Ankoku Kishi Monogatari (WN)

Chapter 44: Hundred-armed Giant

Former Princess of Algore, Regena

What should I do…

There's nothing I can do about the scene before me.

Omiros is wounded right in front of me.

But then, I don't even know what to do.

Omiros might be killed at this rate.

Even if I call for reinforcements, the people below might have their hands full in dealing with those goblins.

「Dear master…」

It seems that my dear master is fighting against the little sister of the hero and is unable to come to save me for the time being.

I wanted to cry right now.

Clasping the short sword in my hands, I recalled the day when I received it from my dear master.

This sword was gifted to me by my dear master so that I could protect myself when the time for me to leave Nargol and return to the human world came.

My dear master’s kindness fills this sword.

Originally, Nargol wasn't a place fit for humans to live. Except for my dear master, it seems, humans who lived there were regarded as a nuisance, or food.

The reason we were safe up till now was because they feared my dear master.

My dear master had told me before that we couldn't live in Nargol forever.

That was why someday, we had to return to the human world.

This sword was something that I needed in order to protect myself when I finally returned back to the human world.

But then, can I even do that?

I just want to stay by my dear master’s side. I always dream about it: the scene of the carnage of my people on that day. The scene of us running for our lives from those goblins. Whichever it is, the human world or the demon world, I'm scared of both of them.

I can feel at ease only when I'm by my dear master’s side. I really can't leave my dear master’s side.

I mean, even now, I'm trembling in fear.

There's two people fighting in front of my eyes.

But I know that Omiros’s movements are dulling as the fight keeps dragging.

Omiros attacked with his sword, and Goz repelled the attack with his shield.

The impact from that exchange made Omiros drop his sword. Omiros’s balance crumbled as he tried to pick his sword.

Goz wouldn't miss such a golden opportunity.


Finally, Omiros was tripped by Goz.

Goz stamped down on Omiros’s left arm, the arm which he used to hold his shield.


Omiros frowned in pain.


Holding his sword in a backhand grip, Goz then launched a deadly stab towards Omiros.

The moment I saw that.


I unintentionally screamed.

Both of them had their gaze drawn towards me.

Before I noticed, I had drawn my sword.

I wanted to save Omiros. I wouldn't let him die. That feeling was driving my body to move.

Omiros searched every goblin nest just to find me, and yet I wanted to return to Nargol. I didn't want to part with Omiros in such a cruel way.

Goz looked at me. My body trembled as I looked upon him.

「G-Get away from Omiros … Y-Your opponent is m-m-m-me!」

My hand was visibly trembling, my sword unsteady.

C'mon, Regena, get a grip already! I should be able to fight just like when I faced those ogres.

「Hey, such a small sword won't be able to kill me. Rather, throw that dangerous thing away since you might hurt yourself instead. Instead, I'll become your opponent as much as you like, on top of the bed, of course.」

Goz was looking down on me.

「Stop it, Regena…」

Omiros was trying to stop me with his frail and weak voice.

「Weaklings should just shut up!」

Goz yelled while trampling on Omiros’s chest.


Oh no, I won't let Omiros be hurt again.

「Stop it already … I understand, I will do as you say…」

I finally yielded to Goz.

「I see. Anything I say?」

Goz sounded so delighted.

「Then, throw that sword away below the rampart first! Or else, I'm gonna kill this guy!」

Goz ordered as he looked at my sword.

Throwing away the sword that was given to me by my dear master. As if I can do that.

「Please … This is the only thing I can't do…」

I pleaded with Goz.

「Then, I will kill him.」

Goz pointed his sword at Omiros again.

「WAIT! I … understand…」

I threw my sword beyond the rampart.

「Hehehe, good girl, Regena.」

Saying so, Goz then kicked Omiros away.

Omiros tried to stand up again, but he was kicked away by Goz.

Then, he showed an anguished expression as his body crashed against the wall.

「You just need to watch from there!」


I tried to rush toward Omiros


But my hand was caught, and I was knocked down by Goz.

Goz straddled on top of me.

「I finally caught you … Regena. I'm now gonna rape you in front of Omiros!」

As Goz was about to undress,


I shut my eyes and then called for my dear master with the loudest voice I could muster.


I heard the sound of something cutting the air.


Suddenly, Goz got away from me as he raised a painful shriek.

「… Eh? W-What happened just now?」

I straightened up and looked at Goz. That’s when I saw the short sword that I had thrown down to the bottom of the rampart sticking out from Goz’s naked ass.

Goz was hopping right and left while shouting in pain. Since he was about to undress his pants before, now his lower half was completely exposed. Jumping left and right in that state looked extremely ridiculous but this wasn’t the time to laugh.

I hurried to Omiros’s side.

「Are you alright!? Omiros!」

I supported Omiros.

「Uhm … Regena … What … Happened?」

Omiros stood up with great difficulty.

But just like him, I also didn't understand what was happening. My dear master’s sword, which should be at the bottom of the rampart, was stabbed in Goz’s ass.


Goz pulled out the sword sticking out of his ass. Out of nowhere, Goz used that sword to stab his own chest.


He tried using his free hand to stop the blade from stabbing him.

It seems that sword was moving on its own to stab Goz.

Goz managed to stop that sword from stabbing his chest at last.

「… What the hell is that guy doing on his own?」

Omiros looked at Goz with a puzzled expression.

Goz’s figure, desperately trying to stop his own hand from stabbing himself in a half-naked state, was an extremely hilarious scene to behold from the side. Even Omiros couldn't help but look with a puzzled face.

As we were looking at Goz in such a ridiculous scenario, we heard the sound of someone coming up the stairs. Someone finally ascended to this place. Omiros prepared himself for another battle since it was most likely the goblins.

「Sorry, I'm late.」

The one who ascended was a completely unexpected person.

「You are … that werewolf. What are you doing here?!」

Omiros asked as he stared at the one climbing the stairs. I knew this person, too. He was the werewolf who came along with us to Algore.

What is this person doing here? He should be locked up right now.

On a closer look, there was someone hanging on his back.

「Ri … Rietto?」

Omiros called out. For some reason, Rietto clung to the werewolf’s back.

「Geez! You should run a little bit slower!」

As she complained to the werewolf, Rietto descended from his back.

「Can't be helped! That scary master is gonna kill me for sure if I let something terrible happened to that female human!」

「Is that so? That uncle minstrel was kind to Rietto, though?」

「Coz, it's you …」

Those two were making a merry conversation.

「Rietto … What are you doing here?」

「Ah, Omiros! Eh, what happened? What’s up with all those wounds on your body? Are you all right?」

Rietto rushed towards Omiros.

「Well, don't worry about me, Rietto … I can manage it somehow. Rather, what are you doing here?」

Omiros replied using a brave tone to try and make Rietto stop worrying about him. But one could easily tell from his expression that his body was injured all over.

「It's not me, it’s werewolf-san! I don't care about what happens to someone like Regena. I just clung on to werewolf-san all this time.」

Rietto said as she hid behind Omiros’s back.

Omiros and I looked at the werewolf.

「Yeah, that scary person told me to protect you … That's why I followed your scent and arrived at this place.」

The werewolf said while laughing merrily.

「Protect me?」

Tilting my head due to the unexplainable situation, I wondered what he meant?

「Sorry that I'm late to the party, everyone. Those pesky goblins annoyed me to no end … But, all is well, I guess!」


I asked him in return. Come to think of it, what's become of those goblins that invaded Algore?

「Come to think of it, how's the situation with those goblins invading Algore?」

Maybe because he is similiarly worried about Algore too, Omiros asked that question of the werewolf.

「It's okay. All of those ugly goblins were driven away by the soldiers that were summoned by that old man minstrel.」

Rietto replied.

Then, something jumped out to the watchtower.

The things that appeared were three soldiers equipped with round shields and swords. It seems those soldiers jumped to the watchtower without using the stairs.


I unitentionally let out an admiring voice. These are the soldiers that could be summoned by my dear master.

「Summoned by the minstrel? He gave me this shield, too … Just who in the world is that minstrel?」

Omiros asked while touching his shield. The minstrel who gave that shield to Omiros was also the one who summoned the spartoi. All threads then suddenly connected in my head.


I unintentionally let out a smile.


Omiros looked at me, laughing out of nowhere, with a puzzled face. But how can I not laugh in this situation?

I mean, now I understand everything that happened here. Everyone gathered in this place was by my dear master’s arrangement.

I then looked at Goz who was trying his best to prevent the short sword from stabbing him.

Why in the world was I scared by this kind of guy again? I mean, there's nothing for me to fear anymore.

Even without my dear master by my side, he made these arrangements so that I had no need to fear the situation. If that was the case, then there was nothing to fear.

「Sword, back to my hand.」

I raised my hand and called back my sword.

Thus, the sword that was trying to stab Goz was now in my hand.

The relieved Goz gazed at me.

「Pu, so tiny. Not even a tenth of my dear master’s size.」

I sneered at him as I looked at his lower half.

I recalled the time when I was scolded by Kuna-sama for entering the bathroom when she was rinsing the back of my dear master.

My dear master’s little master was many times bigger than Goz’s.

Whether in sword, magic, or appearance, my dear master was a million times better than Goz. As if someone as insignificant as Goz could do anything against my dear master.

Nevertheless, it would have been really dangerous just now If I decided not to fight back. I drew my sword. It would be an easy win as long as I fought alongside Omiros. This sword gave me the power to fight.

Even if it was a mistake, I recalled that my body was still trembling whenever I saw Goz.

It was because I had no courage to fight back. Omiros was hurt because of my weak heart. Yes, it was all my fault.

But it's okay now, my dear master’s smile has saved my heart.

Pointing my sword towards Goz, I declared with strength,

「Bring it on, Goz! I'm not scared of you anymore!」

Goz was retreating upon seeing my sword. I could see fear coloring his face.


Goz grumbled.

「Hey Omiros … Who the hell is that…」

Rietto was clinging on to Omiros and asking so as she saw Goz.

「That is Parish … He was morphing his face all this time with magic. This face now is his real face.」

「No way, that is Parish …」

Rietto shook her head as if she couldn't believe what she heard just now.

「I see … So he is the terrifying opponent that you wanted to defeat no matter what, huh? In that case, it’s easy peasy.」

The werewolf said while looking at Goz. Not just the werewolf, there were also those spartoi.

This is the end for you, Goz.


After saying so, Goz took out a small bottle.


Goz threw the small bottle out of the watch tower.


An extremely loud scream, which felt like it was going to pierce the heavens, resounded.

A black smoke rose from below the watchtower. From that black smoke, the figure of a giant with numerous hands appeared.

「What the…」

I unintentionally muttered. Looking around, I could see that everyone’s face was painted with fear.


After saying so, Goz pushed us aside and disappeared from the stairs. We were too focused on the appearance of the Hundred-armed Giant to care about him.

The Hundred-armed Giant was looking at us.


The werewolf screamed in fear.

Every one of us was filled with fear. The spartois, being the only ones who could move, charged ahead towards the Hundred-armed Giant. But they were caught by its numerous arms and eaten without being able to leave a scratch on it.

And then, one of its arms headed towards us.


I pushed Rietto aside. The arm that should have caught Rietto took me instead.



Omiros couldn't do anything but call my name.

The arm kept raising, bringing me closer to the Hundred-armed Giant’s mouth.


I closed my eyes and desperately called for my dear master.

Thereupon, my body was suddenly liberated.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the figure of my most beloved person. The most gentle person clad in jet-black armor.

I was carried by my dear master in a princess carry on top of his dragon.

When I looked around, I saw the figure of the Hundred-armed Giant far away from us.

「Are you alright, Regena?」

My dear master asked for my wellbeing. Though I couldn’t see his face due to his helmet, I knew that he must have been worried about me.

「Yes, I'm alright, master. There's nothing for me to fear anymore…」

Yes, there was nothing to fear anymore. I felt so as I embraced my dear master.

Dark Knight Kuroki

Somehow, I barely made it in time.

It was what I felt as I looked at Regena in my embrace. I prepared various countermeasures to make sure that Regena was safe and sound, but the current situation exceeded my worst expectations.

Really, everything I did ended up for nothing. Though I'm glad that she was somehow safe and sound, just a little misstep, and Regena would have ended in that thing’s stomach.

Sorry for making you go through such a scary experience.

Regena was clinging tightly to me. It might have been an extremely scary experience for her to embrace me so tightly. [ED: YOU DENSE MOTHERF^$#%!!!]

The giant was knocked back by Glorious’s ram and was now pushed a few metres away from Algore.

The knocked back giant stood up and headed toward Algore for the second time.


Glorious fired scorching hot breaths accompanied by terrifying roars. The dragon’s breath headed towards the giant and blew several of its arms to pieces.

Seeing that I thought "Hell yeah, it's an easy victory." But I revised my evaluation after seeing the blown arms regenerating from its root.

I won't lose against this kind of opponent, but it seems it would be an extremely troublesome one. Though that giant stopped moving as it might be using its regeneration ability, as soon as it was done with the regeneration of its arms, it started moving again.

I jumped from Glorious while carrying Regena and then descended toward the location of Omiros and the others.

Well, what should I do now? First, I returned Regena to Omiros and the others.

「All is well, Regena.」

After saying so, I separated myself from Regena. Regena left my side with a slightly regretful expression on her face.

「You are…」

Omiros looked at me.

「Was that shield useful to you, young prince?」

Saying so, I unfasten my helmet.

Fufufu, surprised are you now?

I mean, you would never expect a mere minstrel to be the Dark Knight.

「You're that minstrel? I see, so everything is within your expectations, huh…」

As I expected, Omiros was surprised by finding out my identity. And what do you mean by "Within my expectations?"


The little girl on Omiros’s side started shouting with a delighted face. If I'm not wrong, her name should be Rietto? Please stop calling me old man…

「What in the world happened here, Omiros?」

Someone ascended the stairs. I remember the face of the person who just climbed the stairs.

His name is MacGaius.


「MacGaius … He is the Dark Knight.」

「… Eh!? W-What!」

He let out the loudest exclamation of today.

「So noisy. What are you shouting for?」

Another person climbed the stairs. It was Reiji’s little sister, Kyouka.

「Oh my, Kuroki-san. What are you doing here? Are you done talking with Shirone?」

She calmly asked those questions. It didn't seem like she was hostile towards me. That made me feel relieved since I thought she was hostile towards me for almost causing Reiji to die.


And now, Shirone flew along with Kaya to our spot. It seems she picked her up along the way.

What a line-up we got here.

「Oh my, are you okay, Kaya?」

Kyouka asked as she looked at Kaya.

「I'm okay, milady. Just a little bit sleepy, but I can move just fine.」

Kaya glared at me. It seems she developed some sort of resentment against me.


The giant let out a loud roar. It seems it could finally move again.

「Hey, what in the world is that?」

Shirone asked as she pointed at the giant.

「That is Parish’s … No, I mean something summoned by Goz to destroy Algore.」

Everyone showed a shocked face as they couldn't believe what they just heard.

Omiros explained the situation from the beginning to now.

「There was such a thing…」

「What a failure. If I knew he was that kind of man, I would have choked him to death…」

Hearing Kaya spit out her frustration, Kyouka nodded.

To be honest, I also agree with her. I never expected Goz to do something that exceeded my expectations by calling upon that.

「Then, what are we going to do with that thing? It's heading towards us!」

MacGaius asked as he looked at the Hundred-armed Giant.

Before I noticed, the Algorians gathered around the edge of the rampart to watch that Hundred-armed Giant approaching. It seems that they panicked seeing that.

「Can you defeat something of that size?」

Kyouka asked.

「I think I can win against that.」

When I replied to her question, I looked at Regena.

「But then, what about you, Regena? Do you want to save this kingdom? It seems this kingdom will be in danger if we leave it as it is. If you really wish for it, I'll leave with you and let this kingdom face its doom.」

As I asked Regena such a question, everyone nervously looked at her.

Regena shook her head as she answered.

「No, my dear master. Currently, there are people who have a good relationship with me in Algore. I've a lot of memories of when I was living in Algore that I treasure. I won't let Algore, the kingdom where Omiros is living, be destroyed. That's why, please save them.」

Regena bowed to me.

That was a perfect enough answer for me. In that case, it was decided.

「I see, I guess it's time to save this kingdom. Glorious!」

Saying so, I soared in the sky and landed on the back of Glorious.

We head towards the Hundred-armed Giant.

Just what in the world is this giant? 

I thought. The giant was basically a mass of enmity. That enmity wasn't just directed toward something specific. I could feel that it hated the world itself.

I don't know why such a being can exist in this world, but as her master, it's my duty to fulfill her wish.

「O black flame!」

I clad my sword in black flame and then injected a huge chunk of my magic power into the black flame.


Twisting my body, I swept down with my sword.

The blade, clad in a mass of black flames, stretched out, burning the Hundred-armed Giant in its wake, creating a loud sound as it hit the ground.

After the black flames vanished, the figure of the Hundred-armed Giant couldn't be seen anymore.

It was nicely done despite being an impromptu skill. Let's call this technique, “Decapitation of Darkness Divine Blade.” What a great name.

Well then, let's stop this stupid train of thought and go back to Algore for the time being. There's something I must do.

I first needed a confirmation from Regena.

Then, I needed to check on Goz, who disappeared from there. He might be up to no good again. I decided to look for him later.

   I wonder where that guy is right now. Whatever, Algore comes first.


Goblin Prince, Goz

「Impossible … Defeating the Hundred-armed Giant in a single stroke.」

Despite being ranked at the bottom end, the Hundred-armed Giant should have power rivaling a god. And he defeated that so easily?

「F$CK! No matter how you look at it, there's no way I can win against that monster.」

It was annoying, but I had no choice but to give up on Regena.

「Hhm! I can have as many females as I want!」

After cursing like that, the realisation that I won't go back to Algore anymore hit me. But there's still a large amount of human countries available.

  Which country should I be heading to for now?

「Where do you think you're going, Goz?」

Somebody called my name as I was about to leave. It was the voice I didn't want to hear the most in the world.

Turning around, I saw the biggest goblin in existence.

「M-Mother. What are you doing here?」

There was no way I could mistake her ugly face for something else. It was my one and only mother. When I looked around, I found myself surrounded by many goblins. Those goblins, armed to the teeth, were those slow-witted ones from the south. They were the regular soldiers of the Karon kingdom.

「What am I doing here? I think you already know the reason, Goz. How dare you steal the important thing entrusted by his majesty, the Demon King, for your own convenience…」

My mother’s face was dyed with anger.

Oh crap, if I don’t run away now, I’m dead.

But, I was already surrounded on all sides.

「Goz, I'll give you pain worse than death. Capture him!」

After my mother gave out the orders, rope flew from everywhere and coiled itself around me.

It seemed it was magic rope, which made me completely immobile.

Could it be that I have to go back to that dark goblin kingdom? No, I don't want that. I don't want to go back to that dark place.


No one responded to my plea.

The rope continued to mercilessly bind my body.


Dark Knight, Kuroki

「What’s your choice, Regena? Do you want to go back to the world of humans?」

After I landed back in Algore, I asked Regena that question.

To be honest, I thought it was better for her to stay by Omiros’s side rather than return to Nargol.

Nargol was simply not a place for humans to live. The denizens of Nargol never regarded Regena and her family as their comrades. That, in itself, would cause considerable burden on their mental state. That was why I thought it was better for Regena and her family to go back to the human world.

But, it seems Regena was hesitant about this matter.

「Regena-san, don't you think that the other members of your family should stay in the world of humans?」

Kyouka also tried to bring Regena back to the human world.

「But, my dear master is…」

Looking at me, Regena seemed to have a hard time expressing her own feelings. Could it be that she was having a hard time choosing to leave Nargol due to the obligation that she felt towards me?

That didn’t make sense, I don't mind about such things like obligations. I mean the reason I saved Regena was just a whim of mine, nothing more and nothing less. That was why I wasn’t that eager to receive her feelings of obligation.

「It's okay, you don't need to worry about me, Regena. You should walk on your own path. Whatever you choose, I'll support it.」

After saying so, Regena nodded at me, having made her decision.

「Understood. I think I want to go back to the human world.」

So it was decided. She had my blessing for her choice.


  Now, build a happy marriage relationship with Omiros.

「Kyouka-sama, I'll take your offer.」

Regena bowed to Kyouka. I could only tilt my head in confusion hearing those words. Eh, I got this feeling that I missed something here.

「I see, well then, return with us to Holy Republic Lenaria.」

Smiling, Kyouka replied so to Regena. Shirone and Kaya who heard Regena reply from the side also nodded their heads.

EH? Somehow, Regena would go to the Holy Republic of Lenaria instead? When did they have such a talk? Then, what about Omiros?

「Thank you for your kindness until now, Omiros. I've decided to give my heart to someone else. Sorry, but I can't respond to your feelings. Nevertheless, you still have so many friends on your side. Someday, let's meet again in the Holy Republic of Lenaria.」

Regena replied so to Omiros. I was shocked to hear that.

I never knew that Regena was in love with someone else and that person wasn't Omiros. I wonder what kind of a person she fell in love with?

I'm really curious about that now. Maybe it has something to do with the reason Regena decided to go to the Holy Republic of Lenaria instead of Algore. Then, there's only one person who can make her take such a decision.

The Hero of Light, Reiji. The person who Regena loves must be none other than Reiji. Come to think of it, they met once before in the past.

Another one, huh … I feel down now. Now it looks like I protected Regena for Reiji’s sake.

「Yeah, please take care of yourself.」

Omiros smiled as he said so. It felt more like a forced smile to me.

Poor Omiros. Her Regena was stolen by Reiji.

But, he gave his blessings to Regena instead of being angry.

So, since Omiros chose to endure it, naturally I, as her master can't lose to him.

「My dear master. Before that, please … Bring me back to Nargol for the last time to explain the situation to everyone.」

Regena then turned around and faced me as she said so.

「Yeah, we should do that…」

I replied with a stiff face since I had the luxury of hiding my expression thanks to the helmet that I wore.

Even if I gave my heartfelt blessing to her, it seems that my body can't accept it.

Though you can't say that Omiros was a cool and refreshing guy by any standard, he was an honest man. That's why, deep inside, I preferred to leave Regena in Omiros’s hands rather than Reiji’s.

But it seems that deep inside, Regena didn't think so. Shirone was also like that, though … Well, I really can't understand women’s hearts after all.

「Let's get going then, Regena…」

I called Glorious with a slightly heavy mood. Thereupon, Glorious flew high up in the sky and descended just right on the side of the watchtower.


Shirone asked me to stop.

When I turned around, Shirone had this pouting expression on her face.

「Kaya-san told me to withdraw just now. BUT! Mark my words, I WILL DEFINITELY TAKE YOU OUT OF NARGOL! PREPARE YOURSELF!」

After saying so, Shirone suddenly turned away. It seems that the woman called Kaya managed to persuade her.


I replied in a low voice.


Her anger ignited. Well, I mean I have my own circumstances.

「Uhm, Regena!」

Now, it was Rietto’s turn to call out to Regena.

「Thank you for saving my life! And sorry for always acting cold and distant towards you!」

Rietto bowed to Regena.

「Don't mind it, Rietto! I'm glad that you're as lively as before!」

Regena smiled at her. I felt that her smile was really fascinating.

「Shall we go then, my dear master!」

Along with her voice, I carried Regena and got on Glorious’s back.

Omiros was waving his hand at us. Regena was also waving back at him.

Even if those two were not tied by some sort of connection like marriage, I could feel a strong bond between them. That was why I was certain that they would definitely reunite.

With Glorious’s flying speed, Algore instantly became a dot of light behind us.

「Good bye, my birthplace…」

Regena muttered. It seems that she cried for a short while, and then that cry was replaced by laughter. I’m sure that she was glad for the last words from Rietto.

Brushing on her head, Regena then turned around and looked at me.

Before long, we crossed the Akeron mountain range and entered Nargol.

「Well Regena, I guess this is goodbye to Nargol of eternal night, a gloomy and dark place.」

I laughed while saying so.

「… You're wrong, my dear master. Nargol isn't a gloomy and dark place. Because you are there, my dear master.」

Regena embraced me on top of Glorious’s back.


It startled me when she suddenly embraced me.

「Surely, Nargol might be a dark place due to its perpetual night … But then, my dear master, please shine upon me like the twinkling stars in the night. That way … I will never think of Nargol as a dark place, my dear master.」

Saying so, Regena keep clinging to me as she smiled.

It seems that she just said an extremely embarrassing line. Her words might have been just her gratitude to me.

Nevertheless, it was still an extremely embarrassing line.

Glorious kept flying with us.

Nargol’s sky was dark, but my heart was as bright as a sunny day.

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