Almighty Sword Domain

Chapter 2268 – Renowned Before His Arrival!

Chapter 2268 – Renowned Before His Arrival!

Book 20 — The Other Universe

Tian Xiu had left.

She vanished into the distance while Yang Ye and An Nanjing watched.

Yang Ye held An Nanjing’s hand tightly while his heart hurt to the extreme!

He really didn’t want her to make that choice, but just as Tian Xiu had said, everyone had their own choices, and that was her choice.

An Nanjing spoke softly, “Let’s go!”

Yang Ye took a deep breath, and then he took her hand and left.

Right after they left, Tian Xiu appeared nearby.

She seemed to be lost in thought as she watched them leave.

Snowy, Yang Ye…

If she had any other ties left in this world, then it would definitely be Yang Ye and Snowy.

A long time passed before Tian Xiu shook her head slightly and spoke softly, “Will we be able to meet again? Perhaps!”

She turned around and vanished into space.

The Initial Continent.

Yang Ye and An Nanjing arrived at the Initial Continent. Sure enough, there was a towering pillar of light in the huge city on the continent, and it was a portal. The phantom had entered the large universe through it!

Yang Ye glanced behind him. Presently, the large universe was covered in desolation, and it wasn’t the same large universe he once knew.

As for the living beings of the large universe, while some still remained throughout the large universe, only death remained for them.

Yang Ye fell silent for an instant, and then he suddenly raised his sword and pointed it at the sky.

A sword howl suddenly resounded through the sky, and then it rippled toward the surroundings. At the same time, a voice resounded with it, “Come here!”

Come here!

Just two words!

Once he finished saying that, Yang Ye took An Nanjing’s hand and walked into the huge pillar of light.

Everyone who heard these words throughout the large universe rushed madly in the direction of the Initial Continent.

In the teleportation formation.

Yang Ye held An Nanjing’s hands. White light mixed with lightning flickered all around them.

Both of their minds were very clear at this moment, and they could clearly sense everything around them.

Yang Ye spoke softly, “I hope Elder Yuan and the others are fine!”

An Nanjing spoke solemnly, “They…”

Yang Ye gazed at her, and she spoke softly, “The initial race clearly had a very good understanding of everything that was going on here. That’s why they sent their forces over here when the undying race and our large universe were in battle. Besides that, the phantom from before said that we’re not welcome over there, so…”

Yang Ye spoke softly, “So they are probably dead, right?”

An Nanjing didn’t say anything.

Yang Ye looked up. The ends of his vision were still filled with lightning and white light. He couldn’t see the end of this teleportation formation at all.

Meanwhile, An Nanjing spoke softly, “I wonder what the other universe is like!”

Yang Ye shook his head slightly, “I don’t know. But we’ll find out very soon.”

Just like that, a few days passed before everything in their vision started to turn ethereal. The white and lightning gradually became scarcer, and they were replaced by specks of starlight.

They knew that they were about to arrive on the other side.

Yang Ye had been healing like a madman throughout this time, and with the help of his Primordial Violet Energy, he had practically recovered. However, his slaughter intent and sword intent were gone.

Completely gone!

He didn’t really care about his slaughter intent and sword intent as he didn’t really rely on it anymore. He relied more on his cultivation and Sword Domain. While he hadn’t advanced into the Progenitor Realm during the previous battle, he felt that he was at the verge of it. It was like a cup filled to the brim, and just another droplet, just the smallest droplet, would cause the water in the cup to overflow.

He was just that close to the Progenitor Realm!

So long as he could take that final step, his strength would undergo a tremendous transformation!

Meanwhile, An Nanjing suddenly said, “Look!”

Yang Ye looked up, and he saw two figures at the end of his vision.

There were people there!

Moreover, these two people were rushing in their direction.

It didn’t take long for them to arrive before Yang Ye and An Nanjing. It was two middle aged men. They weren’t very strong and merely at the Sage Realm! However, their auras were deep. Obviously, they were Sages who hadn’t relied on any external forces to get where they were!

Meanwhile, one of the middle aged men suddenly stopped, sized up Yang Ye and An Nanjing, and then said, “You’re from the large universe?”

Yang Ye and An Nanjing nodded.

“Very good!” The middle aged man asked, “Do you know Yang Ye?”

Yang Ye!

Yang Ye and An Nanjing were quite stunned, and Yang Ye glanced at the middle aged man, “You know Yang Ye?”

The middle aged man frowned slightly, “I ask, you answer. Understand?”

Yang Ye frowned, and An Nanjing said, “Why are you looking for Yang Ye?”

The middle aged man gazed at An Nanjing, “Did I let you speak?”

An Nanjing frowned slightly, and then a spear tore through the air. The middle aged man’s expression changed, and a spear appeared in his grasp too. An instant later, it stabbed against Burning Fury.


Burning Fury blasted open the man’s spear and pierced through his chest.


The middle aged man’s figure instantly stiffened on the spot.

Yang Ye glanced at An Nanjing. She really has a bad temper!

“You…” Meanwhile, the other middle aged man gazed at An Nanjing with astonishment. At this moment, he was simply flabbergasted.

Just one attack!

The woman before him had actually killed a Sage with a single attack! That was also the reason why he hadn’t fled. It was because he couldn’t escape someone with her strength!

An Nanjing gazed at the middle aged man, “Why are you looking for Yang Ye?”

Yang Ye gazed at the middle aged man and was extremely curious.

The middle aged glanced at Yang Ye and An Nanjing, and then he spoke softly, “H-He has the treasures of my initial race.”

“The treasures of your initial race?” Yang Ye frowned, “What the heck? When did he possess the treasures of your initial race?”

The middle aged man glanced at Yang Ye and remained silent.

An Nanjing suddenly spoke coldly, “Do you want to die?”

The middle aged man glanced at An Nanjing with a little fear in his eyes and hesitated for a moment before he said, “The Primordial Pagoda, Bodhi Tree, and Primordial Axe of Creation!”

An Nanjing’s eyes narrowed slightly, “How do you know that he has those treasures?”

The middle aged man replied, “The E-Elders said so.”

An Nanjing asked, “And how do they know?”

The middle aged man shook his head, “I don’t know!”

An Nanjing wanted to ask more, but Yang Ye shook his head, “I know how they know.”

An Nanjing gazed at him, and he spoke via voice transmission, “I went to the Initial Continent and obtained the Samadhi Flame there, and I met someone from the initial race there too. That person knew about the fact that the Primordial Pagoda, Bodhi Tree, and Primordial Axe of Creation are with me.”

An Nanjing frowned once more. In this way, trouble was already coming for Yang Ye before he even got there! Moreover, there may be even more trouble coming!

Meanwhile, Yang Ye suddenly said, “Do you know about the undying race?”

The middle aged man nodded, “We do.”

Yang Ye asked, “The experts of your initial race are coming over to annihilate the undying race, right?”

The middle aged man hesitated for a moment and said, “It isn’t just for the undying race, it’s for Yang Ye too!”

“For Yang Ye too? Why?” Yang Ye was very puzzled, “Is your initial race afraid of him?”

The middle aged man shook his head, “Of course not. However, my initial race has to fear those three treasures he possesses. Especially the Primordial Axe of Creation! Actually, my initial race isn’t the only one. The three sects and six clans are probably aware of it too. I believe it won’t be long before their experts rush over too.”

Yang Ye felt speechless.

“The initial race sent the two of you?” An Nanjing suddenly said, “Allow me to be honest, both of you are very weak!”

The middle aged man’s face became quite unsightly.

Don’t you know how to be a little easier on people?

The middle aged man was quite angry, but he didn’t dare to say anything about it. He glanced at An Nanjing and said, “W-We came on our own. J-Just to gather some information, but we never expected…”

Yang Ye suddenly asked, “Is the patriarch of your initial race strong?”

The middle aged man revealed a wisp of pride on his face, “Of course, our patriarch is a peak True Dao Realm expert. H-Have you ever heard of the True Dao Realm? I’m sure you haven’t. Your large universe probably doesn’t have such experts. Perhaps you don’t even know that the True Dao Realm exists, huh?”

Yang Ye and An Nanjing exchanged glances, and then Yang Ye said, “Do you have many progenitors? How many progenitors does your initial race have?”

A wisp of vigilance flashed through the middle aged man’s eyes, “Why do you ask?”

Meanwhile, Burning Fury suddenly started trembling in An Nanjing’s grasp, and it caused the middle aged man’s expression to change. He hesitated for a moment and hurriedly said, “I don’t know the exact amount. But there should be over a dozen!”

Over a dozen!

Yang Ye felt relieved. At this moment, he had a rough understanding of the initial race’s strength.

The initial race wasn’t full of Progenitor and True Dao Realm experts. Strictly speaking, the initial race wasn’t much stronger than the undying race. Of course, it was in comparison to the undying race before it suffered such losses. If the undying race was at its prime, the initial race would seem even weaker.

Of course, the undying race was absolutely inferior to the initial race now. Moreover, the middle aged man couldn’t be fully trusted. Every race had its own resources and reserves. Just like the undying race, no one knew the undying race had experts like the Undead Warriors and Xiao Lou before the battle!

Suddenly, the middle aged man turned around and transformed into a ray of light that vanished into the distance.

An Nanjing was about to attack, but a powerful aura suddenly swept over, and the entire spatial passageway became unstable before the aura.

An instant later, a man appeared before Yang Ye and An Nanjing.

Yang Ye’s expression changed when he saw the man, “You!”

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