Almighty Sword Domain

Chapter 2028 – My Young Miss Wishes to Meet with You!

Chapter 2028 – My Young Miss Wishes to Meet with You!

The Sovereign of Sky’s eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the voice, and then he slowly turned to look.

Who was it?

That was the first question that came to mind for Yang Ye. Just like the Sovereign of Sky, he turned to look.

Both of them saw a middle aged man with a spear on his back.

However, the middle aged man’s figure was ethereal!

Yang Ye was stunned at the sight of him. Yang Ye knew this fellow, it was that fellow who’d given him the Weapon Path’s inheritance that day!

What’s he doing here? Yang Ye was quite puzzled.

The Sovereign of Sky slowly clenched his fists. The man was clearly not here with his main body, but the man still felt unfathomable to the Sovereign of Sky.

The middle aged man ignored the Sovereign of Sky and gazed at Yang Ye, “Surprised?”

Yang Ye nodded, “A little!”

The middle aged man said, “I came here for two reasons. The Weapon Path is having a competition between the six lines, and the winner will get a True Mantra from our ancestor himself. It isn’t very useful to me, but it’s very useful for you. Once you have it, even a Sage won’t be able to kill you in an instant. It’s like a talisman that’ll keep you safe.”

Yang Ye hesitated for a moment and asked, “Can I refuse?”

“Refuse to participate?” The middle aged man spoke indifferently, “We are the only ones left in the Slaughter Line. If you refuse, then are you telling me to participate?”

He glanced at the Sovereign of Sky and continued, “Of course, if you’re really unwilling, no one can force you. Right, I’m feeling a little dizzy, so I may have to leave. Good luck!”

The middle aged man turned around and walked away.

Yang Ye’s eyelids twitched, and then he hurriedly said, “Actually, I’ve wanted to go have a look at the Weapon Path for a long time. Now that I have an opportunity, how could I possibly let it slip by?”

The middle aged man gazed at Yang Ye, “I’m not forcing you, right?”

Yang Ye shook his head, “Not at all. I’m doing it out of my own free will!”

The middle aged man nodded, “Good. Right, the second thing is that I want to tell you a piece of bad news.”

Yang Ye frowned, “Bad news?”

The middle aged man asked, “Did you help a monkey in the past?”

Brother Monkey?

Yang Ye nodded, “Why?”

“Why?” The middle aged man spoke angrily, “How much did you drink to interfere in the business of those baldies? Do you know what that monkey did at the Buddhist Path? He killed a few geniuses of the Buddhist Path. Moreover, he even obliterated the reincarnation of one of the Buddhist Progenitors. The enmity between them really won’t end until one of them dies!”

Yang Ye frowned, “What does that have to do with me?”

The middle aged man answered, “They had a chance to capture that monkey, because the Buddhist Progenitor acted against the monkey. However, in the end, the monkey escaped because someone helped him. That person was you. Now, because the monkey’s actions have truly infuriated the Buddhist Path, they won’t let you go either!”

Yang Ye was stunned speechless.

The middle aged man added, “Right, that isn’t the worst news. There’s one more. The entire Weapon Path knows of your existence. Especially the Prediction Line, many fellows who call themselves geniuses are prepared to kill you. It can’t be helped, the enmity between our lines is very deep. Now, only the two of us remain, and they dare not come looking for me, so they naturally plan to get you!”

Yang Ye’s face darkened.

The middle aged man said, “Don’t tell me that you’re afraid!”

Yang Ye glanced at him and replied, “A little!”

“What are you afraid of?” The middle aged man puckered his lips, “Don’t be afraid. Just kill all of them.”

Yang Ye was speechless.

“You’re from the Weapon Path!” Suddenly, the Sovereign of Sky spoke abruptly.

The middle aged man gazed at the Sovereign of Sky, “Sovereign of Sky, just leave. I’m serious. You can be considered to be an expert here, but if you force my main body to come here, then I’ll definitely kill you!”

“Kill me?” The Sovereign of Sky’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Are you that confident?”

The middle aged man spoke indifferently, “Not to mention you, besides that cripple who has lived for countless years, who else in your sky race can’t I kill?”

The Sovereign of Sky’s expression changed, “You know him!”

The middle aged man replied, “To be honest, I really can’t act against you here for certain reasons.. After all, your sky race has the Dao Path behind it. Even if I don’t give the sky race face, I have to give the Dao Path some face. Moreover, I can’t break the rules. However, if I kill you to save this kid, then the Dao Path will probably not come looking for trouble with me!”

The Sovereign of Sky gazed at Yang Ye, “Looks like your background isn’t ordinary, huh?”

Yang Ye shrugged, “Everyone has some support.”

The Sovereign of Sky glanced at Yang Ye and smiled, “We’ll meet again!”

He turned around and left.

Suddenly, Yang Ye said, “Sovereign of Sky, let me say a little more out of consideration for Xiao Qi. There isn’t much enmity between me and the sky race, but if you continue looking for trouble with me, then I’ll definitely kill you!”

The Sovereign of Sky spoke indifferently, “I look forward to that!”

He vanished on the spot.

“He isn’t a weakling!” Meanwhile, the middle aged man said, “Kid, don’t be careless!”

Yang Ye nodded, “Of course. Right, how’s the monkey?”

The middle aged man shook his head, “I’m not sure. However, he should be in a very bad situation right now. The Buddhist Path has sent its 12 Arhats and 4 Vajra. However, that monkey is quite amazing, so he won’t die that easily!”

Yang Ye asked, “Is that existence from the Buddhist Path not helping them?”

“Help them?” The middle aged man chuckled, “Those old fellows have more important matters to attend to. As far as they are concerned, this is just small-scale conflict, and they don’t care about it at all. Unless the Buddhist Path suffers a threat of annihilation, they will not show themselves that easily. It’s like bandits appearing in the realm of a kingdom, do you think the emperor would personally set out to deal with them?”

Yang Ye was speechless.

The middle aged man flicked a ray of light into Yang Ye’s forehead, “That’s the location of my Weapon Path. Come in 6 months. Remember that if you don’t come, I’ll become the laughingstock of the Weapon Path, and if that happens… Hehe…”

His laughter was filled with ill intent!

Yang Ye asked, “What if an accident happens?”

“Don’t even think about trying something!” The middle aged man said, “You were lucky that I just happened to be here when you were in danger. I’m a busy man, so I don’t have time to be your bodyguard. Good luck. If you really die, I’ll have an excuse and can avoid becoming a laughingstock!”

Bastard! Yang Ye’s face darkened. He really wanted to beat up the middle aged man.

The middle aged man said, “I’ll be waiting for you there!”

He vanished on the spot.

Yang Ye fell silent.

The Weapon Path!

He’d just gotten out of one problem, and he’d fallen into another!

Yang Ye remained silent for a long time, and then he vanished on the spot.

The Human Dimension!

Yang Ye went to the Human Dimension. However, to avoid trouble, he concealed himself beneath a robe.

He didn’t want to be pursued the moment he stepped into the Human Dimension. While he didn’t fear it, it was a huge waste of time!

The Ji Clan!

Yang Ye traveled according to the map given to him by the mysterious person, and he arrived at Eastern Abyss Prefecture. Because the Ji Clan was here.

Yang Ye walked swiftly through the boundless mountain range, and it didn’t take long for him to stop. Because he noticed something off about the surroundings. While it looked very real, it wasn’t. The surroundings weren’t real at all!

Yang Ye closed his eyes slowly, and then his Sword Domain swept out. As soon as that happened, the surroundings underwent a tremendous change. At this moment, he was actually in an ocean of flames, and the rock beneath his feet was the only rock here!

Yang Ye glanced at the surroundings, “Is this how the Ji Clan entertains its guests?”

Of course not!” A voice resounded, “This is one of my Ji Clan’s defensive formations. The reason we didn’t remove it was because we didn’t know Brother Yang was coming. Moreover, we’re certain that based on your strength, this formation is nothing to you, right?”

“Nothing?” A smile curled up on the corners of Yang Ye’s mouth, and then a sword appeared in his grasp, “See this sword? It’s said to be capable of destroying any formation or barrier. If your Ji Clan doesn’t want this formation anymore, then I can help you destroy it!”

A moment of silence ensued, and then a middle aged man appeared before Yang Ye. He glanced at Yang Ye and said, “My Young Miss wishes to meet with you!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his right hand, and the surroundings returned to normal. Besides that, a door appeared in front of them.

They entered the door, and there was a completely different world behind it.

There was a mountain in front of Yang Ye. It wasn’t that tall, and he could faintly notice some luxurious palaces on its top.

Numerous strands of white energy were floating around the mountain, and birds were frequently soaring up from the mountain top. It seemed like an immortal paradise.

The Ji Clan!

Yang Ye followed the middle aged man to the mountain top, and he arrived within a small city. The city could be described as being very small, and it couldn’t hold more than 100,000 people!

Yang Ye glanced at the people here. All of them were cultivators, and none of them was weak. Most importantly, their natural talent was much better than the people in the outside world!

It didn’t take long for Yang Ye to arrive before an estate. As soon as he arrived, its doors opened, and then a woman walked out. It was the younger sister of Ji Yue, the veiled woman!

She walked over to Yang Ye, “My sister is a little busy, so she can’t welcome you herself. I hope you don’t mind!”

Yang Ye said, “It’s fine. Can you get me a quiet place?”

She glanced at him and smiled, “Of course!”

“Sis Lian, who’s that?” Suddenly, a voice came from the side, and then a handsome man in a luxurious robe walked towards Yang Ye and the others.

The woman in front of Yang Ye suddenly said, “This is Brother Yang, a guest of my older sister’s! Right, he’s a very important guest!”

“Huh?” The man gazed at Yang Ye, “May I know which clan you’re from?”

Yang Ye replied, “The Yang Clan!”

“The Yang Clan?” The man frowned slightly, “I’ve never heard of it.”

Yang Ye replied, “It’s just a small clan.” He gazed at the woman as he spoke.

However, she had no intention of leading the way, and she smiled, “Brother Jiang Hua, Brother Yang isn’t ordinary at all. My older sister has a very high opinion of him!”

“Is that so?” The man gazed at Yang Ye and sized up Yang Ye.

The woman planned to say more, but Yang Ye suddenly took a step in her direction, “Kid, listen well. I’m not interested in wasting time with you, and I’m not interested in your little tricks. If you continue trying to sow discord and create trouble, then I’ll show you how red blood is!”

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