An Exclusive love

Chapter 351 - One Kick at the Rib to Make it Broken

Bai Weirong got off the car angrily. Last night, she met the second young master of the Wen family when she was betting on horse racing in the club. She satirized Wen Pinyu on the fact that Wen Pinyu left the Wen family because of a third-rate star but when he starved to death, he dumped the woman and asked for his older brother’s help.

However, Wen Pinyu also laughed at her, for Jiang Rui had been married and even had a kid. At that time, she did not believe it and called her dad to verify his words. Then she found that Jiang Rui had submitted a marriage report indeed.

“Who is the woman? Who is the bastard?” She lost her head because of anger, walking to Jiang Rui, pointing at Tuan Zi and verbally abusing her.

At hearing Bai Weirong verbally abuse Tuan Zi and her, Chen Chen was thinking about whether to scold her back when she saw that Chengcheng, Bear and others were slowly receding. Then, she realized that the air around Jiang Rui had become very tense, and that Jiang Rui was chilling now.

“No!” Bai Weirong was kicked to fly off the ground and then hit heavily on her car. Her bodyguards were frightened, not daring to fight with Jiang Rui. They wanted to help Bai Weirong up and found that she had been spitting out blood.

Jiang Rui walked slowly up to her with Tuan Zi in his arms, stepping on Bai Weirong’s hand and saying: “Who are you? How dare you verbally abuse my daughter?”

Bai Weirong shivered with fear, and she did not expect Jiang Rui to beat her so hard.

“Jiang… Jiang Rui…” Bai Weirong felt that she was dying of chest pain. “Why… why you…”

“I always see you as a fly. I don’t care if you buzz around others. But if you dare to bother me, don’t blame me for swatting you. Next time, I won’t care about the Bai family’s fame.”

Tuan Zi smiled at Bai Weirong innocently, “Auntie, my father isn’t lying! He will really kill you!”

Bai Weirong burst into tears, being overcome by darkness and fainting.

“Young lady!” The bodyguards were anxious. “Chief Jiang… now…”

Bear walked over and gave Bai Weirong a kick. “Now? You’d better send her to the hospital quickly now, and her rib is broken.”

The bodyguards did not dare to move, called the ambulance immediately, and then informed the Bai family. When they remembered to find Jiang Rui, he was already gone.

Because Bai Weirong was taken to the hospital by an ambulance, it quickly became a sensational event. All of the people in the circle knew that Jiang Rui was married, and also injured Bai Weirong because she offended his newly married wife.

The head of the Bai family called Jiang Min. Jiang Min was greatly shocked and called Jiang Rui, but nobody answered. He had to ask Jiang Rui who was staying in the army home.

Jiang Rui didn’t know what’s happening outside, but even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care.

Several people were sitting in a small farmyard on the outskirts of the city. It’s December, and the heatable adobe sleeping platform was heated and became warm. Tuan Zi was feeding the chickens in the yard with Ying Cheng, Xiao Si, and Scar. Her soft laughter sounded from time to time.

“Boss, everyone knows it.” Bear hung up. “Your father is looking for you everywhere!”

Jiang Rui didn’t respond and poured the heated Chinese liquor into small glasses. “After this matter, I believe no one will dare to cause trouble to Tuan Zi and you.”

“What?” Chen Chen was studying the paper-cutting pasted on the window, stunned at his words.

Bear looked at her excitedly. “Boss did that for you so that you won’t be bullied!”

People in the circle of the capital knew that Jiang Rui was ferocious, and he saw the personal relationships and others’ faces as the shit. Originally, no one dared to provoke him, and now, Bai Weirong, who had been rumored to have an unusual relationship with him, was in a miserable situation. Naturally, there would be no one daring to risk its neck.

“Thank you.” That’s all Chen Chen could say, and she was thinking about what if the Bai family retaliated against her…

“They didn’t dare to retaliate against you.” Jiang Rui lifted his eyes.

“Can you read my mind?” Chen Chen couldn’t help saying it out.

Jiang Rui took a sip of liquor. “Because what you want to say is always written on your face.”

“Really?” Chen Chen touched her own face. Bear agreed, “Yes, it is obvious.” So he absolutely did not believe that Chen Chen was a spy. Such a spy would be killed by her opponent easily.

Several waiters opened the door and placed the dishes on the table.

Chen Chen asked Tuan Zi in. Everyone sat on the heatable adobe sleeping platform and ate around the wooden table. The dishes were cooked with vegetables planted by the farmers themselves as well as the free-ranging chickens. The farm also gave Tuan Zi a newborn puppy.

“Dad, can I take Little Black away?”

Jiang Rui looked at the little black dog: “Yes.”

“Tuan Zi, this dog is not good enough, and I’ll give you a police dog, which can kill people!” Scar hurriedly added, “It will protect you.”

“Right!” Bear was gnawing a chicken paw. “Tuan Zi, we’ll select a good newborn puppy for you from the army dogs.”

Tuan Zi was somewhat reluctant to give up the black dog, and she also wanted a better army dog. When she was making the difficult choice, she heard that a dog tried to open the door while barking.

“Give the dog back.” Jiang Rui touched Tuan Zi’s head. “Its mom is coming to find it.”

Chen Chen opened the door and saw a black dog whimper fast. It wanted to come in, but was too scared to do that.

“Here you are!” Tuan Zi laid the little black dog on the ground, and the big dog sniffed, running away with the little dog in its mouth.

Ying Cheng got closer to Bear and asked fawningly: “Brother Bear, can you give me one, too?”


Ying Cheng was pleased. “You must wash the bullets together with me,” Bear added.

Ying Cheng rolled his eyes and ignored him. Anyway, he was living with Tuan Zi. After the Chinese New Year, he would ask for the dog again!

They didn’t finish the meal until afternoon, and Tuan Zi fell asleep on the way home. Bear still wanted to follow them home but was stopped by Jiang Rui’s ruthless words.

“Go to wash the bullets.”

So Ying Cheng waved goodbye with a smile, and also reminded Scar to pick a newborn police dog for Tuan Zi.

Just when they arrived home, the doorbell rang.

“Do I need to hide?” Chen Chen tucked her neck into the collar. It must be Jiang Rui’s family, and she didn’t want to be tried.

Jiang Rui said while opening the door, “No.”

Jiang Qianren walked in slovenly and touched his chin at seeing Chen Chen. “Such a good girl was actually married to you!”

“Nice… nice to meet you!” Chen Chen didn’t know who he was, but since he dared to satirize Jiang Rui, he must not be an ordinary person.

“Gee?” Jiang Qianren approached her, with his face close enough to touch hers.

Jiang Rui gave him a kick, but Jiang Qian dodged neatly. “Hey boy, are you going to murder your uncle?”

“Uncle?” Chen Chen glared at him. “You are Jiang Qianren!”

“Wow! You know me.” Jiang Qian suddenly stared at Chen Chen again. “You look really like… I must have seen you somewhere.”

Jiang Rui sat Chen Chen down. “Where?”

“I don’t know.” Jiang Qianren sat opposite them. “But I did remember your face.”

Chen Chen shook her head hard. “Impossible. I have never seen you.”

Jiang Rui frowned. According to the information he had gathered, Chen Chen had never contact Jiang Qianren. “Isn’t Chen Chen the person Jiang Qianren has seen?”

“Is there anyone else?” Chen Chen’s eyes turned and turned, but did not escape Jiang Rui’s eyes. “Could it be someone else?” Chen Chen rolled her eyes, which was noticed by Jiang Rui.

It seemed that the woman didn’t tell the truth.

“Dad! Mom!” Tuan Zi was awakened, standing in the living room and rubbing her eyes.

Jiang Qianren got excited. He strode to Tuan Zi and squatted down. When Tuan Zi lowered her hands, he cried: “Ah! Exactly alike!”

“Uncle!” Tuan Zi smiled at him politely.

Jiang Qianren quickly corrected her, “Not uncle, I am your granduncle.”

He picked up Tuan Zi. “Come on! Call me granduncle!”

“Granduncle!” Tuan Zi said in a clear voice.

Jiang Qianren shouted at Jiang Rui excitedly. “You can rest assured that any matter will be over as long as your grandfather sees Tuan Zi!”

“Then let’s go.” Jiang Rui stood up. Chen Chen quickly asked: “Where?”

“Return to the Jiangs’ residence.”

Chen Chen got off the car gingerly. There were guards saluting them on the way from the gate to the door. She felt as if she were making a pilgrimage to the great men. But she shouldn’t be blamed for that, because here lived someone who could shake the outside with an only stomp!

Her feeling was even stronger when she saw Jiang Min. The person who had only appeared in the TV set was standing in front of you now, which excited her so much that she was speechless.

Compared with her gutless mom, Tuan Zi was so excellent.

“Great grandfather!” The little girl was not afraid at all, throwing herself into the arms of Jiang Min.

The pressure, which could be felt since when they walked in the house, disappeared without a trace. Looking at the mini “Jiang Rui”, the old man couldn’t help smiling.

“She is Tuan… Tuan Zi?” Jiang Min had been very angry with the name before and said that he would never call such a name, but now he called her Tuan Zi smoothly.

Jiang Qianren got closer to Tuan Zi as excitedly as his father. “Dad, congratulations! Among your old brothers, you are the first to have a family where four generations live under the same roof!”

“The kid can stay with us, but this woman can’t.” A voice sounded like thunder, and a seemingly noble old woman walked downstairs and stared at Chen Chen coldly.

The atmosphere was frosty at once, and Jiang Rui looked at Song Chunli with a sardonic smile on his face. “Grandpa, this is Chen Chen, my legal wife.”

At this moment, Chen Chen was not afraid, and she was annoyed by Song Chunli’s attitude.

“Nice to meet you. I am Chen Chen, Tuan Zi’s mother.” Chen Chen finished her words, and gave herself a thumbs-up in her mind. Look! She could also look fairly dignified.

Jiang Min nodded to Chen Chen, “You should call me grandfather.”

Before Chen Chen spoke, Song Chunli had shouted again, “What do you say? Are you crazy?” She rushed to point to Jiang Rui and asked: “Weirong was badly injured by you. I still don’t know how to explain it to the Bai family. Now you even come home with a woman out of nowhere. What do you want to do?”

Jiang Rui glanced at Song Chunli lightly. This woman, who was almost seventy years old, was in good condition, but she had more and more negative emotions gradually. Also, these negative emotions intertwined with her original temperament, as if there was a vicious face keeping roaring and screaming to swallow up her.

“Ah!” Tuan Zi, who didn’t cry at seeing that Bai Weirong was wounded by her dad, blubbered suddenly.

Chen Chen was frightened and picked her up from Jiang Min’s arms.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Qianren saw that Chen Chen looked green. In his opinion, it’s normal for a kid to cry.

“Tuan Zi… Tuan Zi…” Chen Chen just lowered her head to comfort Tuan Zi in her arms, but the little girl reached out to Jiang Rui. Jiang Rui took her in his arms and found that there was not fear but horror in her eyes.

“Tuan Zi, whisper to me what did you see…”

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