Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 497 The Smell of Gasoline

Chapter 497 The Smell of Gasoline

On the way, originally, Li Yong wanted to spend some time with Han Lu, laughing and joking with her happily. However, Han Lu lies down in the back row and falls asleep. It seems that she is so tired these days. Once she is relaxed, she falls asleep soundly.

The good thing is that Deng Hongli, the President’s secretary, is also in the car. And the two of them chat happily all the way.

At first, Deng Hongli is nervous and restrained, fearing that Han Lu will hear their conversation. So she deliberately keeps a certain distance from Li Yong and only talks about formal topics with Li Yong. However, after Han Lu lets out a deep and long breathing sound, she speaks louder and louder as she gradually becomes relaxed.

“Yong, I know that once you are here, the problem will be solved. However difficult the problem is, it will all be solved by you,” Deng Hongli praises him with a smile.

“Actually, I didn’t do anything,” Li Yong says modestly.

“You’re so nice, helping others out all day long,” Deng Hongli continues to praise him.

Li Yong feels a little embarrassed. After he thinks about it, he finds that he hadn’t done anything good either!

However, Deng Hongli’s enthusiasm isn’t diminished. Instead, she continues to say with joy, “Thank you for giving Xiaoyue a chance and entrusting her to manage the whole R&D department. Xiaoyue is so happy that she works so hard. After getting off work, she is also thinking about her work at home. Others only work eight hours a day. While Xiaoyue works almost twenty-four hours a day. And she even talks about her work in her dreams sometimes.”

“You are exaggerating it!” Li Yong feels that Deng Hongli has impure intentions.

“I am not exaggerating at all. If you do not believe me, then you should go to my house and see her look when she is sleeping.”

“Oh… Good.” Li Yong is indeed somewhat looking forward to it. After all, Liu Xiaoyue is once his crush, whom he had dreamt of day and night. If he can see her look when she is sleeping, it is also a very exciting thing for him.

Deng Hongli talks incessantly with a smile on her face, “According to Xiaoyue, you are the best classmate we have ever met. And she often says that she will repay your kindness by treating you to a meal. However, she has always been afraid that you’d be busy. I also want to treat you to dinner as well. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have taken this good job. If you have time, you can come to my house and we will cook for you.”

“Good. When you have a day off, I will go there.” Li Yong feels that he should also take the time to visit the experienced employees in the company with gifts, expressing his condolences and his care for them.

Anyway, the officials of the government are always doing this, which is also broadcasted on television, fearing that the public doesn’t know that they have done something good. In Li Yong’s opinion, they don’t have to make their visit to the civilians known to everyone. Because the civilians the officials visit are paid to do this.

It is said that a leader of a certain county sends some gifts to poor households as his condolences. And after the reporters leave, he sends someone to take the gifts back, which is such a shame!

Deng Hongli says excitedly, “We will be off this Sunday. Are you free then?”

Li Yong asks with a smile, “What day is it today?”

“It is Friday today and we will be off the day after tomorrow.” As the President’s secretary, Deng Hongli knows the date very well.

“Okay, I’ll go over there then,” Li Yong agrees. Anyway, he has nothing going to do the day after tomorrow. At least, he currently has no plans yet. Even if he is caught up in something at that time, he can take time to have a meal with them.

“What do you like to eat?” Deng Hongli asks with a smile, who is so considerate and thoughtful. It seems that she is trying to cook the food that Li Yong loves. After all, they were classmates in the past and Li Yong is their boss.

Li Yong surely doesn’t want to trouble them. So he simply smiles and says, “Whatever it is. I can eat anything.”

“Anything? Hey…” Deng Hongli suddenly shows a vicious smile, looking uniquely charming.

Realizing something, Li Yong seriously says, “I’m referring to the meal. Never should you overthink it randomly.”

“I am not thinking randomly! It’s your words that make me think nonsense. Hehehe…”

At this time, Han Lu suddenly moves. Deng Hongli is startled, thinking that Han Lu has woken up.

If Han Lu sees her joking with Li Yong, it is unknown whether she will be angry or not.

Seeing that Han Lu continues to sleep, Deng Hongli asks softly, “Old classmate, do you know what I thought of?”

Knowing that Deng Hongli won’t say anything nice, Li Yong shakes his head, “I am not interested.”

It is not until they go back to Zhonghai City that Han Lu wakes up, who seems to have planned the duration of her sleeping.

Fearing that Han Fei can’t handle the company well, Han Lu doesn’t even go home, rushing directly to the company.

Since Han Lu does not go home, Li Yong finds going home boring and accompanies Han Lu to the company.

Hongyu, Wei Fangxia, and Tian Hailu all follow him. Tian Hailu, however, says to Li Yong when he gets off the car, “Yong, I want to go with Qiushuang to visit Master’s wife. Can you give us half a day off?”

“Okay, you can just go there!” Li Yong feels that Tian Hailu is so considerate that even if her master’s wife has become a baby, she still calls her the way she used to do.

“Master’s wife likes to drink imported milk powder. Can you lend me some money so that I’ll buy some on the way there?”

Li Yong takes out a handful of cash from his wallet and hands it directly to Tian Hailu without ever counting them, “Here you are.” When it comes to buying milk powder for his master’s wife, he surely won’t be stingy as he says, “Take it. It’s on us. You don’t need to pay it back.”

“I don’t mean to do that at all!” Tian Hailu laughs and drives away.

Walking into the company, Li Yong finds that Han Lu and Deng Hongli have run away from his eyesight and only Wei Fangxia and Hongyu are still waiting for him.

He thinks to himself, “My wife is so anxious and only has her company on her mind. For her company, she will do everything she can. In that regard, she is not as good as Ms. Wei and Hongyu, who always think of me and have me on their minds.”

Thinking of this, he is slightly disappointed as well as slightly touched. Then he walks over quickly and smiles happily, “Ms. Wei, Hongyu, it’s safe here. You should find a place to rest and relax! There’s a lounge upstairs. Let me take you up there!”

“I can find it by myself. I don’t need you to take me there.” As Wei Fangxia says, she walks away with strides. She doesn’t want to be escorted there by Li Yong. What if Li Yong molests her in the lounge?

They are in a company where people come and go. If they are seen by others, it won’t be good.

“I have been sitting in the car all the way here. And I don’t want to rest. Instead, I just want to stroll around and have a look at the company.” After Wei Fangxia leaves, Hongyu laughs lightly, “Why don’t you show me around the company?”

Li Yong suddenly finds that Hongyu is very beautiful when she smiles. She usually doesn’t smile often. And once she suddenly shows a smile, she is stunning.

Li Yong has nothing to do right now. Even if he turns to Han Lu, she is so busy with the work that she surely won’t bother to pay attention to him. So, Li Yong smiles and says, “Okay, let’s go! Let’s start with the lobby on the first floor. The one on this side is…”

Li Yong acts as a tour guide, leading Hongyu around the company floor by floor.

He leads her all the way from the office hall filled with beautiful employees to the drug warehouse where people are rarely seen.

Li Yong introduces every part of the company to Hongyu without ever leaving any place out. He, who is very dedicated, introduces every corner to Hongyu, including the location of the toilets and male and female signs, as he carefully points them out to Hongyu, fearing that Hongyu will go into the wrong toilet.

Following Li Yong around the company, Hongyu is very happy. Wherever Li Yong goes, she follows him. As she hears Li Yong talk endlessly, a feeling of happiness rises in her heart.

When the two of them stroll into the drug warehouse, Hongyu requests softly, “Yong, arrange a job for me. Anyway, I can’t always be idle at home!”

Li Yong asks, “What kind of work do you want to do?”

“Anything will do.” Hongyu isn’t picky and will obey Li Yong’s order.

Li Yong thinks about it and says, “I have a few jewelry markets in Shikang City. You can go there and help me manage them!”

Hongyu asks, “Shikang City? Is it far?”

“It’s over five hundred kilometers away.”

Hongyu is torn for a moment. With her pretty face being slightly red, she says softly, “Yong, I want to work beside you, okay?”

“Work beside me?” Li Yong glances at Hongyu and immediately understands Hongyu’s intention. However, he doesn’t have any job for her if she is by his side. Even so, he can get a title for her!

Li Yong smiles happily, “Then you should be by my side!”

Hongyu asks, “What will I do when I am by your side?”

“Protecting me. You are my bodyguard.”

“How come I am capable of protecting you? It is you who will protect me in the end.” Hongyu knows Li Yong’s strength well.

“You know Ms. Wei, right? She is also protecting me. By the way, has she helped you get your ID done?”

“Yes. Here it is.” Hongyu hands Li Yong a brand new Huaxia ID card.

Li Yong takes it in his hand and looks at it, seeing that the name on it is Li Hongyu and her domicile address is the same as his. Now, there are three great beauties registered in Li Yong’s household registration book, with them being Li Tianmei, Li Yujie, and Li Hongyu respectively.

Li Yong is the eldest, who is a year older than Li Tianmei and Li Yujie and two months older than Li Hongyu. He is the eldest brother.

“Li Hongyu, from now on you will be my junior sister.” Li Yong smiles, “Call me brother.”

Hongyu is slightly shy and calls out lightly, “Brother.”

Li Yong says, “Haha, you are my second younger sister. And Tianmei and Yujie are my third younger sister and fourth younger sister respectively…” Then he suddenly inhales with his nose forcibly a few times because he smells a faint smell of gasoline. And after inhaling hard, he is sure that it is indeed the smell of gasoline. How can there be the smell of gasoline here? He finds it very strange.

Turning on his clairvoyant vision and looking through the entire drug warehouse all over, he suddenly sees a familiar figure walking out from the elevator with a white gasoline can in his hand, which is filled with greenish-red liquid. And the smell of gasoline is emitted from the can.

Li Yong frowns and mutters, “Surprisingly, it’s Wang Limin. Why did he come here?”

Hongyu is confused. Seeing Li Yong’s gloomy face, she asks softly with a tilted head, “What?”

Li Yong doesn’t explain it to her. Seeing Wang Limin carrying a gasoline can and walking fast in this direction, he holds Hongyu’s tender hand, leading her to hide behind a row of drug shelves.

With many drug shelves here, which lie row by row and column by column, it’s very easy for them to hide behind the shelves.

After hiding, Li Yong looks through the shelves with his clairvoyant vision and keeps an eye on Wang Limin.

And Hongyu is watching Li Yong at all times.

With Li Yong grabbing her hand all of a sudden, Hongyu feels that her heart beats a little faster. While being pulled by Li Yong, she blushes.

After they hide behind a pile of medicines, her front chest hits against Li Yong’s stone-like back all of a sudden.

Her chest is hit with pain. And she is even more fluttered and her face can’t be redder.

It is quiet here, where there are no outsiders at all. She thinks Li Yong is acting mischievously and taking advantage of her on purpose. However, she does not hate him for doing so. On the contrary, she somewhat likes it when Li Yong treats her like this.

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