bid so she decided to countdown. She was already satisfied with this amount.

Just as she was about to speak, a voice interrupted her, “Four hundred million!”

This came from the Serene Yang Sect! But the voice wasn’t Ouyang Ming, It was Hong Tian!

“Six hundred million.”

Before anyone can even react, Xia Lihua immediately counter-bid.

“Seven hundred-“

“One billion.”

A heavy atmosphere enveloped the auction house and even Lin Caihong can be seen breathing heavily.

Back in the room, Ji Xian inwardly shook his head. Xia Lihua didn’t even allow the other party to finish bidding before already putting up a higher bid. This amount wasn’t considered a lot to him so he didn’t care, but she doesn’t even know how much money he has, what if she overbid and he couldn’t pay?

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