An Exclusive love

Chapter 342 - My Own Daughter Must Stay with Me

Finally, Chen Chen decided to get the child back. However, Jiang Rui left with Tuan Zi the next day. She was freaked out, thinking he would take her daughter away, so she disguised as a cleaner to enter the hotel. After making sure that Jiang Rui hadn’t checked out, she felt relieved.

“So they won’t come back at night?” Chen Chen took a tour around the luxurious president suite and took out the ice-cream from the fridge to eat. She murmured, “so I’ll stay here tonight!”

Then it was perfectly settled! First, she took a bath and then covered herself in the velvet quilt, falling asleep with a happy dream.

Jiang Rui sensed someone had been here as soon as he opened the door. He frowned and put down Tuan Zi, and made a gesture to hush her. Tuan Zi stood against the wall silently and nodded at him covering her mouth to make sure she wouldn’t make any noise.

Then there came the repeated breathing sound from the dark bedroom. Jiang Rui, seeing the bump on the bed, began to wonder whether he should shoot at the man or not.

Tuan Zi popped out her head from behind Jiang Rui, and shouted excitedly when seeing the person on the bed, “Mom!”

“Ooh…” The bump on the bed moved, and a little face showed up. Because of the good heat of the room, the face turned pink. The eyelashes shook, and the mouth mumbled. Then the eyes finally opened.

It was the first time that Jiang Rui had clearly seen the appearance of a woman and he was impressed with her beauty at first. Unlike Xin Qing’s, she was more coquettish, whose facial features were more aggressive. If it had not been for the sluggish look coming from her eyes, people would easily associate her with a mistress.

“Be quiet, Tuan Zi. It’s still dark!” The woman stretched out her snow-white arm and pressed the girl to the bed and said, “honey, go back to sleep.”

Jiang Rui’s eyes rested on her naked shoulder for a while and then he uncovered the quilt with one move.

“It’s cold!” Chen Chen frowned to search for the quilt only to find that it had gone. So she had to open her eyes and sit up, looking at Jiang Rui in bewilderment.

Jiang Rui thought she would scream for he had taken a quick glance at her snow-white body. And he felt it had no much difference as what he had expected, white, and delicious…

He frowned to try to describe this feeling.

The woman took long to come to her senses during which Tuan Zi began to speak. “Uncle, every time my mom gets up, she is like this. Count ten times she would wake up.” She began to count as soon as she finished her words.

“One, two, three…”

Hearing the sweet soft voice of the little girl and looking at the woman in surprise whose eyes became clearer and glistening, Jiang Rui found the woman a smart and innocent young girl.

Of course, the premise was to not see what’s under her neck…

“Tuan Zi?” Chen Chen rubbed her eyes and then held her daughter in arms and continued, “eh, eh… you are back. I am planning to save you out. Did that pervert bully you?”

Tuan Zi couldn’t even speak in her tight arms so she desperately pointed to the side.

Chen Chen tilted her head to look, and said blankly, “ah, it was a dream.” She then found herself totally naked and cried once more. She raised her hand to squeeze her chest and nodded her head contentedly and then went on, “Well, they seem to grow a little bigger.”

“In my eyes, they were not big at all.” Jiang Rui stared at her dismally.

Chen Chen refuted, “You are so annoying even in my dream. No wonder you don’t even have a girlfriend at almost thirty.”

“Mom, you are not dreaming. It’s uncle’s room,” Tuan Zi said to her mom seriously. “You are finished. You have been seen naked.”

Chen Chen turned her head mechanically and scanned the room. When she saw the cleaner suit around the corner of the bed, she completely woke up, and Tuan Zi already covered her ears before the horror came out of her eyes.

“Ah… ah…” The miserable scream almost pierced through Jiang Rui’s eardrum so he raised his hand to cover the woman with the quilt, who was screaming with hands against her chest. During this time, he had done an evaluation of her IQ.

“This woman must be retarded!” And he felt that the cleverness of Tuan Zi must be inherited from him.

Jiang Rui became a little agitated for the Chen Chen in the quilt was still screaming, so he scolded, “shut up. One more minute to dress yourself and meet me in the living room.” Something must be clarified.

“Mom, uncle is out. You can come out.” Tuan Zi poked her with her hand.

Chen Chen uncovered the quilts and said, “Mamma Mia! Nearly suffocated.”

“Tuan Zi, figure out a way to call the police or I will be killed by that pervert.”

“Mom, uncle isn’t a pervert. He’s a good man.” Tuan Zi opened her little schoolbag and continued, “look, uncle’s mother gave me all these. He said they’re all real diamond!”

Chen Chen looked at the diamond hairpin disdainfully and asked, “even better than what I have made for you?”

“They’re different! You made weapons for me.” Tuan Zi mumbled. As she noticed Chen Chen was still sitting there, she reminded, “mom, time’s up.”

“Ah!” Chen Chen got dressed quickly as hell and washed her face in the bathroom. Then she rushed to the living room to find Jiang Rui sitting on the sofa while Tuan Zi buried herself in cakes.

“You little foodie. Didn’t I ask you to call the police?” She attempted to hint her with eye-contact, however, the little one didn’t even raise her head.

“Was that you or not on that evening five years ago?” Jiang Rui didn’t want to waste a word, and went straight to the topic.

Chen Chen nearly freaked out, standing in the corner of the wall and rubbing her fingers.

“You can keep it while I can take Tuan Zi to do a DNA test. And till then, I will accuse you to steal a soldier’s private properties and you will be sent to the military court.”

“Military… military court?” Chen Chen fell into confusion and then she asked, “I didn’t do anything or ruin a serviceman’s marriage.”

Jiang Rui sneered and went on, “you raped me with your hand. Didn’t that count? It’s enough to sentence you to life imprisonment.”

“How did you know it was me?” Chen Chen blamed herself a fool after she cried out these words. “Fine, even it was me, you did enjoy it. And besides, it had been so long. Why are you so mean?”

“Huh.” Jiang Rui looked at her and said, “well, now take off your clothes and lay down. Let me enjoy it then we are quits.”

Chen Chen jumped up and rushed to the door but she stopped suddenly, seemingly hitting upon something. So she turned to ask Jiang Rui, “you are not interested in me. Why did you say something like that?”

She walked back silently and sat opposite to Jiang Rui, and she said, “Now my child and I are both in your hand. What do you want? Say it straightly.” …

“You are not that stupid.” Jiang Rui took a look at her and asked, “why did you do so?”

Knowing he was asking about what happened five years ago, Chen Chen said, as if she was ready to risk everything, “I want a baby with high IQ and I found you are the perfect one after I looked up so many materials.”

“So I… I got your sperm…” Chen Huan laid her head down and peeped the man. His face sunk from which one could not tell whether he was happy or not. But one could safely say that he was not so good.

Tuan Zi, raising her head suddenly, pointed at Jiang Rui and asked, “so that uncle is my real father?”

“Why do you look so happy?” Chen Chen scolded her daughter very furiously.

“What? Can’t I, the pervert, be her father?” Just with one look, Jiang Rui had made Chen Chen scared. She shrugged and said, “you are so wise and powerful and how can you be a pervert! Huh, huh!”

Jiang Rui ignored her, and held Tuan Zi in his arms. He then said, “nice to meet you. I am your dad!”

“Nice to meet you too!” Tuan Zi fell in his arms and said, “you look so handsome, dad.”

Chen Chen was very sad for Tuan Zi was given birth by her and she raised her till four, which were not worth a man who she had just met.

What came then was the older and the younger completely ignored her. Jiang Rui asked Tuan Zi carefully where she lived now, whether she went to kindergarten or not. As soon as she finished her answer, his cold look almost let Chen Chen believe she could not live anymore.

This woman didn’t send Tuan Zi to kindergarten and followed her all around. They didn’t even have a fixed place to live. Moreover, she even put Tuan Zi up to hustle the hotel fees.

“Tuan Zi must stay with me.” Jiang Rui made the decision affirmatively.

“No way!”

Though she was scared, she screamed, “we two depend on each other to survive. How can you tear us apart?”

“Depend on each other?” Jiang Rui looked her dismally and asked. “What had you taught her? You’ll ruin her if she stays with you.”

Chen Chen was too angry to be scared, so she rushed to the front and grabbed Tuan Zi from the arms of Jiang Rui. She said, “What makes you judge my way of teaching. Tuan Zi’s very clever, cleverer than any other normal children. It doesn’t matter if she goes to school or not. She is still the cleverest child.”

“She’s clever because she inherits my cleverness in my genes, which has nothing to do with you.”

The sentence again made Chen Chen frightened. Tuan Zi then poked her and suggested, “mom, shall we go home with dad?”

“Why do we go with him!” Chen Chen said angrily, “don’t you see he has been bullying me?”

Tuan Zi looked at Jiang Rui, making a lovely smiling face, and she said, “dad, will you bring mom and me home, right?”

“No… Alright.” Under the pressure given by the aggrieved eyes, he couldn’t deny it. Though they had been together for only two days, he found Tuan Zi really smarter than any other children and she resembled him so much.

“I’m busy these days. I’ll send someone to take you two to another hotel.” He took a look at Chen Chen to warn her, “behave yourself. I’ll take you back to the capital in a few days.”

Chen Chen didn’t say a word, biting her lips while Tuan Zi held Jiang Rui to kiss him and said, “dad. We don’t have money!”

He frowned but still put out a card and then put all his money in his wallet into Tuan Zi’s school bag. He added, “the password is six zeros.”

“Will you take us away?” Chen Chen looked at the man, whom she didn’t want to go with. Who was he? He was the War God in the military. Living with him must be so exciting.

Jiang Rui ignored her but said, touching Tuan Zi’s little face, “do you want to come home with daddy, Tuan Zi?”

“I do, if only with mom!” Tuan Zi said frankly.

“Do you hear it?” Jiang Rui cast a glance at Chen Chen and continued, “Tuan Zi’s my daughter. She must stay with me. As for you…” Then his lip corner rose up, and went on, “we can slowly process our old conflict. It will be better that you stay with me than that I look for you everywhere.”

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