Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 254 - Massive Yak, Young Miss Following Ban

Ten minutes after Tria, Eva and Ban moved away from the territory of the Demon Mushroom, they came into a place a few kilometers away.

Ban already took the Beast Core out from the Demon Mushroom and kept its body for the time being as the Unknown Egg was not yet in the mood to consume anything for now. 

He also inspected the kill confirmation notification but unfortunately, there wasn't any Skill Crystal this time. He thought that he was truly unfortunate but also did not dwell about it for long. The Demon Mushroom doesn't have any Skills that he liked anyways. 

Ban counted everything and realized that he already had 9 Beast Cores of varying rank and grade at the moment, including the one that was left unfinished by Tria and the Pseudo D-Master Rank Beast Core that he got from the System as reward from returning alive from the Monster Realm as a punishment for not doing his daily mission. 

He kept them on one side of the Dimensional Storage and ordered Tria to land on a safe place. 

The cooldown of the Skills he and Eva used earlier has already ended, and the both of them have already rested while riding Tria's back so it was safe to say that they were already up for another round of hunting. 

Their next target this time would also be their last for the day. The sun was already setting and he also felt like resting already, even though his body wasn't tired, he just felt that he needed to relax.

He let Tria rest inside the Beast Tattoo and searched the Beast along with Eva on his shoulder. 

The two of them worked in tandem, using both of their reconnaissance skills one after the other. 

It did not take long for them to find the target. Both of them fought it together just like before and killed the Beast before 1 minute could pass. 

The Beast defense was a little hard so it took them a long time to finish, as unlike before, they weren't able to heavily injure it from their first few attacks, so it ended up getting hard a while later. 

Fortunately, the two of them were unscatched even after the battle ended as they managed to evade some hard blows. And the little injuries they gained were already healed due the Absorber Ability of Greed, and with their Perfect Harmony state that would automatically turn on while they fought, it became even more easier. 

The Beast they fought was also a Lord Grade and at the E-Elite Rank just like the Demon Mushroom. 

He also stored it inside the Dimensional Storage, which had now become pretty cramped again due to the big corpses of the crocodiles. 

The Beast Core was also stored along with the others, so he now has a total of 10 of them. 

There was also no Skill Crystal this time, unfortunately. 

After resting for a bit, he summoned Tria again and they moved away a while later to search for a place suitable to stay for the night. 

An hour later after they left, the group of Young Miss and the old Elder arrived at the place yet again. 

"We've lost them again…" The Young Miss said in a regretful and disappointed tone. 

"I apologize Young Miss… the tracking Skill of my Monster Summon are limited by its cooldown and distance." The middle-aged man who took the lead earlier bowed and apologized respectfully towards the Young Miss, even with their ages being apart from each other that the Young Miss could have become his daughter. 

However, such age doesn't matter when one gives respect and veneration. The middle-aged man, no, all of the people around the Young Miss, including the Elder also looked at the 'Young Miss' with eyes full of respect, veneration and admiration.


"I know.. It's alright! But we should hurry, my father's life is at stake here. We only have a month left..." The Young Miss sighed and then said with a sad tone. 

The others bowed their heads towards the Young Miss as well. 

Looking at the broken grass and the messy place, the Elder immediately guessed that a fight had broken out here as well. 

"From what I could see, the battle here happened at least an hour ago. Looking at the signs here, I can infer that they weren't in a hurry to leave. The sun has already set, and it's already getting dark…"

"If they still hunted even after killing the Demon Mushroom… it means that the Demon Mushroom was not their primary target, and it also means that they would probably stay in this forest for the night and continue tomorrow as well." 

"Young Miss, if my guess is right, they should probably camp for the rest of the night. We only need to track them again and we would eventually meet them this time," The Elder said reassuringly. 

The Young Miss' eyes lit up after hearing that. She nodded towards the Elder and said that they should really hurry along. 

"Don't worry Young Miss, my Monster has already rested enough, it's been on my 'Monster Space' since this afternoon after all." 

After saying that, the Elder waved his hands, and the area on his right lower ribs lit up for a second before a massive and hairy brown yak materialized not far away from him. 

"Young Miss, please…" The Elder gestured with his hand, asking for the Young Miss to board atop the yak he summoned.

The Yak was massive and hairy, it could probably carry four people on its back without problem with how massive it was. 

However, the others, instead of riding along with the Young Miss, instead went towards the Monster of another middle-aged man. This Monster was carried by him like a baby before, but this time, it transformed and also became massive, allowing the three of them to barely fit on its back.

The three of them squeeze themselves on that Monster, while the Elder summons another Yak, but smaller. He rode its back as well and ordered it move forward. The massive Yak followed behind it while the Monster that accommodated the trio followed suit as well. 

Sounds of hooves galloping loudly echoed around but the group never minded it and proceeded to follow the direction where Tria flew to. 

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