Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 489 Making Things Difficult for Han Lu on Purpose

Chapter 489 Making Things Difficult for Han Lu on Purpose

In Li Yong’s opinion, a few slaps and nude photos are the lightest punishment for someone like Wang Li.

If he didn’t have good intentions, he would have at least beaten Wang Li up who tried to kill him.

“I won’t take revenge on you.” Wang Li is so terrified that she just wants to hide far away. She surely dares not to retaliate against Li Yong.

“Take off your clothes. Do it quickly. Take all of them off. What are you afraid of? With a woman like you, do you think I will touch you? Don’t daydream. Any woman of mine is better than you. Take off your underwear as well. Yeah, that’s right. Don’t look so sad. Smile at me. Smile, understand? Yes. That’s right.”

After taking a dozen pictures in a row, Li Yong walks out of the grove with satisfaction and sees that Huang Zhi’s people are still crawling on the green meadow. He just used his Death-point Striking on them. So these people have to lie on the ground for three hours before they can get up.

Coming to the side of the highway, Li Yong shakes his dizzy head, takes a taxi, and leaves directly.

The fair body of Wang Li suddenly pops up in his head, making the bottom of his go hard, which he finds shameful.

When Li Yong is at home, he sees Wei Fangxia sitting on the couch and watching TV. It is unknown whether it is because of the alcohol that he feels itchy and eager as he sees the pair of tempting breasts and sexy and slender legs of Wei Fangxia.

He hurriedly shakes his head, pours a cup of tea, and drinks it down, which sobers him up a bit.

“Have you been drinking?” Wei Fangxia, who has been watching TV, takes a look at Li Yong.

“I drank some,” Li Yong smiles and stares at Wei Fangxia’s big breasts again, which look so tempting. Although he usually sees them often, they have never been so tempting as they are now.

Wei Fangxia is wearing a beige waistband skirt now, whose upper body is taut and especially conspicuous because of the big breasts. She wears high-heeled sandals and flesh-colored stockings below, both of which are from famous brands. She looks elegant and dignified from top to bottom.

“What are you looking at?” Sensing Li Yong’s strange gaze, Wei Fangxia gives him a blank stare instantly.

“Ms. Wei, you are so sexy,” Li Yong licks his mouth and says with a smiling face.

“Go away. Stop looking at me. Watch TV,” Wei Fangxia’s pretty face blushes as she points to the TV. But, all of a sudden, she furrows her pretty eyebrows. And her face becomes even redder.

Li Yong turns around to look at the TV and finds that it is a TV channel. And the scene at this moment shows that a man and a woman are hugging and kissing in a small room with their hands touching and squeezing each other randomly.

The director, who is so talented, does a close-up of both the man’s hand and the woman’s hand.

For men, when they see a man touch and squeeze a woman’s body with his hands randomly, they will go through different kinds of complicated emotions, including envy, jealousy, and hatred. Some others will be angry and furious, who are eager to kick the man down and replace him.

However, once they see a woman’s hands on a man’s body, they will be relatively simple-minded. They will open their eyes wide, hold their breath, and stare without looking away. And their inner desires will be instantly ignited.

At this time, they will have fewer thoughts. And most of them will fantasize about having a woman who is so proactive.

At this time, Li Yong is in such a mood. He smiles and says, “Ms. Wei, look at this actress. You should learn from her movements. When kissing, you should be like her. And that leg, you should lift it, wrap it around behind the man, and hook the man’s waist as you rub against him, which will make the kissing scene tasty at a glance…”

“Bastard,” Wei Fangxia can’t take his words anymore. She immediately picks up the remote control and turns off the TV.

The living room immediately becomes quiet. The two of them look at each other. And the atmosphere is a little awkward.

Li Yong smilingly sits beside Wei Fangxia. Seeing that Wei Fangxia only dodges and doesn’t get up to avoid him, he feels that he has a chance and can’t help but be excited.

Just when he wants to stretch his arms to hold Wei Fangxia in his arms, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounds behind him.

As soon as Wei Fangxia sees that it is Wang Yuan coming, she hurriedly stands up, pretends to pour tea, and moves to sit on the opposite sofa. Li Yong turns his head and asks, “Is Lu back yet?”

“Not yet.” Wang Yuan says softly, “She said she would be back at two o’clock and would be home around four o’clock. So she should still be on her way.”

Li Yong looks at the time and thinks it is about time for Han Lu to be home. He yawns. After drinking a cup of tea, he lies on the sofa and falls asleep without realizing it.

When he wakes up, it is dark and he sort of sobers up. He rolls over and sees Han Fei, Wei Fangxia, and Tian Qiushuang sitting in the living room. Han Fei is asking Wei Fangxia and Tian Qiushuang for advice on practicing.

Li Yong stretches his back and asks, “Isn’t Lu back yet?”

“Not yet. We are just waiting for her to come back for dinner,” Han Fei turns her head over and says with a smile on her face.

“Why hasn’t she come back yet?” A hint of anxiety flashes across Li Yong’s heart. So he hurriedly takes out his cell phone and immediately calls Han Lu. The phone keeps ringing for a while before someone answers it.

Li Yong asks, “Hey, honey, why aren’t you back yet?”

“Yong, I’m not your wife. I’m Hailu.”

“Oh, where is my wife? Are you guys back? Where are you?”

Li Yong cheerfully smiles and doesn’t feel embarrassed at all.

Tian Hailu sighs, “We’re still in Tonghai City. And we haven’t even gone back yet!”

Li Yong hurriedly asks, “What’s going on?”

Hearing Tian Hailu’s words, Li Yong learns that Han Lu ran into trouble in Tonghai City.

These days, Han Lu has traveled to three cities, reached a new cooperation intention, and signed a new cooperation agreement with Wu Dan’s former partners. Everything goes smoothly in Donglin City and Dishu City. And everything goes smoothly in Tonghai City at the beginning. However, Han Lu encounters strong resistance from a newly established pharmaceutical association when she is signing the cooperation agreement in the end.

To solve the problem as soon as possible and control the drug market in Tonghai City, Han Lu has to stay there to continue the negotiation.

Right now, Han Lu is negotiating with people from the drug association and doesn’t have time to answer Li Yong’s call.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yong sees all the women in the living room looking at him in confusion. He briefly explains the situation to everyone and immediately takes Wei Fangxia and Hongyu with him to Tonghai City overnight.

Han Fei wants to go with him as well. However, somebody has to take care of Lufei Pharmaceutical Company. So, Han Fei has to stay at home.

The distance between Zhonghai City and Tonghai City is not far, which is only over a hundred kilometers.

Li Yong drives very fast and keeps overtaking on the way. Wei Fangxia repeatedly reminds him that he shouldn’t drive furiously, which Li Yong simply ignores. After repeated reminders, before Li Yong is annoyed, Wei Fangxia becomes overwhelmingly annoyed and can only close her eyes in rage and adds in the end, “If you have the ability, you should drive to the heaven. It is good for us to die together.”

As soon as the words come out, Wei Fangxia is shocked. Because she thinks it will be good to die together with Li Yong.

This is simply so incredible.

“Ms. Wei,” Hongyu reminds her nervously. She doesn’t want to die! How can Wei Fangxia just talk about ‘death’ when the car is on the highway? What if a self-fulfilling prophecy comes true?

Li Yong, however, doesn’t care. He only wants to hurry to his wife’s side and help her solve the problem.

He tells himself that it is understandable that he is so anxious when he knows that Han Lu is in trouble. Besides, no matter which woman is in trouble, he will be as anxious as he is now. Even if the nosy and talkative Wei Fangxia is in trouble, there won’t be any exception.

However, he has no way to explain to Wei Fangxia. And even if he voices his sincere thoughts out, Wei Fangxia will sneer at him.

After the two of them get along with each other for a long time, Li Yong also gets a clear idea of Wei Fangxia’s character. So, he tries not to make her angry.

An hour later, Li Yong comes to the Imperial Hotel where Han Lu is staying, which is one of the most luxurious hotels in Tonghai City. It is just like the Xiangong Hotel, which is also a four-star hotel. Located in the central city, the Imperial Hotel is lit up with colorful lights, looking bright and dignified.

Having no time to enjoy the enchanting night view, Li Yong immediately rushes to Han Lu’s room.

From afar, he turns on his clairvoyant vision and searches the rooms based on the room number. Then he sees a small living room outside Han Lu’s room, in which four middle-aged men and two middle-aged women are sitting.

They, who surround Han Lu in a fan shape, are having a heated discussion.

“On behalf of the Hui’an Association, I oppose your proposal. You are not sincere at all. You are cheating us,” A middle-aged man slaps the table and growls at Han Lu. It looks like he isn’t here to negotiate but to fight.

“We object to it.” The remaining men and women also make their positions clear, all of whom are glaring at Han Lu with an outrageous attitude.

“If you want to cooperate with us, show us your sincerity. Don’t try to bully us, who are weak.” They are all small-sized pharmaceutical companies, all of which are not as big as Lufei Pharmaceutical Company. It is unknown how come they are so confident as to talk to Han Lu like this.

Han Lu is somewhat anxious. She wipes her pretty forehead and nose with a wet towel, points to the contract on the table, and says, “Look at this, bosses. When you used to work with the Wu Family, the profit was only three percent. But I’ve now raised it to five percent for you. To be honest, this is my biggest concession.”

“How come you want to compete with the Wu Family? Is the Wu Family something the Han Family can compete with? If the Wu Family continues to manage the pharmaceutical market in Tonghai City, we will be fine with it. Even if the profit is only three percent, we will be willing and have no complaints. Because we have been working with the Wu Family for many years and we believe in them. However, if the Han Family comes here, this will not work. You ever went out of business and broke the law. And we dare not work with you at all.”

“Unless you raise our profit margin. We want it to be at ten percent.”

“Yes, at least ten percent,” These people hoot. Seeing that Han Lu is a young woman who looks as if she isn’t experienced and sophisticated, these people are making things difficult for her on purpose, trying to get more from Han Lu.

“My profits aren’t even that high. Even if I gave you all my profits, it wouldn’t be ten percent.” Han Fei is furious and her tone is no longer polite, “You have no sincerity to cooperate with me at all. If you insist on such unreasonable demands, I will have to find another partner to cooperate with. In such a large Tonghai City, I can still operate as usual without a few of you.”

“Since we’ve come to this point, I’ll tell you the truth. All of the drug dealers in Tonghai City have joined the Hui’an Association. And we are the representatives of the Hui’an Association. What we want represents the will of all the drug merchants in the entire Tonghai City. If you don’t meet our conditions, no one will work with you.”

“Han’s Group would better withdraw from the market of Tonghai City. This place belongs to us.”

“After you quit, our profit will be eight percent even if it can’t reach ten percent.”

“You’re exploiting us. You are not welcome here,” these people say one after another as they pound the table again.

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