◆Serpent's Queen; Diadona

The temple located at the peak of the highest mountain was the sanctuary of the Bird Women.

The nest-like palace, which was made by interlacing numerous pillars constructed from blue crystals, was an extremely beautiful sight to behold.

I was currently here visiting the owner of this palace, Casa.

「You're the last person I expected to visit this place, Diadona.」

Casa spoke to me.

She was definitely cautious of me.

I mean, after all, we were former enemies.

I stood by Nargol on the mother’s side, while Casa stood by Orgis on the father’s side.

「Cease your vigilance, Casa. I've not come to fight you.」

Our parents had long since perished, thus I had no more reason to make an enemy out of Casa.

The goddess in front of me was blessed with the power of future vision in exchange for the impairment of her eyes.

She was definitely someone I wanted as my ally.

「… Then let me hear your business for visiting me. You've not come for a mere light chat, right, Diadona?」

「That'll save me a lot of hassle then. I’ll get to the point, will you become my ally?」

「Since you're talking about "ally", you are bound to have an "enemy". Who's your "enemy" this time? 」

「Mina's children of course.」

Casa made a face as if she already expected my answer.

「As I thought. May I hear your reason? You've been obedient up until now after all.」

「It's because Rena, the daughter of that annoying Melfina, has summoned the Hero of Light from the Spirit World. The fact that he can make a miniature sun* itself is already made him an extremely dangerous existence.」[TL* : Maybe referring to one of Reiji's magic]

Originally, there was only eternal night in this world.

That was until Orgis created the sun to make a bright world for Mina, the goddess who came from the Spirit World.

I had no idea what kind of methods Orgis had used to make that sun. However, that very same accursed sun was giving birth to light in this world.

Though he was our father, he was such an idiotic man. Doing that would only reveal Mina’s existence to our mother.

As a result, half of that sun got smashed by our mother, making it so that it could only shine the world for half a day.

Oudith, who inherited Orgis’ power, was trying to return the sun back to its original state, but it took everything for him to just maintain it for a while.

And then, that Hero of Light appeared.

He also held the same power as Orgis.

The sun might end up being returned to its original state if Oudith and the Hero of Light were to work together.

If that were to happen, the world really might fall into the hands of Mina’s children.

Naturally, I wouldn’t let that happen.

Eternal night was the most suitable form of this world.

「Hero of Light? That one should be defeated by the Dark Knight. I don't think he's such big threat though…」

「Defeated yes, but he's still alive. Modes will remain undefeated as long as that Dark Knight is by his side. But what about the other gods? According to the rumor, even though that Dark Knight is protecting Modes, he has no intention to kill the Hero of Light.」

「And that Hero of Light… has become Labrys’ captive right now. What are you worrying about, Diadona?」

I shook my head upon hearing that.

「You're wrong. The barrier that trapped him got destroyed just now. Zarxis returned in a hurry as soon as he heard the news. I'll go with him since, at this rate, Labrys might be killed.」

In fact, I came along with Zarxis today. But, he went ahead as soon as he sensed that someone had destroyed his barrier.

Thus, I might have to chase after him later just to be safe.

But first, I needed to finish my business with Casa.

「I won't thank you even if you save Labrys, you know.」

I knew she would say those words.

Labrys, God of Lust had gained too much hate from the other gods. Thus, no one would thank us for saving him.

「That's right. But still, the Hero of Light is Rena's lover you know. There's no way Labrys, who loves Rena, will allow that Hero of Light to exist.」

There’s no way that Labrys, the very incarnation of lust, would give up on Rena. That’s why he wouldn’t forgive the existence of her lover, that Hero of Light. And that hatred for him was something that we needed.

「I see. Rena's lover huh. Well in this case, that Hero of Light isn’t just buying grudge from Labrys, he basically made an enemies out of so many male gods.」

I agreed with Casa.

Rena's beauty had surpassed Ishtar, the Goddess of Love and Beauty herself.

It might not even be an exaggeration to call her the most beautiful Goddess.

Due to this, there were various marriage proposals from many male Gods, not just limiting to Elios’ god, that kept coming to Rena.

Regardless of that, Rena didn’t appear to have any intimate relationships with any male Gods.

Well, she might’ve raised her bar very high considering she was brought up alongside her twin brother, Alfos, the most handsome male God in the world.

Those male Gods that were her admirers had gone into an uproar when they heard that Rena had gotten herself a lover.

「Sometimes I wonder, what are those male Gods see in that Goddess… I mean, look at her nasty personality.」

「Even I… have to agree with you in that regard.」

Casa agreed with me.

Rena's nasty personality was definitely inherited from that annoying Melfina.

It wasn’t just Rena. The Goddess’ who were descendants of Mina’s lineage were all beauties. But that very same beauty also made them too full of themselves.

And most annoying of all, they thought that ugly existences should be eradicated from this world.

「Well it's about the time for me to leave, Casa. Contact me again after you’ve made your choice.」

I bid my farewell to Casa.

I left Casa’s temple and headed toward the Minon plains to save Labrys.


◆Black Haired Sage; Chiyuki

「Come forth, Bonnacons!」

Seven cows surrounded by fire appeared as soon as Labyrs finished his chant.

Bonnacon, who sprayed their red hot sh*t towards us, was a middle tier spirit. It was truly a disgusting attack method that was killing us mentally.


I shouted to Rino in a hurry.

「Leave it to me, Chiyuki-san!! Please protect everyone, Kelpie-san!!」

Rino summoned the Kelpies, a middle tier spirit.

The seven Kelpies she summoned shot water from their mouths to protext us from that blazing sh*t.

Seeing that their sh*t attack failed, the Bonnacons changed their target from us to the Kelpies.

The result of the battle ended with both sides being annihilated.


Nao threw her boomerang with a shot. But that boomerang went back without being able to even scratch Labrys’ naked arm.

On top of wearing armor magic, Labrys' muscular body had steel-like skin.

Nao’s attack couldn’t so much as leave a cut on Labrys’ skin.

「Uuh, it's useless. Nao can't gather her strength.」

Nao spoke with a vexed voice.

「Nao-san, retreat to protect Sahoko-san!! Leave the offense to me and Reiji!!」

I fired a few icicle lances toward Labrys while giving the order.

On top of having an extremely tough defense, neither fire or thunder magic worked on Labrys.

That's why I used ice magic.


But my magic couldn’t leave a single wound on Labrys’ skin either.

This room was giving a huge advantage for Labrys.

It seems that the power of our magic was halved in this room.

But, I expected that.

My magic was just a distraction to create an opening for Reiji.



Labrys’ shield magic that he conjured in a split second instantly split in half due to the sheer force of that attack.

The two swords were slashing relentlessly at Labrys. Each slash worked to erase all of Labrys’ shield magic.

「D*AMN IT!!」

Reiji shouted in frustration.

「MY TURN!!!」

Labrys swung his giant tomahawk, sending out a shockwave attack towards us.

「O Light!! Protect Everyone!!」

A wall of light appeared in front of us along with Sahoko's shouted chant.

But, that shockwave destroyed the wall of light and blew us back.

We might die if we received a direct hit from that shockwave.


Rino raised her voice.

The power of that giant tomahawk was no joke.

Sahoko's defensive magic was easily torn apart by it.


As the only one of us who dodged that shockwave, Reiji had closed in towards Labrys.


Labrys attacked Reiji with his tomahawk.

Reiji dodged Labrys’ tomahawk with a swift turn and slashed at his leg with his sword.

But, in the next moment, the room shone and the wound had already healed itself.


The pair of horns on Labrys’ head then released a bolt of lightning.

The raining thunderbolts were attacking a large area that not even Reiji could dodge such an attack.

One of Reiji’s swords was flicked away from his hand, causing him to pause for a moment.

Labrys didn’t let go of that momentary opening and swung his tomahawk towards Reiji.

Reiji’s body was sent flying at receiving the full force of that attack.

But, just as he was about to impact against a wall, Reiji bent his body over like a spring and landed with his feet against the wall, dispersing most of the impact from Labrys’ attack.


Reiji kicked off the wall and transformed into an arrow of light.


Labrys was blown away by this attack.

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