As if sensing Ban's enthusiasm this time, the System instantly presented to him the details of the Skill Crystal he just harvested. 

  [Drainer Fox's Skill Crystal:

A Skill Crystal obtained from a Lord Grade Drainer Fox. 

The Skill Crystal contains the [Skill], Basic Stamina Restoration- Mortal.

Basic Stamina Restoration: Clears the fatigue and restores one fourth of the total stamina of the user in an instant. 

Duration: Instant

Cooldown: 1 hour and 30 minutes 


Ban nodded his head in satisfaction after seeing the Skill. Although it was not useful for him as he has the Absorber passive of Greed, and getting tired was not that easy for him even if he wanted to, but the same could not be said to others. 

If he decided to sell it, it would surely fetch a large amount of Gold Coins. 

However, after thinking about it, Ban set it aside and decided to keep it for now. 

He could let Tria use it so that she could gain her second Skill already, but Ban was not in a hurry about it. Right now, Tria was only useful for being his ride. 

Even if he let her use the Skill, nothing would change much in their current situation.

On the other hand, Ban became curious about the 'Mortal' thing present after the Skill. 

He recalled seeing the same from Greed and Blood Contractor, though what was present after them was not Mortal, but Ancient and N/A or Not Available. 

It was also the same on Eva's title, as well as his title which was only a bunch of question marks. 

And aside from a select few, he could also not see them on some of his and Eva's Skills.

Instead of hurting his brain thinking about them, he decided to ask the System immediately. 

Before the System answered, Ban actually somehow managed to hear a frustrated sigh. 

As the System screen was already before him, Ban forgot about the sigh almost immediately. 

[Host, those are the Grades of the Skills, or the Title. 

The System recommends the Host to head towards the Guild's library and learn about common things in this world. You are already a Summoner but you still haven't learned of such things. Your knowledge only consists of those present in the Public Library.

As a big establishment that operates daily, it would only be normal for the Guild's Library to have more information than the public library. 

After all, not all of the information was recorded in the Book of Techniques, All About Them. And besides, it was supposed to be a girl's diary, not a learning material. 



Ban smiled wryly as he was hit right on the head from those remarks. He felt that the System seemed to be really annoyed at him this time.

What the System said was true. Ever since he arrived here more than two years ago, he only started learning about the common things regarding summoners from the public library. 

In fact, Beast Cores and Skill Crystal's basic information was not even mentioned there and the existence of them was only briefly mentioned by some of the books he read. 

Thinking about it, he really still has a lot to learn. He made it his another goal to study again once he returned. He could not just rely on the knowledge provided by the System, can he? 

Ban was just about to give up on asking when another screen popped up in front of him. 

[However, as an additional compensation for the Beast Tattoo's remaining description, the System will explain it to you briefly.

Just like, Summoners, Beast, and Monsters, Skills, Cores and many other things are graded based on their 'might' and usefulness as well. 

The naming of each might be different but the intent to separate them according to strength was there. 

The highest grade of Skill on this backward place should be at Sky Grade, the third Grade. 

While the lowest was Mortal, followed by Earth and then Sky. There are also other Grades higher than them but the System won't elaborate as you would only encounter them in the future.

Reminder Host, although they are separated by such Grades, it actually doesn't mean that the Sky Grade Skill is also automatically stronger than a Mortal Grade Skill. 

They are only Graded as such by the System and the other humans according to their might and usefulness. 

Of course, you should be aware it still depends on who uses them. 

For example, if an incompetent managed to gain a Sky Grade Skill, will he be able to utilize it to its full potential? 

The same could be said if a competent fellow managed to gain a Mortal Grade Skill, although the might of the Skill was not that strong, in the hands of a capable person, it would be able to display their true capabilities. 

Remember, the Skill being a Mortal Grade is not weak. There are no Weak Skills, only Weak Users. 


Ban reads the free information carefully and absorbs them inside his brain. 

Although it was not helpful for now, Ban read from somewhere that knowledge is power, hence, the more knowledgeable you are, the more powerful you will become. 

This also applies to the Book of Techniques present on the large families. It could be said that the Book of Techniques was the combined knowledge of the whole family, making it extremely precious. 

After a few minutes of reading and comprehending the information provided by the System, Ban concluded that Grading the Skills were not that useful for the strong would always be able to bring the best even with the lowest Grade skill. 

However, he still did not dare to set it aside as it was still important to learn of such categorization. 

For now, he set the matter regarding the grades for now. At least, he learned something new today. 

He then stored the Skill Crystal inside the Dimensional Storage Earring as he picked up the neglected Unknown Egg before placing it above the corpse of the Drainer Fox. 

After he ordered it to start 'eating', the Unknown Egg did not stand on ceremony as it immediately devoured the Drainer Fox, only leaving some puddle of blood behind.

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