Chapter 202

Kallistus Kal rose to his feet as the voice of the Void echoed in his mind. He could hear its words clearer than ever before. They were no longer just mere epithets that he came and went whenever there was a rift in space.

No he found a way to explore the depths of the Void, sending in his clones to investigate the sealed chaos beneath Vacuos. None of them ever returned, of course. However, each time they went down there, he learned more about his powers. He understood more about the source of his strength. And most importantly

He grew stronger.

He raised his head as he heard the footfalls echoing from up ahead. A hooded figure entered the dark chamber, before dropping to his knees. He was Ammon the Arcane Archsorcerer. One of the [Hero King]s loyal servants.

A rare personal follower to Kallistus Kal, rather than the Kingdom of Kal.

My King, your allies at the Sect of Abyssal Thorns are calling for you, Ammon said as he straightened by the exit. They demand your immediate presence.

Kallistus clicked his tongue when he heard that. He knew what it was going to be about. He had tried to ignore their attempts to reach him because he had been busy. But now, he had no choice but to address it.

Thank you, Ammon. I shall handle this annoyance. The [Hero King] shook his head as he strode forward.

But as he walked past his loyal server, Ammon spoke up. And another matter, my King

What is it? Kallistus asked, glancing back.

The Arcane Archsorcerer cleared his throat. I have other news for you, my King. Do you recall the mission you gave me? To retrieve that girl. Noele the Noble Spellsword.

The [Hero King] slowly nodded. Indeed, I recall that. Did you succeed in retrieving her? If so, just kill her. I no longer have a use for her.

That is the issue, my King, Ammon said as he pursed his lips. I sent a team of S-ranks personal pupils of mine who have been touched by the Void to retrieve Noele the Noble Spellsword. Unfortunately, they all seemed to have been killed.

What? Kallistus Kals brows snapped together. Impossible if they had been Void-touched, that means they are far stronger than any other S-rank. And what rank is this Noele supposed to be again?

According to the Adventurers Guild, she is an A-ranked adventurer, Ammon replied.

And yet, she was able to defeat your pupils Kallistus placed a hand on his chin, in thought. That should not have been possible, unless she was empowered by the Void herself.

But if that were the case, Noele had to have been blessed by the Void. And that was impossible. Kallistus knew that he was the only one who knew how to reach a power beyond those who had been Void-touched. That was how he had also blessed his loyal servants like Ammon with the Void.

This was an oddity. This news puzzled the [Hero King]. However, he didnt mull over it. Instead, he dismissed the thought as something to be addressed later.

He shook his head as he turned away from the Arcane Archsorcerer.

I shall deal with that issue when the time comes. For now, there are other matters for me to attend to

Yes, my King, Ammon said as he bowed.

With that, Kallistus Kal exited the room, leaving it behind shrouded in darkness. He walked down the empty hallway for a minute, before he finally reached his destination.

It was a small enclosed chamber a room with a spell circle already engraved on the ground. There was a faint aura of magic being emanated, but the spell was not fully activated just yet. This was simply a sign that there was a magical conference in place, and his presence was wanted.

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The [Hero King] closed his eyes as he waited right before the spell circle, not activating it just yet. He knew who it was waiting for him at the other side of the spell. And he knew what they wanted from him.

However, he knew he wasnt going to give them what they wanted. He couldnt give them what they wanted. Because it would get in the way of what he wanted.

After all, since the very beginning, his alliance with the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns was merely one that was made out of necessity. Now, they were starting to become a burden. And he needed to find a way to put an end to their partnership.

Kallistus Kal opened his eyes as he resolved himself. He raised his hand, and the spell circle shone brighter. All at once, the room shifted with a magical image.

Hooded figures projections made from magic appeared around the fringes of the room. Dozens of members of the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns were gathered for this meeting. And standing at the very center, was the Archmage King of Scholus.

His name was Leonhard. But here, he went by the title of the Kyn-Leard. After all, he was the leader of the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns.

Kallistus Kal, Leonhard said as his voice boomed with a magical echo. The [Hero King] of the Kingdom of Kal. The Savior of Sibylla. The Destroyer of Deveral. Adventurer-turned-ruler. Pawn-turned-rebel. You are the newest member of the Sect of Abyssal Thorns, and you have yet to fully earn our trust. But here you are, foregoing your duties and defying our orders.

It was an immediate accusation. The Archmage King spared no time to question the [Hero King]. After all, it was clear that Kallistus Kal had been ignoring the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns.

However, he didnt give a response just yet. All he did was stand there as the shadowed figures surrounded him. Leonhard held the [Hero King]s gaze, continuing to speak.

Your war efforts have stalled. The Kingdom of Kal should have overrun the Astrad Kingdom by now. We have offered you aid on every front. Your forces far outnumber theirs, and your veterans are far more deadly than even their [Astral Knights]. And yet, instead of capitalizing on your advantages, you choose to hide in your palace, wasting our time and our resources.

Kallistus Kals eyes flickered. He saw through the eyes of his clone. Up there, in the palace of the Kingdom of Kal, his clone led the efforts to repair the city after the destruction wrought by Guardian Angel Z357s planet-wide assault.

I have been busy, the [Hero King] made the excuse. My country has suffered greatly after the attack of the World Systems Angels. You should know the extent of the damages they dealt just as well as I do.

He spoke with a glint in his eye. It was only a half-lie. But every member of the Sect of the Abyssal knew just how catastrophic that attack had been. When they had convened just after that swarm of shadows dissipated after Kallistus Kal had gotten rid of Guardian Angel Z357 in secret even the Archmage King had been shaken.

They had realized that they were the ones who had been targeted by the shadows. And they had all deduced that those were Angels, coming down from the sky, sent by the World System. Little did they know that those were merely shadows summoned by a single Guardian Angel.

Leonhard glared back at Kallistus Kal for that comment.

Indeed, we have all suffered greatly from the World Systems attack. But that is why we cannot risk wasting any more time, lest we will not be prepared when we incur its wrath once more. And that is not considering the fact that dozens of our members have already sacrificed themselves for you.

Kallistus frowned. He had heard about what happened to the Miststorm Riders. But he wasnt aware of any other group under the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns that had been sent out to aid him only to be lost.

The Archmage King continued. It is clear to us that you do not prioritize the goals of the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns over your own lust for power.

My people need my attention Kallistus started.

Your people do not matter, Leonhard said harshly. Even though the [Hero King] was merely lying when he argued for the protection of his people, he was still taken aback by the Archmage Kings words.

Leonhard shook his head as he spun around. His cloak billowed in the wind behind him, and the image of his figure trembled.

They are merely pawns for you to use. The only thing that matters is bringing back the return of the Void. All that matters is usurping this world into the palm of our hands. I do not care if you must sacrifice millions to achieve this. Your main priority should not be to serve your people, but to serve the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns.

Hearing that, the [Hero King] paused. All this time, Kallistus Kal had been using the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns to aid him in getting what he wanted. But now, he was at an impasse. He couldnt allow them to further their plans, otherwise his own plans would be in jeopardy.

After all, his goal was to return to his world to return to his family. He closed his eyes as he recalled what the Fal-Deus had told him. The very same plan that the Archmage King wished to carry out.

To bring all of Vacuos to ruin. And the [Hero King] raised his head. He had only one response to that.

I refuse.

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