Chapter 292 Beauty Restoring

It is already late at night, and the jewelry stores are all closed.

Li Yong still opens his clairvoyant vision and looks at the store, which belongs to him now. He put all the people of the Tiankai Gang into jail. And all the Tiankai Gang’s property has already belonged to him.

He decides to take over the jewelry store tomorrow and carry out reforms. From now on, they are going to do legal business only and they won’t collude with those travel agencies and do those illegal activities to deceive travelers.

After backing to the hotel, he finds that Han Fei and Wei Fangxia are both sleeping in his bed. The two of them snuggle together. Their strange postures and cute expressions make Li Yong feel as if they are getting some pleasure from each other.

Li Yong tucks them in and goes to the next room to have a rest.

The next day, Li Yong gets up early. Then he wakes up Han Fei and Wei Fangxia, and shows them the agreement.

“Brother Yong, you actually got the Tiankai Gang’s jewelry business. That’s too...amazing.” Han Fei jumps out of bed in a sudden. She jumps into Li Yong’s arms in a translucent short night skirt and happily gives Li Yong a kiss on his face. She says and grins, “This is your reward.”

Li Yong rubs the place where he was kissed by Han Fei. He feels very wonderful. He squints at Wei Fangxia and asks, “Madam Wei, should you reward me, too?”

“Hum, you got rich. What does it have to do with me?” She says disapprovingly.

“I put all the bad guys and the people who hurt you in jail. I avenged you. Shouldn’t you be grateful to me?” Li Yong asks with a smile.

“Get out of here, stay away from me.” Wei Fangxia pushes him away angrily when Li Yong’s face moves close to her.

“Brother Yong, let me kiss you for her.” Then Han Fei kisses Li Yong again. This time she kissed a little too long, which made her beautiful face blush. So she is very charming now.

“Fei is so sensible.” Li Yong praises her. Then he commands, “You guys get ready. Put on some nice clothes. We are going to rectify the situation of the jewelry store. Let’s get rid of all the people there and get someone reliable to run the store.”

Han Fei says to Li Yong as she dresses, “Brother Yong, we are not familiar with the people here. Why not send some reliable senior management here from our company headquarters? Okay?”

“Fine.” Li Yong is quite in favor of it. He really doesn’t trust the people here.

He can’t stay here every day and he needs to go back to Zhonghai City. If something unexpected happens here, he can’t deal with it in time. Therefore, he must find someone reliable to manage his business.

“Then I will call Lu and ask her to send a few reliable people here.”

Then Han Fei picks up the phone and calls Han Lu before she is dressed.

She reports the situation here first. Li Yong hears Han Lu’s happy laughter on the other end of the phone. She is very satisfied with Li Yong’s performance. And she gives Li Yong some rare compliments.

The two sisters talk for more than half an hour before they finish talking. As soon as Han Lu puts down the phone, she says with a smile, “Lu said that she would send four store managers, all of whom are masters of sales in the company. They can get here in the afternoon.”

“Then let’s take over the jewelry store this afternoon. Then we can arrange everything all at once. In this case, we won’t make this trip in vain.” Li Yong thinks for a while and says.

“Okay.” Han Fei agrees with it happily. But she asks again, “What should we do now?”

“Now, put your clothes on first. Look, your belly is exposed.” Li Yong says with a smile.

Han Fei pats her belly and asks with a grin, “Is it white?”

“Yes.” Li Yong replies.

“It smells good, too. Brother Yong, do you want to have a try?” Han Fei asks with a smile.

This naughty girl learns how to attract others. But, Li Yong really wants to get close to her and smell it.

But the door is suddenly opened. Wei Fangxia opens the door and comes in. She has already changed her clothes. She is wearing a suit, trousers, low-heeled shoes and carrying a leather bag. Her dedicated pistol is hidden in her bag.

“I am ready, let’s go!” She says with a smile. Then she lowers her head and looks at her shoes. She is satisfied with her prim dress.

“Let’s go there afternoon. Have breakfast first!” Han Fei says with a smile.

“I don’t want to go downstairs. Let them bring breakfast to us!” Li Yong says.

“That’s OK. I will call them first.” It suits Han Fei’s willing. She doesn’t want to go out because of the scar on her neck. Then she happily dials the hotel’s phone number at once.

It isn’t long before the waiter sends the breakfast to the room. After the three people had breakfast together, Han Fei picks up the mirror again and looks at the scar in her neck.

“Brother Yong, why hasn’t the scar healed? When exactly will it recover?” She complains constantly.

“It’s recovering so fast. Why aren’t you satisfied?” Wei Fangxia answers.

In Wei Fangxia’s view, it is a miracle that she recovered from the injury she got yesterday. Police officers often get injured when they go out and perform their tasks. They need at least ten to fifteen days to recover.

She glances at Li Yong. She believes that Li Yong must be the only one in the world who has this ability.

“Let me have a look.” As soon as Li Yong waves his hand, Han Fei appears in front of Li Yong at once.

Li Yong finds that her scar is about to fall off. When the scar falls off, there will be a light white mark left on her neck.

If there was a light white mark left on Han Fei’s neck, it would be like an ugly line on a white paper. Han Fei won’t be satisfied, let alone Li Yong.

“I’ll treat you.” Li Yong takes out the silver needle again.

“Can you cure me or not?” Han Fei asks worriedly.

“You will know it later when you look in the mirror.”

Li Yong gives her a slightly smile. Then Li Yong begins to urge his internal strength and uses the silver needle to get rid of the scar on Han Fei’s neck. It doesn’t take long for the light white mark to gradually become blurred and finally disappear. The mark has become almost the same color as her skin.

Wei Fangxia witnesses the whole process of this miraculous change. And she finds that Li Yong is more and more unfathomable.


After Li Yong puts away the silver needle, Han Fei immediately picks up the mirror and looks at herself. She can’t help cheering, “Wow, it was cured. It was really cured. I am the same as before. I become beautiful again. There is really no scar on my neck.”

She circles Li Yong briskly, just like a swallow, “Wow, Brother Yong, why are you sweating?”

“Nothing serious.” Li Yong looks a little tired. It consumed too much of his internal strength.

“Let me to wipe it for you.” Han Fei picks up a tissue and wipes Li Yong’s forehead very gently.

After a while, Wei Fangxia asks him gently, “Li Yong, several officers in our police station were injured in the fight with the gangsters. They also have scars on their faces. Can you help them get rid of the scars?”

Li Yong shakes his head and refuses, “No, never bother me with this matter.”

“The scars affect their lives and cause them a lot of trouble. Some colleagues have changed their temperament, and their family was ruined. They became like this due to protect the safety and the property of the people. Can you do them a favor?” Wei Fangxia still wants to fight for it and she wants to persuade Li Yong.

“I can help them, but can they afford it?” Li Yong says faintly.

“...” Wei Fangxia becomes speechless immediately. She also knows that Li Yong charged Zhou Feixue 10 million for breast augmentation, and removing scars is more time-consuming and laborious than breast augmentation. Those policemen really can’t afford it.

“When I get a chance, I will produce a medicine to remove scars. Let them buy it then!” Li Yong says faintly, “It’s not that I don’t want to help them, but I am afraid my abilities are inadequate.”

“Fine, I hope your scar remover will be on the market as soon as possible.” Wei Fangxia says with a soft smile.

“Brother Yong, shall we go out and have fun?” Han Fei suddenly wants to shop after restoring confidence. Women want to show their beauty to others. How can she stay in her room when she is suddenly beautiful again?

“You guys have fun!” After removing the scar on Han Fei’s neck, Li Yong is so tired. He wants to have a rest and regain his strength. He finds that removing scars on the surface of the skin consumes more internal strength than healing physical disease.

“Brother Yong, just come with me! How about I reward you with another kiss? Oh no, two kisses are OK, too.” Han Fei rolls her big eyes, smiling with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Li Yong is moved and he also doesn’t want to disappoint Han Fei. Thus he gets up and says, “Well, let’s go!”

They shop all morning and have lunch in a restaurant. When they are about to go back to the hotel and have a rest, Han Fei receives a call suddenly. It turns out that several trusted company managers sent by Han Lu have arrived.

After agreeing on the meeting place, the three of them immediately take a taxi to meet with the four managers.

All four of them are beautiful women with good image and temperament, and they are all 1.75 meters tall like Han Fei. Their clothes make them look slim, and they don’t look fat even if they take off their clothes. They have muscles in their arms and firm abs in their abdomens.

When the four of them stand together, they look like models. They are absolutely the most beautiful scenery on the street. It seems that in order to run a good jewelry business, Han Lu selected them after a special selection. Li Yong knows one of them, Zheng Xinmei, the sales manager. Li Yong also feels familiar with the other three beauties, but he can’t name them.

There are too many beauties in their company. But Li Yong only has two eyes, and it is difficult for him to remember all the beauties.

After a period of chatting, they get familiar with each other quickly. After asking them a few simple questions, Li Yong feels that they not only have good temperament, but also are very learned.

Li Yong is very satisfied. After that, he takes them to the headquarters of the Tiankai Gang directly.

Because the leaders of the Tiankai Gang have been arrested by the police, everything goes smoothly.

It takes Li Yong half an afternoon to arrange the new personnel work properly. Zheng Xinmei and three other women become the general managers of the jewelry and jade store. They are in charge of all the operations.

They went to four places in succession and the distance between the four places was very long. They also spent a lot of time on the road, so it was dark when it was over. They are tired after a day’s journey.

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