Alpha Reborn!

Chapter 63 Training Part 1

Evan cleared his mind of all distractions and focused solely on the task at hand. The training environment had been crafted to perfection, providing him with the best possible learning experience. He had to make the best use of it.

With a flick of his wrist, he retrieved the Phantom Shadow Technique manual from the semi-transparent system screen. To any bystander, it would have appeared as though he had produced the manual from his inter-spatial ring—nothing out of the ordinary in this world in this highly advanced Empire.

The manual consisted of four pages, each detailing a different level of the elusive movement-type technique. Evan carefully studied the first page, which outlined the entry-level of the technique.

It boasted about its ability to deceive even the most experienced of combatants and explained how to execute short bursts of movement to instantly cover short distances.

Evan couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the technique's power, even at its most basic level.

'I wonder if it's really as effective as it claims,' he thought. 'There's only one way to find out – I have to give it a try!'

Thanks to the mental boost provided by Seraphine's skill, Evan quickly memorized the first page of the manual.

"There are two skills I need to learn to reach the entry-level," he mused, "the skill to deceive an experienced combatant's instantaneous decision based on movement and posture and the ability to eject all the soul energy inside a soul pocket for an instant burst of speed. Let's start by learning the first skill."

Following the instructions in the manual, Evan adjusted his posture, standing tall with his feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and arms relaxed at his sides.

He took a step forward with his left foot, appearing as if he would move in that direction, but in a split second, he used his right foot to push off the ground and moved quickly to the right.

Unfortunately, his attempt was far from flawless.

As he moved, his foot caught on a loose stone, and he stumbled, losing his balance.


He crashed to the ground with a loud thud. Dust clung to his imperial attire, further highlighting the embarrassing turn of events.

ραпdα- n૦νe|`c,0m Seraphine chuckled at Evan's expense, but he didn't find it funny. "You should watch your step, Your Highness," she said.

Evan stood up and brushed himself off, feeling annoyed.

"You think it's funny to see someone fail?" he asked. "I suppose you've never stumbled in your life."

"I wouldn't say that," Seraphine replied, smirking. "But at least I have the grace not to fall on my face in front of others," she said under her breath, but he heard it.

How daring of her!

Evan scowled, "Well, some of us aren't born with the same natural grace as you. But at least I have the determination to keep trying until I get it right."

"I didn't mean to offend you," Seraphine said, her smirk fading. "I'm sure you'll get it eventually.

"I know I will," Evan said, giving her a tight-lipped smile. "And when I do, I'll show you just how graceful I can be."

"I will be cheering for you, Your Highness!" Seraphine said, upping the magical melody, causing Evan to feel refreshed and motivated.

After being made fun of by Seraphine, Evan was more determined than ever to master the Phantom Shadow Step.

He knew that it would take time and effort to learn, but he was willing to put in the work. He took a deep breath before continuing to practice the movement.

His movements were slow and clumsy as he struggled to remember the steps and the proper form. He felt awkward and uncoordinated as if he was fighting against his own body. Evan repeated the movement again and again, trying to make it flow smoothly from one step to the next.

However, despite his efforts, he found himself stumbling and losing his balance at times.

He felt frustrated with himself and wondered, 'I've been following the instructions to the letter, but I can't seem to get it right. I keep failing. It's starting to weigh heavily on me. Will I ever be able to get it right?'

Doubts began to creep into Evan's mind, and he started to feel discouraged. He wondered whether he had the skill or talent to succeed in this endeavor. He wasn't a good learner in the past, and it seemed like he didn't improve even after regaining his past life memories.

Suddenly, he shook his head vehemently. It was as if he was shaking off all doubts and uncertainties, replacing them with a burning desire to succeed.

The sudden movement of his head startled Seraphine. She could see his eyes widening with a newfound determination and his lips setting in a tight line. The change in his demeanor was palpable, and she could sense the shift in his energy. His body language was no longer defeated and despondent but filled with a sense of purpose and drive!

"What's gotten into him?" Seraphine wondered. "He was just about to give up. But now it seems like he won't stop until he achieves what he came here for."

She was startled as he shouted,

"No, now's not the time to be judgemental! Stop being a self-doubting pussy and man up!"

These words were meant for none other than himself. He was motivating himself as he refused to give up even after facing one failure after another.

"Remember what father said."

Evan remembered the words of the man who was his father in his previous life.

'Every mistake is a chance to learn and improve.' His father had told him.

"I need to review my training and figure out what I'm doing wrong."

He took a deep breath and pushed aside the negative thoughts. Then he began analyzing his movements, noticing the small errors in his technique. Each time he had stumbled during training, either his posture was slightly off, or he wasn't shifting his weight properly. He made a mental note of these mistakes.

How to correct them?

Evan furrowed his brow, deep in thought, as he pondered over the technique.

"I think I've got it," he said, tapping his chin with his finger.

His realization was that the key to the technique was all in the arms - they acted as clutches to maintain balance and control.

Evan continued practicing diligently, pushing himself to improve at the technique he had been working on while Seraphine worked for him, playing the Cello tirelessly in the background.

And just like that, after a mere hour, Evan was able to use the first skill needed to learn the Phantom Shadow Step while moving at full speed. It was a true testament to his dedication and hard work!

Next, he moved on to shadow fighting, trying out sudden stops and changes in direction to catch imaginary opponents off guard.

He experimented with different angles and patterns, determined to find the most effective way to confuse and evade his opponents.

As time went on, Evan's movements became more fluid and graceful, his body reacting instinctively to the attacks of his imaginary opponents. He weaved and dodged their attacks in a zigzag pattern before retaliating, blowing the lights out of them with his barrage of punches.

Just then, a notification sounded in his sound!

[Ding! Congratulations. You have learned Reverse Flow Skills!]

[Reverse Flow: A fluid movement skill that allows the Player to reverse their momentum and flow in the opposite direction, catching their opponent off guard with his sudden change of direction.]

[You have comprehended 50% of the entry-level of the Phantom Shadow Step!]

He had taken the first step towards victory against his own inner demons!

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