Sword Maiden Shirone

The ogres have left. Velos regained its peace.

Fortunately, no one died in this incident. Well, everything is thanks to Kuroki’s intervention.

If Kuroki didn't drive away those ogres, the Velos kingdom might have been annihilated in a single night by Kyouka-san.

After that, Kuroki vanished without a trace along with that silver-haired girl.

Now that I recall about her, she was an extremely beautiful girl. I wonder who that girl is? I am really worried about Kuroki now.

I recalled Chiyuki-san’s words before we came to Velos.

According to Chiyuki-san, it seems there's a magic drug that could be used to manipulate humans. Isn't this exactly as everyone said before? What if that girl is the one who drugged Kuroki using that magic drug?

I was thinking of such things while walking along the corridor of Velos.

We were walking in the royal palace, led by Eclas.

Nobody died in this incident, but some people were still injured. Those people were currently resting in the medical quarters of the royal palace.

The doctors and the priests employed by this kingdom were currently treating those patients, but they were suffering from a lack of manpower. That's why the three of us were led by Eclas to this place.

Though my skill can't match Sahoko-san’s, I could still use basic healing magic. As for Kaya-san, she possesses the ability to raise a person’s bodily resilience, thereby raising their natural recovery speed.

Upon hearing about our skills, Eclas came to ask for our assistance.

Since we were the main reason for the ogre’s raid in this country, even if he hadn’t asked for our assistance, we would have taken up the responsibility of treating the victims, at the least.

Eclas, who had yet to recover from his dislocated disc, led us while being supported by Corfyna and an attendant.

「Well then, here is the place, senorita. Since I still have to visit various other places…」

Eclas bowed to us when we arrived in front of the medical room.

「Well, please leave this place to us. You just need to fulfill your own duties.」

Kyouka-san said with a haughty tone.

Since Kyouka-san can't use recovery magic, it's up to me and Kaya-san though…

We entered the medical room. The interior was huge with many beds furnished inside, all occupied by patients. The patients with minor wounds didn't need a bed, so they were sitting on the chairs.

When I took a glance around the room, I found that the majority of the people lying on the beds were the soldiers of this country.

It seems the number of guests injured during last night’s incident was minimal.

However, Eclas told us that he wanted the guests to be healed first, so we headed towards the guest section first.

The people who wore gorgeous dresses were gathered in a separate area from the rest of the soldiers.

Most of them were only suffering from minor injuries.

A majority of them might have injured themselves when they ran away from the ogres.

We started searching the surroundings to identify the ones with the gravest wounds.

Suddenly, my eyes were attracted to someone.


Omiros was there amongst the patients.

「If it isn’t Shirone-sama.」

Omiros bowed to us upon noticing our arrival.

「What's the matter?」

I went towards Omiros’s position. Did he injure himself last night?

I felt sorry for him when I recalled that I was the one who left him alone last night.

Thus, I noticed that there was someone beside Omiros.

A woman was sitting right by his side.

A wet cloth was draped on her ankle.

It looked like Omiros was the one who treated her wound.

「She twisted her ankle when we were running away from the ogres…」

「He~, I see.」

Omiros was tending to her wound. Quite a gentleman, isn't he? Aren't you quite a smooth talker here? Have you recovered from that Regena matter?

I looked at the face of that woman. She was quite a beauty.


Suddenly, I realized.


When I shouted, the girl looked at me.


Regena muttered those words when she saw us.

Though we never spoke with each other, it seems that both of us remember each other from the past.

「What … is the wife of the hero doing here?」

That should be our question. According to Omiros’s story, she and her clan should have been banished to the goblin nest.

「I have a question for you, Regena. Weren't you and your clan supposed to be banished into the goblin nest? So, why are you here in the Velos kingdom?」

Omiros asked that question on behalf of us.

「Eh, about that…」

Regena seemed to be hesitant to tell us about that matter.

「OOOH! A gentleman saved us when we were in a pinch!! I have to go back to his side.」

Regena tripped when she turned around to leave.

Omiros caught her before she fell.

「Don't force your injured feet, Regena.」

Omiros responded with a worried tone.

「Are you okay?」

I chanted healing magic while asking her that question.

「Eh? My feet are healed!?」

Regena separated from Omiros and then stood on her feet. If it was just this degree of injury, my healing magic was enough.

「T-Thank you very much. Well, I'll excuse myself then…」

Regena was about to leave after saying those words.


「Sorry, Omiros! You cannot stop me anymore!!」

But, Omiros didn’t let go of Regena’s hand.

There was something I wanted to ask Regena too.

「Please wait a minute. You forgot about your baggage, Regena-san.」

Kaya-san who was looking at the unfolding situation from the side presented the object in her hand to Regena.

The thing in her hand was a short sword furnished with a beautiful sheath.

「EH? AAH!」

Regena was tapping her skirt in panic.

「Thank you very much.」

Saying so, she stretched her hand to try to take the sword from Kaya's hand, but before Regena could take her short sword back, Kaya suddenly kept it away from Regena’s reach.


Regena seemed to be shocked by Kaya’s action.

「Kaya … What are you doing here?」

Kyouka-san was surprised as well. Kaya-san wouldn't do such an ill-mannered act without a proper reason.

When Kaya-san unsheathed the short sword I could see black flames coiling around the black blade.

「These are … black flames. What's the meaning of this?!」

Kyouka-san started screaming.

「I just felt something strange when I touched this short sword, but… As I expected…」

I was also aware of the origin of this black flame.

「It's Kuroki’s flame.」

I muttered so.

Hearing me mutter Kuroki’s name, Regena questioned me.

「Why do you know about my dear master’s true name?」


I looked at Regena who said those words.

Regena blocked her lips with her hands due to the slip of her tongue.

「I think I have an idea about the identity of the kind person who saved you.」

I agreed with Kaya.

The one who saved the clan who were driven out into the goblin nest might have been Kuroki.

Why did he come to Velos? I wonder why he came with HER last night?

「It seems that we can’t just let you go.」

Saying so, Kaya-san stared at Regena.

Former Princess of Algore, Regena


Saying so, I glared at those girls.

Standing in front of me are the little sister of the hero, her maid, and one of the hero’s wives.

I absolutely won't tell them anything about my dear master.

Currently, I'm being interrogated in the office of the king of Velos.

I was captured after they became aware of my connection to my dear master.

I don't care about Omiros. I just want to go back to Nargol ASAP.

But, because I got carried away when I met Omiros, I missed the chance to return to Nargol.

And then, my dear master’s short sword and the gem loaded with return transfer magic were also confiscated.

The gem aside, I wish they returned the short sword given by my dear master.

In front of my eyes, the woman called Kaya, the one who captured me, kept asking about my dear master.

But I had no intention to tell her about my dear master, even if they were to kill me.

These women were my dear master’s enemies. Thus, they were my enemies, too. I won't tell anything to my enemies.

Puffing my cheeks, I averted my face from her.

「U~hm, this is kinda troublesome. Even though I just want to know about Kuroki’s current condition.」

The girl called Shirone seemed to be troubled.

「Shall we make her confess by torturing her?」

The woman called Kaya asked.

I trembled in fear upon hearing her statement.

「Uhm … Please. If possible, please don't hurt Friona’s daughter…」

The one making that request was the king of this kingdom.

By the way, Friona was the name of my mother.

She used to be the fiancee of the king of Velos, who is right before me now.

He's indeed the embodiment of what you call a healthy and nice uncle.

Why didn't he ask for the reason why my mother left him and went to Algore?

It might have been a matter of appearance. I couldn't really say that the king before me was a good-looking person. I have no doubt that my father is a handsome man.

However, in regard to innate nature, this king is far better than him.

Even from my point of view, his daughter, my father has the kind of personality that could easily provoke a lot of people.

In comparison to that, this king seemed to be someone who was loved by everyone.

After speaking with him for a while I became aware of his kindness.

Instead of venting his anger on the daughter of his former fiancee who abandoned him, he mourned for me who was expelled by my country.

But in regard to his kindness, he looked like someone who would easily get himself cheated by a bad person.

「Kaya-dono! She must’ve been tricked by that evil dark knight! Please, don't torture her!!」

Omiros shouted those words to defend me.


「              KUROKI ISN'T AN EVIL PERSON!」

For some reason, the woman called Shirone was also shouting along with me. Knowing his name aside, I wonder what her relationship with my dear master was.

Omiros shrank back after being yelled at by Shirone and me. I felt sorry for him even though he was just trying to protect me. But, I just couldn't let anyone speak badly of my dear master.

「Kaya. I'm not fond of violent ways, too.」

The woman called Kyouka, the little sister of the hero also covered for me.

It seems that the woman called Kaya couldn't go against Kyouka’s words. It seems I was saved from a cruel fate. At the very least, they won't use torture on me.

「Understood. I won't use any violent methods on her.」

Saying so, Kaya looked at me.

「Well then, let's ask a different question, then. That night, Kuroki-san was with that silver-haired woman right, who is she?」

「Silver-haired? Kuna-sama…」

I unintentionally answered the question of the woman called Kaya. I don't know what she wants to find out with that question, though.

「Hou, so that woman is called Kuna. What kind of person is she?」


I have no answer to this question.

「You don't know anything about her, huh? Well, she might be some sort of a high-ranking demon.」

How sharp. I mean, Kuna-sama is the daughter of His Highness the Demon King after all.

「I'm also curious about her. Tell me, Regena-san. Who is that girl?」

Naturally, I don't know the answer to that question, too.

「Could it be she's the one manipulating Kuroki?」

「Manipulating? My dear master?」

「Don't you think that it's strange? The reason why your kind master is serving under that wicked Demon King.」

The woman called Kaya said so with a cold tone.

Now that she mentions it, I wonder why such a kind person like my dear master lives in Nargol?

「… Come to think of it, Kuna-sama is always muttering something as if my dear master is hers…」

The little sister of the hero and company are exchanging glances in hearing me mutter so.

「As I thought … That girl is the reason.」

「It seems so for me too…」

「It seems that we have finally found some clues here.」

It seems that the little sister of the hero is under the impression that my dear master is being controlled by Kuna-sama.

As for me, I don't think so.

I mean, my dear master wouldn't have saved me if he was really being controlled by Kuna-sama. Moreover, I noticed that Kuna-sama always considered me a hindrance. In fact, if my dear master was really being controlled by her, I would have long since lost my life.

But, it's not like I'm going to tell these girls about this doubt of mine.

「What shall we do, return for now and meet up with Reiji and the rest first? Rino-sama might be able to get more information from her … Or, at the very least, we have to tell this piece of information to Chiyuki-sama.」

「Yeah, that's right. We should get in touch with her … Even so, I want to stay here for a while longer … It SeEMs ThAT I'LL HAvE To MEeT THaT GiRL CaLleD KuNA AgAIN.」

The woman called Shirone was laughing.

「Shirone-san … Your face is scary you know…」

Their discussion was going on and on.

I suddenly shifted my line of sight to that place.

On there, a person was standing still in silence despite being in the same room.

I'm sure that his name was Parish.

I’ve met him once in the past. He should be the house guest of Omiros’s father. I never spoke to him.

The first time I met him was around half a year ago. Despite being someone sheltered by my father’s enemy, he was quite famous even in my family due to those good looks.

But, he is my father’s enemy. He's a terrifying soldier who can use both sword and magic.

Nevertheless, even that Parish is far weaker compared to my dear master.

Parish’s condition seemed awfully strange. Bloodshot eyes and rough breath.

It seems that he became like that due to Kuna-sama’s magic.

I don't know why Kuna-sama attacked Parish.

I wonder what happened to him.

Above all, I noticed that his eyes kept glancing in my direction. He kept looking at me ever since he came to this room.

And for some reason, I got goosebumps whenever he looked in my direction.

Which reminded me of the fact that it felt like he was always looking in my direction back in Algore. I remember that I was always avoiding his unpleasant gaze.

Despite him being an extremely handsome person, I, for some reason, didn't want to approach him.

Parish’s eyes met mine.

When his eyes met mine, he laughed eerily.

For some reason, I started shuddering upon seeing that smile.

Sword Maiden, Shirone

「How was the result, Kaya-san?」

I asked Kaya-san.

She used communication magic to get in touch with Chiyuki-san just a while ago.

After our conversation with Regena, we were currently in the room that was prepared for us. Regena was sleeping in the room beside our room. Kaya-san made her sleep since she was acting violently.

She wanted to go back to Kuroki’s side, but we couldn't send her back since she's a precious source of information. Poor girl.

We could easily arrive at Kuroki’s side as long as we used the gem loaded with transfer magic that was in Regena’s possession. I wanted to use it, but Kaya confiscated it. We shouldn't do such reckless things since we didn’t have enough information about the other side.

「It seems meeting with them is quite a task…」

After our discussion, Kaya-san said so while touching the bracelet on her left hand.

Communication magic was engraved in that bracelet.

Communication magic is slightly troublesome since it can't be done if the other party doesn't master communication magic as well.

In the first place, Chiyuki-san was the only one who can use communication magic amongst us. But, we could still have our regular meetings by using this communication magic tool.

The bracelets that we got from Rena made it possible for even someone unable to use communication magic to utilize it freely.

We got this bracelet from Chiyuki-san when we decided to act separately from Reiji and co. This was a precaution measure in case something happened along the way.

「What's happening on the other side, Kaya?」

Kyouka-san asked Kaya.

「It seems that they received an extremely troublesome request from the Magician Association and are yet to finish it.」

Kaya-san bowed to Kyouka-san.

「In short, Reiji and company are yet to go back to the Holy Republic of Lenaria, right?」

「It's as you say, Shirone-sama. They're currently in the Republic of Ariadina.」

「The Ariadina Republic? Where is that place, Kaya? 」

「It's a country located at the border between the western and eastern side of the continent, right to the south of the Minon plains. I heard that it's a prosperous trading city」

「I see, going there seems to be quite a troublesome journey…」

We could move instantly with teleportation magic if it's to go back to the Holy Republic of Lenaria. Even so, it was going to take a lot of time to go to that Republic of Ariadina.

「So, what shall we do from now on? Kuroki-sama might come to get her back. Without the help of Reiji-sama and the rest, we're no match for him.」

Kaya-san asked us with a troubled expression.

It's just as Kaya-san said, Kuroki was powerful. It took all of our members cooperating together to beat him. But, I didn't want to go back.

「Naturally, I think we should go to Algore for the time being. Rather, it's more convenient if Kuroki comes to us.」

Nevertheless, he might be forced to go there.

Hearing that, Kaya-san heaved a sigh.

「Haa~, so things really turned out this way, huh … But, please don’t force yourself and withdraw immediately if things get dangerous.」

「Yeah, I promise.」

Everyone was worried about me. Moreover, I couldn't involve them in dangers caused by my whims. That was why I couldn't force myself.

It's just that I want Kuroki to come as soon as possible. I'm sure that the thread is still connecting us together. I believe so.

Goblin Prince, Goz

Sprawling before my eyes were the bodies of naked females.

There are ugly ones and beautiful ones, too.

However, their beauty isn't at the level of the little sister of the hero or Regena.

I have to hold back for now.

After being interrogated, Regena was taken by the little sister of the hero.

That pitiful Omiros, hated by Regena, returned to his own room with a dejected face without even being able to talk to her.

Since I managed to suppress my throbbing lower body caused by drinking that aphrodisiac, I invited several females who attended the ball, and there’s no need to say – what followed after that was an orgy.

These females are completely satisfied after being f^cked by this handsome Parish.

But, the throbbing of my lower body isn't abated.

The effect of the aphrodisiac forcefully fed by that detestable Silver Witch was yet to vanish entirely.

Even though it's calming down a little, these females aren't enough to satisfy me at all.

「This pain can only be appeased by Regena…」

My laughter almost burst out from my throat.

Just when I thought she was gone, I found her again.

Regena was caught by that Silver Witch.

I don't know too much about the Silver Witch. As for the reason, I am simply not interested in Nargol.

The first reason being that there are so many monsters several times more powerful than me in there.

Since I'm not too keen at approaching Nargol, I don’t have too much information about it.

Thus, I never knew about such a beautiful witch.

According to Regena, she's the daughter of the Demon King.

Though I couldn't believe that the ugly demon king has such a beautiful daughter, she definitely resembles the wife of the Demon King that I saw on the picture previously.

Honestly speaking, I'm glad that she does not look like the Demon King.

About her dear master, the Dark Knight who defeated the hero.

For some reason, her dear master brought her along to attend the Velos’s Royal Ball.

I couldn't move my body during the ball.

After I regained the capability to move my body, I was called to the office of the king for negotiations regarding the relationship with Algore.

After that, I was reunited with Regena.

I was told that she was arrested by the little sister of the hero and friends.

Well, Nargol is the enemy of those females, after all. It's just natural for Regena, who was brought along by that Dark Knight and Silver Witch, to be placed under their arrest. Fortunately, they didn't want to kill her.

I managed to reunite with Regena.

As I thought, Regena and I seem to be tied by the string of fate. [TL: A flag?]

It made me want to give my utmost praise to the goddess of fate, Casa.

I definitely won't miss this chance.

I won't hand her to the Silver Witch or the Hero.

That's why Kyouka and her group are a hindrance.

I have to do something about them.

Dark Knight, Kuroki

「They arrested Regena?」

When the morning came, I received news about Regena’s arrest in my mansion in Nargol.

That report came from Regena’s relative who accompanied Regena in the last night’s ball.

It seems that she went to Algore along with Shirone and co. this morning.

They took her away by wagon. I had returned to Nargol in a hurry, after all.

Thus, several of Regena’s relatives pleaded to save her.

「Please, please save our princess…」

The woman who gave the report begged me to save Regena. I'm sure that she was Regena’s wet nurse. I do remember taking her along with Regena all the way to Velos.

It seems that she remained in the town without participating in the ball like Regena.

「My princess might be murdered if she returns to Algore … Otherwise, she'll meet an even crueler fate … Please master, please save Regena.」

Regena’s wet nurse was crying as she pleaded with me. Regena’s relatives were also making some ruckus.

「It's okay.  Regena would neither be killed easily nor be subjected to anything inhuman.」

Everyone seemed to be surprised hearing my words.

「How do you know that …?」

I said that to pacify Regena’s wet nurse. I was not lying to her.

「The one who captured her is the comrade of the hero … That's why she'll be fine. At least, Shirone won't let anyone hurt a frail girl like her. If someone tries to hurt her, Shirone will protect her for sure. That's why she'll be alright.」

As for the reason, it's because she's an ally of justice. She'll save the princess of the human side. Shirone definitely won't let a frail girl like Regena suffer a cruel fate.

「Thus, no one will be able to hurt Regena.」

I declared.

After saying so, I suddenly glanced at Kuna.

Kuna was pouting.

「Kuroki, you seem to be very familiar with that girl called Shirone…」

For some reason, Kuna was in a bad mood.

「What's the matter, Kuna?」

「It's NOTHING AT ALL, Kuroki!」

She said "It's Nothing" with an angry tone.


Pouting, Kuna turned her face away. Then, she left the room in a seemingly bad mood.

Just what the hell is happening here?

「Will she really be okay?」

Regena’s wet nurse continued querying me.

「She is. Moreover, I'll go save Regena right away. That's why you guys should wait here. Don't do anything reckless.」


Saying so, Regena’s relatives bowed to me and left the room. With them leaving, there was only one person left in the room.

I looked around. After confirming that no one was around, I grabbed my head as I was at my wit's end.

「Crap … I'm really in deep sh*t now…」

I never expected them to catch Regena. Things have become really troublesome now. This current appearance of mine couldn't be shown to others.

「Uuh … This is bad. Really, really bad…」

I rolled around a few times on the carpet spread on the floor churning my brains.

There's only one reason for Shirone to capture Regena – to lure me. Honestly speaking, I don't want to meet Shirone.

Nevertheless, why did they capture Regena?

「No, that's not it…」

Muttering so, I shook my head and then raised my body.

There were so many reasons for them to capture Regena.

I knew about this fact just a while ago but, apparently, Regena’s mother was a noble of the Velos kingdom.

Moreover, she was the fiancee of the king. However, Regena’s mother ended up eloping with the former king of Algore.

Apparently, Regena resembles her mother. That's why trouble was bound to happen since I had taken Regena to an event like the ball of Velos.

Moreover, Regena’s childhood friend, the current prince of Algore had come to Velos, too. All of these situations coincided as if to say "Feel free to arrest her."

I knew the matter about Goz when we came to Velos, but this is the first time I heard about Omiros.

When it comes to that, this is also the first time I heard that Regena has met Goz before.

Just how the hell did it come to this situation?

Knowing all this information only made me more anxious instead.

But, it was too late to regret this now.

I was really angry at my own carelessness.

This happened because I didn't pry too deeply into Regena’s past.

Regena and her relatives were exiled by the people of their country to the goblin nest. That's why almost all of Regena’s relatives died by the hands of goblins. Only a few of her relatives survived that desperate situation. Regena might be thinking about taking her revenge on the people who expelled her and her relatives.

Even so, I didn't want to support that idea.

That's why, in the end, I didn't ask or investigate anything.

That’s where I made a huge mistake.

This matter happened due to my own indecisiveness.

I might be able to do something if it's limited to Goz or the people of the Velos kingdom, but the problem was the fact that Shirone and co. were among the people who captured Regena.

My relationship with Regena might have long since become known by Shirone. Shirone won't do cruel things to a frail girl, but the reason why Regena was captured was me.

And maybe, they were waiting for me to come and save Regena.

「What should I do…?」

My mood was heavy.

Maybe I have to go to save her.

But, Shirone is definitely waiting for me. I might have to fight Shirone again. And, to be honest, I don't want that to happen.

That was why my movements became slower.

Shirone might be hating me right now. I mean, I hurt Reiji, the one she loves, after all.

I'm also aware of how the other girls treat the men who hate Reiji. And that's just too scary.

Those girls’ faces and Shirone’s are overlapping with each other.

I imagine myself being looked down by Shirone with a cold and hate-filled gaze. It's definitely not a comfortable situation.

That's why I wear my helmet to hide my face. I called myself Diehart instead of Kuroki to divert the hate towards a completely different person. [TL: Someone with the name Diehart is crying]

But then, my true identity has been exposed. Shirone might hate me right now.

That's why I don't want to meet her.

If meeting her would result in me being looked at with her piercing cold gaze, I would rather not meet her at all.

I'm stuck in a helpless situation right now. I'm completely at a loss.

「I'm just … miserable.」

I hid my true identity while fighting Reiji in order to prevent myself from being at the receiving end of the fury of the girls.

I might look like a miserable coward.

This might be why Shirone chose Reiji over me.

If it were Reiji, he would come to save Regena immediately.

However, Regena doesn't have such a fortune because the one who picked her up was this miserable man.

In fact, if Goz didn't exist, I think that it was better for Regena to go back to Algore.

After hearing Kuna’s story, it seems that Goz isn't good-natured either. That's why I shouldn't leave Regena in Goz’s care.

If I had to leave her in someone’s care, it might be Omiros.

This was something that I felt when I heard Kuna’s story – the man called Omiros is an extremely dedicated person.

It seems Omiros dived into the dangerous goblin nest so many times to search for Regena.

If you think about it, it might be better to leave Regena to Omiros who lives in the bright world rather than keeping her by my side living in a world filled with darkness. [TL: Yes, he's saying it, literally. Nargol is the world of eternal night]

If things went well between them, Regena wouldn't need me anymore.

She won't be caught, and she doesn't need to return to Nargol since there's Omiros by her side.

In that case, it'll make me look like a fool. A clown.

But, such foolishness isn't in my character. The stupid villain role who became the hindrance of their love should be left to Diehart.

And then … Shirone, the ally of justice, will save them.

「That's the scenario…」

Thus, I mutter the conclusion of my imagination that was running wild until now. That was the best happy ending. When it comes to that, I might as well become a villain.

Of course, there was a possibility that my imaginary situation wouldn't happen, either.

That's why I don't want to meet Shirone, but I still have to confirm the location they're going to send Regena. I have to do something about this situation.

Where were they holding Regena right now? Regena should have the short sword that I gave to her a while ago.

I injected my magic power into that sword.

I focused my mind to scour for any sign of it.

It seems that Regena and the others were heading in the direction of Algore.

In that case, their destination must be Algore.

And then, I started recalling about Algore.

It's a place that exiled her to that terrifying goblin nest, resulting in the death of the majority of her relatives.

It’s at a degree of cruelty toward human life which I would never imagine as someone who lived in a peaceful place like Japan.

And then, there's me, who saved her life. More than saving her, I want her to be happy. That's my wish for her.

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