299 Chapter 298-no difference

After Lu mingling used the Yang lightning incantation to gain the upper hand and force out an initial enlightenment cultivator from the other side, Lu Chaohe and Fang Ziliang also entered their shooting range. They used their own methods and aimed at the formation before smashing it down.

They also knew that it was impossible to hold on to this formation without any defensive means, so they could only come out to meet the enemy.

However, in their minds, it was four against three. Although they had Lu Chaohe, an impressive figure who had mastered a mystical power, there was also a little fellow who seemed to have just entered the initial enlightenment stage and whose aura was unstable. If they were to fight, their chances of winning would definitely be much higher.

The four of them seemed to have used Lu mingling as a breakthrough point.

You’re obviously the noob, but you still jump around like this? He deserved a beating!

First, he cast an immobilization spell and trapped Lu mingling in place. A ball of green light flashed on his body, and then he felt that he couldn’t move.

At the same time, Lu mingling also saw an initial enlightenment cultivator opposite him turn into a ghostly face. His body suddenly became much larger and he released a very terrifying aura. It made him feel flustered and his shuddering made his hands and feet turn cold. His whole body was trembling.

This wasn’t because he was timid. Rationally Speaking, he quickly reacted. This was definitely some kind of illusion that had the effect of causing people to feel fear. It wasn’t real.

But so what if he thought of it rationally? How could the fear of the soul caused by spiritual power be overcome by pure rationality and will?

In addition to immobilization and fear of the soul, there was also a strong white fireball, a magic sword, and a bolt of lightning. All of them were aimed at Lu mingling.

Their goal was very clear, which was to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Lu mingling, who seemed to be the weakest person, regardless of anything else.

Lu Chaohe and Fang Ziliang had also noticed this. In this moment of desperation, the two of them went to the rescue. Lu Chaohe blocked Bai Yan while Fang Ziliang blocked the flying sword. However, once the lightning that was released later was formed, there was no way to stop it. It shot toward Lu mingling at the speed of light.

Chaohe’s heart tightened. He was worried about Ming Ling.

He could roughly guess why Ming Ling was able to break through to initial enlightenment at the last minute. This situation was the same as what he had heard about his elder brother’s performance on the White ghouls battlefield in Xue state. It was most likely because of the help of the great ancestor. However, this temporary breakthrough could only be considered to be the strength of the initial enlightenment stage. His own spells, curses, and the equipment he carried with him were still at the foundation establishment stage. Under these circumstances, it would be difficult for Ming Ling to resist a full-force attack from an old veteran at the initial enlightenment stage, let alone when he was frozen and in a state of fear.

He was afraid that he would be killed in one strike.

However, when the lightning really struck Lu mingling’s body, they realized that the situation was completely different from what they had expected. An illusory spirit suddenly appeared behind Lu mingling. Like a mother holding a baby, it held his body in its arms.

Lu mingling suddenly broke free from his frozen state and fear. At the same time, the lightning struck down and shattered the shadow.

Chaohe’s eyebrows twitched. Although he didn’t know what kind of method this was, at least Ming Ling’s certain death situation had been resolved.

Of course, Lu Qing had given his own Junior A cheat this time.

A 3-star Guardian spirit. This exchange option could be directly given to a clan’s cultivator to protect them from any form of harm and restriction. However, the effect was short, and it would disappear immediately after it took effect.

The Guardian spirit that he had exchanged for helped Lu mingling withstand the lightning technique of an initial enlightenment cultivator. It also dispelled the freeze and fear effects on him.

On the other hand, Lu Chaohe could finally deal with the four initial enlightenment cultivators who had left the formation after he had crushed the white flame.

The gravity god art pressed down and while the four people weren’t far away, he set the gravitational point between them.

Feeling the pull of gravity, the few initial enlightenment cultivators panicked. After struggling to break free, two people ran out.

After all, Lu Chaohe’s divine power was directly used on the four of them. It was normal for the power to be weakened.

Lu Chaohe shouted at Ming Ling, ” “Attack those two!”

Ming Ling was still in shock from the crisis just now. However, he still knew what he should do when his granduncle called out to him.

A magic sword appeared in his hand, and the power of lightning gathered on his body. At the same time, lightning flashed and Thunder rumbled in the dark clouds.

This was the ‘profound heavenly lightning sword slash’ of the godly sword lightning-controlling true spell.

He was a cultivator with lightning spiritual roots and had a high status in his family. He naturally had some knowledge of the ‘godly sword lightning-controlling true spell’.

However, it was very difficult to learn this sword technique. Even if one practiced it in the foundation establishment stage, it would be very difficult to achieve any results. One could only use the techniques in this cultivation technique to enhance the power of the Thunder technique and sword technique.

However, now that he was already at the initial enlightenment stage, he could try out the ‘profound Heavenly Thunder sword slash’, a move that he had always wanted to master but had never been able to successfully master.

On the other side, Fang Ziliang was also very cooperative as he blocked the other two initial enlightenment cultivators.

To be honest, this put a lot of pressure on him, but it wasn’t impossible if it was only temporary.

Lu mingling’s face was a little red because he was still not familiar with the technique. However, in the end, he still executed this technique.

The flux star sword in his hand brought with it an Azure lightning bolt that descended from the sky and pierced towards the two initial enlightenment cultivators that were being controlled by his great uncle.

The two of them had obviously seen the lightning sword flying towards them, but even though they wanted to react, they had no way of doing so. In fact, at this moment, the two of them were almost pressed together by the gravity with their backs against each other. It was already their best to resist the gravity and not be squeezed into a pool of rotten meat at the same time. How could they have the means to deal with the lightning sword?

They could only watch helplessly as the lightning sword approached and was captured by gravity, flying faster and more fiercely. The lightning sword slashed down, and the two of them were pierced at the same time.

No matter how hard a cultivator who had just entered the initial enlightenment stage attacked, with their level of experience, under normal circumstances, they would be able to block it easily. Even if it was a sneak attack and he was caught off guard, it would not be much.

However, he was caught by gravity. Their current defensive power was not zero, it was completely in the negative. The sword pierced through them, and the two of them were in great pain, and the strength in their bodies was immediately drained.

How could they resist the pressure of the gravity god art if they were to vent their anger?

In just a moment, the two living people had been crushed into a big ball of meat with a diameter of about half an arm. It was made up of meat, blood, bones, internal organs, and many other things.


Chapter 2k

He had to go back on his word. As the holidays were approaching, he was dragged out by his colleagues to socialize at night and only returned home at 11 pm. This chapter had just been written.

However, the promised 8k would definitely be over today. It was already 4k, and there were still 4k left, which would be released at around 2 O ‘clock. The cultivators could wait or watch tomorrow.


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