Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 266 - Scentless Hunger Worm

At the center of Ciera's sole, a red, swelling piece of meat could be seen. At the center of the swollen part, was a small black dot. 

Seeing that swollen part, Yakob's face went pale, as that swollen part only implies the truthfulness of what Ban had just said. 

Not wasting any time, Yakob drew out his sword and prepared to slice away the swelling part, in a bid to get rid of it and possibly the worm that had caused it. 

"Don't. Slicing that away won't help. But if you want to injure her, then feel free to do so."

However, Yakob stopped on the spot when he heard what Ban said next. 

Seeing Yakob stopped, Ban continued. "From the size of that swollen part, I guessed that the worm had started drilling for more than twelve hours. At this point of time, the worm would no longer be on her sole, and instead, already travelled all the way up to her stomach." 

"I beg you, please tell me how I can remove that hideous worm infecting my Young Miss and my students?" Yakob said with a cracking voice. 

He was already at his wits end. When thought that it would already be over once he knew the root of the problem, he then realized that it was already too late, the problem was no longer there, and instead had already moved towards another location. 

There are also a lot of things that confused him, but regardless, he decided to hold them all for now and focus on the pressing matters. 

Now, he could only believe that what Ban had said was the truth. It's not that he has any other options anyway. 

"Actually, we don't need to worry about their life, for now that is. For a Scentless Hunger Worm to evolve to a Scentless Fly, they would need a constant supply of energy for an entire week. During the first six days, the worm would only collect the excess energy that is not needed by the body of its host. The last day on the other hand, is very dangerous, it would be better if we don't arrive on that period." Ban said with a grim tone. 

"And also, killing the Scentless Hunger Worm, no matter where they are located, is very easy. However, the only problem we would face are the herbs that we need to use for the medicine. They might not be expensive herbs but they are still hard to come by, making it very difficult to concoct." Ban said with seriousness. 

"Then can you tell us what kind of herbs we need? I will try my best to collect them as soon as possible. And also, do you perhaps also know how to concoct the medicine? If so, I implore you to concoct it, the Sanders family would be forever grateful for your help this time." Yakob said with a hopeful tone. 

"Well, I indeed know how to concoct it, but we should gather the herbs first before thinking of concocting it." Ban said. 

He then proceeded to recount the ingredients needed to concoct the medicine, of course he didn't know anything of this previously. When the System gave him the knowledge about the Scentless Hunger Worm, the knowledge also included the many ways on how to cure it. And concocting the medicine was the most simple, and the only possible way for their current level of expertise and strength. 

"Three Cloves Garlic, Stripe-less Bee's Honey, Red Oregano, Pure River Water, and Heart Shape Red Mushroom? Is that all?" Yakob recounted the ingredients that Ban had just said. He did not bother recalling the amount of each ingredient, in his mind, he thought that the more ingredients he could gather, the better. 

"Yeah, that's all. I saw a Heart Shape Red Mushroom on my way here, it's located on the entrance of this part here." Rila said as she took out a map and allowed a glowing stone to lit its entire surface. She then pointed to a part of the map for Yakob and Ban to see where the mushroom was located.

Rila was willing to help as she was looking forward to what Ban would do next. She was also quite curious if what he said was truly the truth. She also hasn't heard of the Scentless Hunger Worm and the Scentless Fly before. Hearing such a new Beast intrigued her, and if what Ban said about curing their effects are true, then she wasn't willing to pass this chance. Perhaps, it might prove useful in the future. 

Just like Rila, Yakob was also thinking the same. For such a knowledge that not even he knew of, and for Ban to possess it at such a young age, he admits that he greatly underestimated Ban's importance towards his family. 

Of course, he already has a hunch on which family he belonged to. He was familiar with the woman who was accompanying Ban; he saw her, or more precisely, that kind of mask before on an auction held at Falcon City. As it was dark and only part of the area was lit by the glowing stones, he was not able to see the mask clearly. 

Yakob knew some of the ingredients mentioned by Ban, and he also heard of the others, so he thought unlike what Ban had said, procuring the ingredients might not be that difficult. He was surprised by the knowledge by Ban yet again. He even knew some herbs that even he was not quite familiar with. 

The amount of time he spent studying must be quite an amount. Yakob thought.

If only he knew that Ban had just acquired the knowledge earlier.

"Well, it's already dark so I suggest you rest for now and try to procure the ingredients tomorrow, they still have six days anyways. If we cannot get the ingredients in time, then we can only try some drastic methods, just in-case."  Ban said. 

"As for them, we can just give them some bits of food every three hours, to avoid the worm wreaking havoc, and harming their body, that way, it can also prevent the growth of the worm, even just a little bit." He continued. 

Yakob nodded his head as he thought the same. However, it was clear on his facial expression that he was still quite worried about the well-being of the young miss and his two students. 

As Ban knew some acupuncture techniques, from the knowledge given by the System and the Book of Techniques, he pressed some acupoints around the body of Ciera and Yakob's student to make them calm down. Of course, he got Yakob's permission for this. 

After that, Yakob brought them to their respective tents so that they could rest. He then tasks his remaining disciples to feed the three infected again after three hours as per what Ban had instructed. 

Although they hadn't eaten anything yet, the two of them were no longer in the mood to eat.

Ban and Rila set up their own tent around as well. Ban was still not aware of her name so he made sure to ask about it, in which Rila answered without any delay. 

Time passed and when midnight struck, Ban was suddenly awoken by a sudden noise outside his tent, prompting him to become alert.

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