An Exclusive love

Chapter 332 - Time Will Come for You to Cry Out of expectation, Ah Sha was called by Tang Yue.

Out of expectation, Ah Sha was called by Tang Yue.

She came to the cafe appointed to find that Tang Yue was waiting for her elegantly.

“Coffee? Are you not afraid of giving birth to a freak?”

Tang Yue’s face chapped with smile, she said, “I’m not here to pick a fight.”

Sitting opposite to her, Ah Sha ordered a cup of coffee and said, “then you came to tell me your dream to be the young mistress of the Wen family finally comes true?”

“How do you know?” Tang Yue asked in surprise, “who told you that?”

“I get along quite well with your future brother-in-law,” Ah Sha’s lips rose upwards and said. “He seems to not like you very much.”

“Was she a close friend of Wen Pintang’s? He even had told her this.” Tang Yue was shocked. Of course, she would not know what Wan Qingsi had done behind there. After calming herself down, she rubbed her belly and said with a smile, “I’m going to the capital tomorrow and I have no idea when we will meet again?”

“Only a two-hour flight. Do you reckon you are migrating to the moon?” Ah Sha sneered at her and added, “besides, never say never. If you live not well, you would come back home.”

Tang Yue’s face sunk and questioned, “Mei Jing, you are not my enemy. Why you never wish me the good thing?”

“I just mind you with good intentions. You are still not married to Wen Pinyu yet!” Ah Sha stopped for an instance and continued, “Even if you marry him, you still might get divorced.”

“Huh, at least I’ve got a chance to marry him. What about you?” Tang Yue said to her with an evil look, “you’ve not even got one to marry Senior Wan. I’ve also heard that you got hurt? That was the price. And the Ying family won’t let you off. One day he got tired of you, your good life will soon come to an end.”

Ah Sha nodded her head and asked, “finished? Then I’ll go.”

“Wait,” Tang Yue pulled her but Ah Sha got rid of her and said, “out with it.”

“Ying Xin is allergic to eggs. If you get a chance, you can take revenge,” Tang Yue standing up and added, “take it as a present for you.”

Ah Sha withdrew back several steps, and let her go first. Seeing her leaving so arrogantly, she couldn’t help shaking her head.

“Tang Yue, your misery has just begun.”

When all the things had been settled down, Ah Sha started to prepare for the Spring Festival. At first, she wanted Zheng Gege and her brother to come and celebrate the festival. But Lin Musheng said the doctor he helped to contact for Zheng Ze had come back from abroad and he asked Zheng Gege to go to the Harbour City with his brother.

“He just found an excuse to spend the festival with you,” Ah Sha said and packed some pieces of jewelry. “If he takes you to some party. Don’t care about money. Buy yourself some clothing.”

Zheng Gege presented a helpless look and said, “I don’t want to go.”

“Are you afraid?” Ah Sha took a look at her and said, “if you don’t observe his environment, how you come to know whether he’s right for you?”

“Ah Sha…” Zheng Gege didn’t know what to say.

Ah Sha signed and added, “It’s too obvious though he didn’t openly express it. Do you think the Triad is a casual place to visit!” She patted her shoulder and continued, “what are you afraid of? There was nothing between you yet. Go have a look. If you can accept it, try to stay with him. If you cannot, take it as a common visit to your friend.”

Actually, the second day she was picked up by Lin Musheng in person despite the fact that she was so perturbed. Wan Qingsi was quite satisfied with this because no one would interrupt them in this way.

But Ying Qingcang called once more to ask them spent the new year back to the base.

“Your mummy is missing you!” Ah Sha was persuaded by these words. So they had to come back home by plane and took Chengcheng together with them, who was enjoying his winter holiday.

Chengcheng behaved to excited all the way down. Especially when he got to know the record keeper of the base training was Wan Qingsi, he admired this future brother-in-law to the bone and let him train him at the base.

“Fine, don’t beg for mercy,” Wan Qingsi said and nodded his head to grant his request. Chengcheng gave him a salute and said, “I assure you!”

However, several days later, he had crawled from the training field…

Liuliu said to Wan Qingsi when she first saw him, “do my pills work well?”

Wan Qingsi nodded his head vaguely and said, “it was great.”

“Any aspects that need to improve?” Liuliu asked to show that she didn’t want to give in.

Ah Sha stood by them and said, “absolutely not. You’ve done it very well.”

Liuliu nodded her head, which made Wan Qingsi and Ah Sha relieve. But she continued, “I question your IQ because I have invented an upgraded version.”


“Ah Sha, let’s go eating.”

“That sounds good!”

After staying several days on the island, Wan Qingsi wanted to take Ah Sha back. But Ying Qingcang kept Ah Sha by taking advantage of the fact that Xin Qing didn’t want her daughter to go. And Wan Qingsi promised him. But he had to go back to work at the Xin Enterprises, so he finally managed to get away.

“You see, your daddy has been so tricky that he made me a coolie just because he wanted to have fun outside with mom,” on the way back, Wan Qingsi tried every attempt to blame Ying Qingcang. “Our document might be stolen by that fake Ying Xin.”

“Huh!” Ah Sha laughed and said, “didn’t she steal quite lots of things these days?”

“How do you know?” Wan Qingsi asked in wonder for he didn’t tell her before.

“Monica told me last week when we were dining together.”

“Monica was definitely a genius.” Wan Qingsi nodded his head.

In order to trap Ying Muhai, Ying Xin must be fed with the plans of the company so that she could send them to him. However, these plans must not cause big effects on Xin Enterprises and at the same time must look important enough.

Ah Nan didn’t even know how Monica had made such plans that were seemingly important but in fact useless. Anyway, she let Ying Xin constantly do it and even let her collaborate with the Lyu family. She must have a card up her sleeve.

“Aunt Monica would not necessarily worse than you guys if she were a man!” Ah Sha tittered when thinking of Ah Nan who was oppressed all the time.

Monica was so clever that she must have known that Ah Nan loved her so much. A man was willing to accept your uncontrolled temper and let you give vent to her emotions on him. What was it if it wasn’t love?

Before long Ah Sha and they came back, Zheng Gege and her brother arrived home too. The operation was in early March.

“I let her stay in my place and the operation was in less than two months. But she insists,” Lin Musheng complained. Ah Sha stared at him for a long while and asked, “what happen to you?”

“Ooh… You see it?” Lin Musheng murmured while Zheng Gege was cooking in the kitchen, “I sensed something wrong with her.”

“Gege? What’s wrong with her?”

Lin Musheng looked so serious and said, “the second day after the lunar year, I went to a party with her where I got drunk and had slept with a model.”

“You…” Ah Sha wants to chock him to death, but she continued to ask, “how did it go?”

“The problem is that I remembered it was Zheng Gege who sent me back to my room,” he frowned and added. “I had no impression of that model. But Zheng Gege said I slept with her.”

“Did she ignore you?”

Lin Musheng widened his eyes and asked, “Why would she do that?”

“Did she… she had no reaction at all to your sleeping with another woman?” It was time for Ah Sha to wide open her eyes.

“No!” Lin Musheng looked somewhat weird but he went on, “What I’m going to say is the key point. When she was in the Harbor City, she was pursued by a land agent. He was good in many ways, but was refused by her in the end! Don’t you think she was strange?”

Ah Sha looked at Lin Musheng as if he were an idiot.

“Why you look me like that? Did I say something wrong? He has a great background, and I know about him. He was absolutely a good man!”

“Tut!” Ah Sha shook her head and said, “You will regret it.” Then she rolled her eyes at him and went to the kitchen to see Zheng Gege after finishing her words.

Lin Musheng sit there whispering at himself, “Alas, I know she wouldn’t accept him. They didn’t match each other.” Then he seemed to realize something and a coldness suddenly flashed away.

“I will teach the model a lesson. I didn’t touch her at all and she dared to lie. But… why Zheng Gege said so too?”

Ah Sha told what Lin Musheng told her to Wan Qingsi at night.

“He was scared.” Wan Qingsi held her in his arms and said, “he could not promise that he wouldn’t change, for he had had so many women.”

Ah Sha rubbed herself in his arms. “Poor creatures. One tries to escape, and the other is scared. I don’t know when they can be together.”

Wan Qingsi held her up on his body and said, “You’re not allowed to think of other men.” He prodded her and continued, “Honey, tonight you ride on me!”

Valentine’s Day would be soon to come when the first lunar month ended. It was the exact date when Ah Sha’s movie would be shown and the date for the opening of Zheng Gege’s private courtyard restaurant. In order to avoid it coming across the premiere, they chose the next day.

Ah Sha would cut the ribbon in person as a star. Rumor had it why Zheng Gege left the entertainment circle with only one film on the screen. Most people said that she had found a money bag, and become a mistress of that man. And the man gave her a restaurant.

Zheng Gege pretended to not see them for she had stepped into another new stage of life. She would devote herself to running the restaurant. When the operation finished next month, she would send her brother abroad to study. They would no longer fear anything ever after.

That night, everybody drunk a lot to celebrate life. Wan Qingsi went away with Ah Sha earlier. Zheng Gege had moved into the small building behind the restaurant. When Lin Musheng’s men came to pick him up, he was reluctant to leave. He just stumbled upstairs and rushed into Zheng Gege’s bed.

“Miss Zheng, then we will leave our boss to you!” His men were all shrewd. Seeing their boss wanted the woman, they directly refused Zheng Gege’s request to drive him back home. They even changed pajama for Lin Musheng and disappeared in no time.

Zheng Gege had to cover him with his quilts and took a bath herself. She had drunk a lot too. After the bath, she became even dizzy. Lin Musheng slept in her room so she had to stay in the guest room next to hers. In bewilderment, she felt someone taking off her clothing, and her body itched. Then came a heatwave in her belly.

When she sensed something had come into her body, she awoke. It was Lin Musheng’s face that came into her sight.

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