It was getting annoying— being persistently nagged at by everyone to intervene at a war that had nothing to do with me. And it was all just because I was strong.

But I was not a hero. I made it adamantly clear to everyone. Yet, nobody seemed to understand it.

All I wanted to do was cook and live my life. I wanted to live in peace. I did what I had to do for Vacuos before I even had any affiliation with this world. I killed the Voidgod, sacrificing my past life I had on Earth for these strangers I didn’t know.

I saved the world. And I didn’t ask for anything in return. All I wanted was my happily ever after after all my suffering. But I couldn’t even get that.

Because the Voidgod was making its return, and I was expected to do something about it again. Sure, most people didn’t know about this; they didn’t realize that Kallistus Kal was being used as a pawn by the Voidgod. However, they all thought he was evil anyway, and since I didn’t want to get involved— unless my involvement was truly necessary— I was seen as the bad guy.

It was truly grating on my nerves.

Sighing, I untied my apron and tossed it to the side. “Arthur already said he’ll help handle it, so I don’t understand why everyone keeps coming to me…”

I spoke under my breath as I decided to take a break for the day. It was not like I had that many customers rushing to my restaurant anyway. I strode out of the kitchen and headed back for my room. But on the way out, I paused as I spotted a figure waiting for me there.

A tiny figure. Not a human. But a chicken.

“Are you hungry, Bucky?” I asked as I raised a brow at her, and she stared back at me. I gestured at the general direction of the chicken. “There are some leftovers if you want them. Help yourself, I won’t stop you this time.”

However, she only replied curtly, “Bawk.”

I frowned at her response. Normally, she’d be rushing into the kitchen, feasting on the leftovers. But she simply squinted at me as I closed my eyes.

“Don’t tell me this is about the whole [Hero King] situation again? I already told you, I don’t want to get involved.”

“Bawk bawk bawk!” the chicken responded.

I rolled my eyes at that, before pointing at her. “Look, I am not going to argue about this with you again. Seriously, I’m tired of this conversation.”

I drew back as Bucky continued to cluck louder and louder. She shook her wings at me angrily, and I walked away.

“Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk!” she called out.

And I snorted as I glanced back at her one last time. “I’m going to my room.”

With that, I slammed the door behind my room shut, hearing her muffled clucks through the wooden walls. But after a minute of hearing her angry clucking, she gave up, and I was left with peace and quiet.


Grat-ra’zun had been observing the battle for over half an hour now. For a majority of the span of the battle, both Jax and Arthur had the upper hand because of their ambush. However, it wasn’t truly an advantage, as all they did was hold the [Hero King] back.

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They were doing no real damage. They couldn’t possibly harm Kallistus Kal in any way. Because he was too strong. He was too powerful. He couldn’t possibly be defeated.

Or so that was what the Elder Dragon thought. That was why after both Jax and Arthur had begun to visibly exhaust themselves, Grat-ra’zun intended to leave his cavern, so that he didn’t have to watch either of them be slaughtered. But when the [Hero King] emerged from that pit injured… a realization dawned.

Grat-ra’zun realized that he was wrong. That Kallistus Kal was not as strong as the dragon thought. No— that Arthur and Jax were stronger than Grat-ra’zun thought.

Because the [Hero King] had been hurt. He had been injured— burned and bloodied. The barrage of attacks was actually causing him harm. Even if he could regenerate from

And finally, that was when the Elder Dragon had decided to act. But he didn’t make a boring entrance. He was a proud dragon, so he did what he could to have as grand an entrance as possible.

All across the city of Astral, heads turned and voices gasped as they watched the Elder Dragon soar through the sky. As he did, he chanted under his breath, sending chunks of rocks and rubble across the battlefield flying up towards him.

“[...Golem Creation: Greater Earth Elemental], and [Spatial Swap].”

And the Greater Earth Elemental came crashing down right as both Jax and Arthur swapped places. Kallistus Kal blinked as he struck down the former Lich King, then looked up with wide eyes as a giant golem crashed into him.

The Elder Dragon landed next to Jax as the elf exclaimed.

“I see you’ve finally decided to join the fun, Grat-ra’zun!”

“Do not let your guard down just yet, elf,” the dragon said as his eyes focused on the golem slamming the [Hero King] into the ground. “With my help and with my Greater Earth Elemental, there are four of us SSS-ranks in the battlefield. But that does not mean it will be enough to secure a victory. After all, even Guardian Angel Z357 was not powerful enough to defeat the [Hero King].”

As Grat-ra’zun spoke, Arthur regenerated from his injuries and rose to his feet. He turned towards the [Hero King] who was about to break free from the golem’s grip, before yelling and charging into battle. He sent a wave of frost washing over Kallistus Kal, freezing him for a moment.

Jax shook his head, turning away from this scene as he looked up at the dragon. “Then what do you propose we do?”

“Give me some time, and I will be able to shift the odds further in our favor,” Grat-ra’zun said simply as placed his claws on the ground. A magical circle began to form beneath him as Jax nodded.

“Easy,” the elf said, before leaping ahead and rejoining the fray.


Kallistus Kal was blasted encased in another pillar of ice, before the Greater Earth Elemental kicked him, shattering the ice and sending him flying back into a nearby building. An explosion of dust and rubble erupted all around the [Hero King] as he picked himself up, mostly unharmed.

Gritting his teeth, he looked up to see the golem charging at him again as Arthur rose to the air and crackled with electricity. Kallistus Kal raised his broadsword as he aimed at the Greater Earth Elemental.

“Enough!” he yelled as he swung down, and a purple slash shot out.

The Greater Earth Elemental couldn’t react to the attack in time, and its right arm was sliced right off from the attack that cleaved even the ground. However, Arthur took that opportunity to unleashed a blast of lightning at the [Hero King].

And Kallistus Kal raised his broadsword to block the attack with the blunt side of his blade. But the impact knocked him back, nearly throwing him off his feet. His eyes flickered as he looked up at Arthur.

His attacks… they’re getting stronger? The [Hero King] narrowed his eyes as Arthur screamed and sent another blast of lightning down from the sky.

This time, Kallistus Kal didn’t bother to block the attack. Instead, he dashed forward, closing the distance between him and the other man. But while the [Hero King] would’ve previously easily decapitated Arthur, this time, he missed.

There’s no mistaking it, Kallistus Kal realized as Arthur leapt back. The [Hero King]’s gaze focused on his opponent before him. He is growing stronger as the battle progresses.

Arthur yelled as he brought both his hands up in the air. There was a flash of light. And two blasts of lightning shot down, striking the [Hero King] before he could unleash a follow-up attack.

Kallistus Kal cursed as he felt a searing pain burn his back. He wasn’t able to dodge the counterattack, and he was burned because of it. But that was not all— when he would have previously been able to brush aside such pitiful attacks, now he was actually being hurt.

His flesh sizzled behind him, slowly regenerating as he raised his head. He looked up at Arthur whose eyes were flashing with a purple light. And a single thought crossed the [Hero King]’s mind.

I need to end this soon.

And Kallistus Kal charged once again as Arthur shouted. There was a flash of light as they clashed, followed by the realization slowly settling into the [Hero King]’s mind.

Otherwise… I will lose.

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