Almighty Sword Domain

Chapter 2035 – The Pagoda’s Spirit Showing Goodwill!

Chapter 2035 – The Pagoda’s Spirit Showing Goodwill!

A familiar voice!

Yang Ye wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth, and then he looked over. There was a familiar figure over there.

Qiong Qi!

It was Qiong Qi!

However, it was clearly not Qiong Qi’s main body, and it was just a clone.

Yang Ye smiled, “You’re seen me in a sorry state!”

Qiong Qi replied, “A sorry state? Kid, it’s extraordinary for you to be able to exchange two blows with a demon king at your age and cultivation. If you can even kill a demon king, then we old fellows would have been living for nothing, right? So, be content!”

Yang Ye rubbed his nose and smiled, “No matter what, thanks for coming!”

He’d sent Qiong Qi a voice transmission on the way to Spirit Monkey Mountain. Because he was very well aware that his own strength wasn’t sufficient to deal with a demon king.

It was a real demon king!

Qiong Qi nodded and gazed at the middle aged man, “Demon King Xiao Tian, I’ll just be frank. Either leave or fight me.”

The middle aged man spoke in a low voice, “Qiong Qi, are you really going to interfere?”

Qiong Qi replied, “It can’t be helped. I know this kid, so I have to help!”

Xiao Tian said, “Qiong Qi, I’m sure you understand that I’m not the one who wants the destruction of Spirit Monkey Mountain!”

“I understand!” Qiong Qi continued, “Leave and say that I helped. I presume they won’t blame you once they hear that. Alright?”

Xiao Tian fell silent for a short moment and replied, “Qiong Qi, they say your strength is in the top 5 amongst the demon kings of our demon race. Since I’ve been lucky enough to meet you today, I’d like to seek guidance from you!”

Qiong Qi nodded, “Alright!”

Qiong Qi leaped up and appeared high above in the sky.

Meanwhile, the middle aged man vanished into the sky as well.

It didn’t take long for explosions to resound through the sky.

Yang Ye glanced at his chest. There were many fine cracks throughout it. It was the result of his battle with Demon King Xiao Tian!

Xiao Tian’s strength far surpassed his!

Yang Ye remained silent for a long time, and then he spoke softly, “Looks like I must strengthen my body further!”


Suddenly, an explosion resounded far away in the sky, and then the entire world here trembled. A short while later, Xiao Tian and Qiong Qi appeared not too far away from Yang Ye.

Both of them seemed fine from the outside.

Xiao Tian glanced coldly at Qiong Qi and said, “Qiong Qi, you’ll regret what you did today. Trust me!”

Xiao Tian left once he finished speaking.

After Xiao Tian left, all the other demon beasts here left like a receding tide, and it didn’t take long for them to vanish from Spirit Monkey Mountain’s territory.

Once Demon King Xiao Tian and his army left, Yang Ye gazed at Qiong Qi, “Are you alright?”

Qiong Qi shook his head slightly and gazed at Yang Ye, “Kid, are you really going to protect the Spirit Monkey Clan?”

Yang Ye nodded, “I promised that monkey, so I naturally have to do it!”

Qiong Qi sighed softly, “If that monkey is fine, then no one would dare to touch this place. Yet now, something has definitely happened to him.” Qiong Qi paused for a moment and continued, “Kid, the Buddhist Path is definitely standing behind that fellow, Xiao Tian! Getting swept into this isn’t a good thing for you at all!”

Yang Ye laughed bitterly, “I’ve already been swept into it!”

Qiong Qi shook his head, “You’re such a troublemaker!”

Yang Ye was at a loss for words.

Meanwhile, Qiong Qi spoke seriously, “If you really want to protect the Spirit Monkey Clan, I suggest that you lead them out of the Demon Dimension. Otherwise, even if Xiao Tian has left now, there will be an endless string of demon kings that come in the future!”

Yang Ye nodded, “Alright! I’ll think of a way to deal with this!”

Qiong Qi nodded, “I’ll stay here for now. Spirit Monkey Mountain will be fine while I’m here.”

Yang Ye said, “Thanks!”

Qiong Qi replied, “Don’t mention it!”

After chatting with Qiong Qi for a while, Yang Ye returned to the cave behind the waterfall and sat down cross-legged.


The injuries he’d suffered just now were quite serious, and that was why he still hadn’t recovered until now.

With the help of the Primordial Pagoda, Yang Ye’s injuries were almost completely healed after some time, and then he immediately summoned the Sky Dragon.


Yang Ye spoke solemnly, “Merge fully with me!”

His fight with a demon king allowed him to realize that his physical body was actually weak like a piece of paper. While it was mainly because of the huge gap in their cultivations, he had to admit that his body was too weak.

The Sky Dragon spoke solemnly, “I was planning to do that too.”

Yang Ye nodded, “Let’s begin!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Sky Dragon transformed into a ray of white light that entered his forehead. In an instant, Yang Ye’s body trembled violently, and then his face started to warp slightly.


Merging with the Sky Dragon was an absolutely painful process, and it didn’t just affect the body, the pain came from the soul too.

Just like that, time trickled by, and Yang Ye’s expression gradually returned to normal. However, his aura had become quite chaotic.

Snowy and Tian Xiu were standing not too far away.

Tian Xiu was holding a white steamed bun in each of her hands, and she passed one to Snowy, “Eat!”

Yang Ye had bought them for her before leaving the town.

Snowy glanced at the steamed bun in her hand. Snowy blinked, and then she lifted up a steamed bun with both claws, raised it to her nose, and sniffed it. It doesn’t really smell that good!

Snowy gazed at Tian Xiu with a questioning gaze, and Tian Xiu took a bite out of her steamed bun and said, “It’s tasty!”

Snowy blinked, and then she raised the bun to her mouth and took a small bite. It didn’t take long for her eyes to open wide, and then she took another bite.

Tian Xiu asked, “Is it tasty?”

Snowy hurriedly nodded, and then she quickly finished her steamed bun.

Tian Xiu asked, “Do you want another one?”

Snowy stretched out her little claw, and Tian Xiu passed another bun to Snowy. Just like that, Snowy grew fond of steamed buns. A short while passed before both the little fellows sat down and stared at Yang Ye.

Snowy pointed at Yang Ye and seemed to be asking how long more it would take for Yang Ye to be done.

Because they’d finished all their steamed buns, and they needed Yang Ye to go buy more. But Yang Ye was cultivating, so they clearly couldn’t disturb him. While she was mischievous, she knew how to differentiate between the severity of things.

Tian Xiu spoke softly, “It probably won’t take long. It has been three days now!”

Snowy nodded, and then she sat on Tian Xiu’s shoulder. Tian Xiu didn’t stop Snowy.

Suddenly, Tian Xiu looked up at the sky, and she clenched her little fist, “I have no ill intent towards you!”

Snowy shot a glance towards the sky and blinked with bewilderment.

Meanwhile, Tian Xiu suddenly said, “Big Brother is a good person, so I won’t harm him. I promise!”

Snowy hurriedly nodded and promised as well.

A short while passed before Tian Xiu withdrew her gaze and looked at Snowy. She seemed quite lonely, “In the past, no one in the town played with me. They said I was my father’s bastard. Snowy, you’re the first one who’s willing to play with me!”

Snowy cracked a smile and rubbed Tian Xiu’s head gently. She didn’t know what difference doing that made, but every time she was mischievous or unhappy, Yang Ye would rub her head!

Suddenly, Tian Xiu said, “Snowy, I’m quite worried!”

Snowy waved her claws lightly. Obviously, she was asking what Tian Xiu was worried about.

Tian Xiu spoke softly, “I saw a completely red thing following big brother, and it frequently reveals a terrifying smile.”

Snowy’s eyes were filled with bewilderment.

Meanwhile, Tian Xiu suddenly said, “Snowy, you must not go outside. That red thing is staring at you too. Right, she looks at you the same way you look at steamed buns. It’s horrifying!”

Snowy blinked, and then she gazed at Yang Ye and pointed at Yang Ye. She was saying that they had Yang Ye.

Tian Xiu hesitated for a moment and said, “I… I think big brother isn’t a match for her now.”

Snowy’s smile stiffened slightly. She hesitated for a moment and pointed upwards. Obviously, she was talking about the Primordial Pagoda.

Tian Xiu looked up and said, “It… It should be able to defeat her. However, I don’t think it can go outside. So, you absolutely can’t go outside.”

Snowy seemed quite depressed because if she couldn’t go outside and play, it would be really boring here.

Suddenly, Tian Xiu grabbed Snowy’s paw and said, “Don’t worry, mother said that something within me will awaken once I’m 18. At that time, then those existences in the world… Right, I think they’re called gods, buddhas, and all other living beings won’t be able to kill me. Even though I don’t really understand it, I think I’ll be extremely amazing.”

She gazed at Snowy and continued, “Do you know what they all are?”

Snowy shook her head and pointed at Yang Ye. Obviously, she was saying that Yang Ye did!

Tian Xiu nodded, “I’ll ask big brother later! Right, you don’t have to worry. If I do become powerful, I’ll protect you.”

She suddenly looked up at the sky and said, “You… you’ve allowed me to stay here, so I’ll protect you in the future too. Alright?”

Snowy looked up. Suddenly, the sky trembled, and then a small golden pagoda appeared before Snowy and Tian Xiu.

Snowy blinked and patted the pagoda lightly, and the latter didn’t refuse it.

The small golden pagoda floated over to Tian Xiu, and then it started spinning slowly and moved up and down like it was nodding.

Tian Xiu smiled slightly for the first time. She patted it gently and said, “Alright. Let’s make a pinky promise. Oh, you don’t have fingers.”

The small golden pagoda knocked Snowy lightly. Snowy understood what it meant and hurriedly stretched out her pawn. Tian Xiu hooked her pinky on Snowy’s pinky, “Pinky promise for a hundred years!”

The small pagoda shook slightly and seemed to reveal a trace of unusual emotions.

On the 2nd level of the Primordial Pagoda, a weak voice suddenly resounded there, “The pagoda is showing goodwill… Impossible… Who… who is she?!”

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