Chapter 152

The constructs swept across Planet 16B. They were nanomachines— copies made of the great Superheroes and Supervillains that once roamed Askan. Z357 had killed them all with his own hands, and his creator had stolen their DNA to build the Hammer of Justice.

The hammer itself was not a weapon, but a controller. On its own, it was not capable of much. But once the nanomachines were deployed, a relay tower was created high up above beyond the atmosphere of the planet. A colossal structure that resembled a space station.

It was a deliberate design by Hermann Kasper, meant to mock the headquarters of the Superheroes of Askan. But the true purpose of the structure in space was to give these nanomachines their directives.

And for an ordinary individual, it would have been difficult to operate the Hammer of Justice on such a large scale. However, Guardian Angel Z357 was not an ordinary individual.

His expansive vision allowed him to deploy the nanomachines across all of Planet 16B and give them direct commands as they moved. So they were efficient, scouring all four continents for members of the Sect of Abyssal Thorns. And the angel ensured they were ruthless, too.

Many of those who had been Void-touched were individuals of some import. So they had plenty of guards protecting them. But the constructs showed no mercy, cutting the guards down even though many weren’t even aware that they were serving a member of the Sect of Abyssal Thorns.

It didn’t matter. Guardian Angel Z357 no longer spared even a thought about them. All that mattered was that the Fal-Deus be stopped. He had to complete his mission by any means necessary.

So he flew on, heading for the continent of Laxo. He left the fallen city of Novus behind, drowning under the ocean. But a massive creature gave chase to him. It wasn’t a karen, nor was it some other sea beast.

It was an Elder Dragon. One of the last ones in all Vacuos.

“You cannot do this!” Grat-ra’zun screamed as he trailed after the angel. “Thousands of innocents are dying because of your weapon! If you want to stop the Void, you must work with the people of this world, not slaughter them!”

Guardian Angel Z357 slowed for a moment. He faced the Elder Dragon, before tilting his head. He processed what was being said as Grat-ra’zun caught up to him.

“The only reason we defeated the Great Evil ten thousand years ago was because you worked with the people of Vacuos,” the Elder Dragon continued, panting from trying to keep up with the angel’s speed. “You cannot stop the Void all on your own.”

For a moment, the machine listened. But he recalled the events of when he had last been activated. He remembered the course of action he took.

The only reason I worked with the people of this planet was because of the orders of the World System, Z357 said simply as he turned around. My current directives are clear. I have no reason to cooperate with anyone else.

“But—” Grat-ra’zun started.

Goodbye, the angel finished, before taking off.

And he left the Elder Dragon behind in an instant, heading for the Kingdom of Kal.


Deep beneath the palace of the Kingdom of Kal, a figure sat on a dull throne. A figure that resembled that of a human, but was wreathed in a purple aura— the power of the Void.

His name was Kallistus Kal, and it had been over a week since he had laid his trap for Guardian Angel Z357. It was meant to merely be a drone of the World System— a mindless machine that followed the directives it was given. So the [Hero King] had predicted it would come as long as the appropriate bait was set.

But for whatever reason, his plans didn’t come to fruition. Even after a week had passed, the angel never showed up, despite Kallistus Kal’s best attempts. He had opened a rift— he had summoned thousands more voidlings. And yet, nothing happened. It was strange. The [Hero King] was befuddled as to what to do, and he couldn’t remain in hiding for much longer. After all, he had duties to attend to, which he had neglected while waiting for Guardian Angel Z357.

The Sect of Abyssal Thorns was growing restless with how slowly the war effort was progressing, and they had noted the evident absence of the [Hero King]’s presence on the battlefields. Their leader— Leonhard the Archmage King of Scholus— had demanded answers from Kallistus Kal.

But the [Hero King] had deftly deflected and avoided those questions thus far, citing other reasons for his apparent leave. In truth, he didn’t care about this petty war to determine the fate of Laxo. All he cared about was returning back home.

Back to his world.

And as long as Guardian Angel Z357 was around, he would not be able to go back. It would hunt him down for as long as he was the Void’s Heir. So he waited just a bit longer, ignoring the sect of Abyssal Thorns— ignoring the war.

Now, the [Hero King]’s patience had paid off. He sat there, deep beneath his castle, waiting in the darkness, before abruptly raising his head. And he sensed what was happening.

All around the world, members of the Sect of Abyssal Thorns fell one after another. They drew power from the Void, but it wasn’t enough to stop what was killing them. An innumerable, overwhelming force. Beings made of metal and might.

Kallistus Kal rose to his feet as the figures before him stirred. Purple, twisted creatures that took on all shapes and sizes. They felt it too. And they heard the commotion rocking the world above. The [Hero King] felt the ground shaking. He saw the ceiling tremble as his eyes narrowed.

“What is…?” he started.

And a figure shot through the ceiling. He watched as a gray, misty being appeared in the dark chamber. It didn’t tear its way through the ground, nor did it shatter the walls. It simply seemed to… phase through, before landing right on the [Hero King].

Kallistus saw the attack coming. He watched as a metallic fist was swung for his head, and he raised his arms to block the attack. He was adorned in powerful, enchanted armor— capable of withstanding the onslaught of magic from an entire army.

But somehow, his gauntlets dented. His bones shattered. The [Hero King]’s eyes went wide as his arms twisted backwards, and he stumbled away from his assailant. He expected to see the angel. However, what he saw was a poor imitation of a person.

One made seemed to be made from dust, with a cape whipping behind it, and glinting red eyes. It stood there, broad-shoulder, well-built, and standing with the demeanor of a virtuous [Knight]. But it was not a [Knight]. It was…

“What… are you?” Kallistus asked as he took a step back.

And a voice answered in his head.

Titanborn. The Savior of Utopis.

The [Hero King] blinked, and a second being descended from the ceiling. This time, the walls broke open. A beam of laser shot straight through, ripping apart dozens of voidlings all at once. From the dust and smoke, the figure of a young woman stepped out. She had four red eyes, and she seemed to be wearing a skintight suit. She didn’t have a cape, however her hair was long enough to substitute as one.

Warlady, the tinny voice continued. The Artificial Mutant of Argavas.

Kallistus glanced between the two gray figures, before a third one fell from the hole that was left behind.

This figure was much larger. Still gray, like it was made from mist, but also a behemoth that stood at twenty feet tall with a single red eye. It slammed its bulky arms into the ground, sending a shockwave that rippled across the dark chamber. The gathered voidlings were sent flying back from the impact, and Kallistus had to steady himself.

And Goliath the Destroyer, the voice finished.

The [Hero King] blinked as he stared at the three gathered figures. Then he slowly turned around to face the source of this voice— even though it had been echoing in his mind, he knew where it came from. He looked up to see a twelve-eyed figure slowly descend from the sky.

A metallic figure that had a pair of feathered wings spread from its back. On one hand, it carried a familiar ornate lance, raised to the side. And on the other, it held a giant warhammer that glinted with the same red light that shone in the eyes of the first three assailants.

But Kallistus Kal’s gaze was only focused on the winged figure— on the angel.

“We meet again, slave of the System,” Kallistus Kal said as his arms began to bend back into place. The shattered bone healing, and the blood dripping from his fingers fading away. He strode forward as he unsheathed his sword. “So you have finally decided to show yourself.”

Guardian Angel Z357 didn’t respond. It just looked back down at its three gray companions, before shaking its head mechanically.

They were the greatest Supers of my world, it said in a monotonous voice. But somehow, the [Hero King] sensed a hint of melancholy there. Some of them claimed to be heroes. They claimed to be doing what was right, when all they wrought about was death and destruction with their presence. So I killed them all. To protect Askan. Because those were my orders.

Kallistus watched as the fallen voidlings began to shift. They picked themselves up, turning their purple gaze towards the angel. Even though they were unintelligent creatures of the Void, their hatred of Z357 was evident.

But the angel didn’t even give them a passing glance. Now, I have been tasked to protect Vacuos. And once again, I am ordered to slay one who calls himself a hero, but only brings death and destruction in his wake.

“Kill them all,” the [Hero King] said.

His eyes flashed, glowing with a purple light, unlike its usual blue color. And the voidlings moved. They charged at the angel— they swarmed the three gray figures. Z357 just closed its twelve eyes.

Back then, I was uncertain whether what I was doing was right, it continued as it raised its lance. Its twelve eyes snapped open once again, and it aimed its lance at its target.

At the Void’s Heir.

Now, I know what must be done.

And with that, Guardian Angel Z357 appeared before the [Hero King]. It ignored the voidlings. They couldn’t even keep up with its speed. But Kallistus was able to react. He raised his sword, and it shone with a powerful purple aura. He sliced up at the angel’s head.

But he missed. Z357 easily leaned back, ducking out of the way of the attack. It raised its lance, and the [Hero King] braced himself. He backed away, creating a spherical barrier as he grinned.


And the angel just thrust its lance forward, shattering the barrier. Kallistus blinked. He watched as the purple fragments of Void essence collapsed around him, before fading away. He gritted his teeth as he tried to leap out of the way. Only to pause.

The [Hero King] couldn’t move. A sharp pain gripped him by the chest. He tried to back away, and the pain only worsened. Slowly, he looked down. And he realized that he had been impaled through the chest.

Guardian Angel Z357 tilted its head, its lance piercing out the back of Kallistus Kal. It didn’t say a word as it pulled the weapon back, and the [Hero King] crumpled to the ground, dropping his blade.

The battle was over in an instant.

I have won, the angel said.

Kallistus reached for his weapon as he opened his mouth.

“N-no…” he gasped out. “Diana… Lily…”

His voice gave out. His eyes began to flutter shut. And the angel pointed at him with its glinting lance.

It is over, Guardian Angel Z357 whispered. Goodbye, Heir of the Void.

All at once, the [Hero King] was engulfed with a golden light— engulfed in a world of pain. He tried to scream, but nothing left his mouth. He writhed there, unable to do anything. Unable to even process a single thought.

And when the blast vanished, nothing remained. Kallistus Kal was gone.

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