Chapter 2548: 536: not to be trifled with

Translator: 549690339

“As long as Wei Wei’s life was saved, the rest would be easy to handle. ”

“Wei Wei was now a cartoonist with a monthly income of more than six figures. When that time came, she would be Wei Wei’s guardian, and the money would still be hers! ”

Liu Meilian was very happy thinking about it.

“Xiang Chao was thinking the same as Liu Meilian. He was the father of the child. Over the years, the child had been brought up by his own mother. No matter what, the child’s guardian still had to be him. ”

“Thinking of this, Xiang Chao was very excited. He looked up at Wang Dajun. “Doctor Wang, as long as we cooperate with you, we can save my daughter, right?” ”

Wang Dajun nodded and took out a surgical notice and consent form. “The two of you just need to sign it.”

“”I’ll sign it, I’ll sign it, I’ll sign it right away.”Xiang Chao immediately picked up a pen. ”

Liu Meilian also picked up her pen and signed the consent form and the danger notice.

“Looking at the signed letter, Wang Dajun finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He then said, “Do the two of you want to go to the hospital with me to have a look?” ”

“Normally, these two couples would definitely not be willing to go to such an unlucky place. However, things were different now. ”

Weiwei was now like a treasure trove.

“”Go, go, Go!”Liu Meilian hurriedly nodded. “Weiwei is sick. At times like this, she definitely needs the care of a mother like me.” ”

“Xiang Chao snorted coldly. “Then why haven’t I seen the care of a mother like you in the past ten years!”Now that he knew that the child was capable and could earn money, he couldn’t wait to stick to her. This look was really disgusting! ”

“Xiang Chao looked down on Liu Meilian, and Liu Meilian also looked down on Xiang Chao. ”

“”You say it as if you’ve never cared about Weiwei? “Didn’t you see that Weiwei is rich now? !”Liu Meilian continued, “Even if I’m not good, I still gave birth to Weiwei and gave her a life. What about you? What did you give Weiwei?” ”

“Xiang Chao continued, “If it weren’t for my mother taking care of Weiwei all these years, would you still be able to see Weiwei?” ”

“You talk as if you’ve never given your mom any respect!”

Xiang Chao was very angry. He rolled up his sleeves and was about to argue with Liu Meilian.

“Wang Dajun saw that the situation was not right and immediately said, “Both of you, calm down. Calm down. Now is not the time to fight. What Weiwei needs the most right now is care. Although she’s young, she’s very mature.” ”

The meaning behind Wang Dajun’s words was very obvious. He wanted the couple to restrain themselves a little so that Weiwei could see something.

“”Today, on account of Weiwei’s face, I won’t argue with you!”Liu Meilian snorted coldly. ”

Xiang Chao did not say anything.

“Enduring for a moment of calm, what was the point of arguing with a crazy woman? ”

“Wang Dajun stood up and continued, “Then the two of you come with me.” ”

“Xiang Chao asked, “Are we going to the hospital now?” ”

“Yes.”Wang Dajun nodded.


The two of them followed behind Wang Dajun and got into the car together.

“When the car was halfway there, Xiang Chao seemed to have suddenly thought of something and said, “Doctor Wang, could you please pull over at the front?” ”

“Wang Dajun asked doubtfully, “Mr. Xiang, do you have something to do?” ”

“Xiang Chao continued, “Yes, there’s a small matter that I need to take care of. You guys go to the hospital first. I’ll come after I’ve taken care of the matter.” ”

“Okay.”Wang da Jun controlled the steering wheel and pulled over.

“Xiang Chao pushed open the car door and got out. “Doctor Wang, be careful on the road.” ”


“After Xiang Chao left, Liu Meilian felt that something was wrong no matter how she thought about it. ”

Xiang Chao had always been a sinister and cunning person. He would definitely not stop the car for no reason.

There must be a reason.

“Liu Meilian raised her head to look at Wang Dajun and continued, “Doctor Wang, do you think Xiang Chao is up to something? Why did he get out of the car early?” ”

“Wang Dajun looked at Liu Meilian through the rearview mirror. “Madam Liu, aren’t you overthinking things? Didn’t Mr. Xiang say that he had something to take care of?” ”

“Liu Meilian sneered. “Something? What could be wrong with him? I’ve lived with him for so long, how could I not know what kind of person he is? He must have something up his sleeve!” ”

“Wang Dajun looked down on the couple from the bottom of his heart. If it wasn’t for the need for the two of them to sign the surgery form, he would never have gone to them! ”

This kind of person was shameless.

“When he didn’t want his daughter, his daughter was a burden. When she found out that his daughter was rich, she shamelessly came over! ”

This kind of person didn’t deserve to be a parent at all!

“”Ms. Liu, it’s you who thinks too badly of people.”Wang Dajun continued, “Don’t think too much. We’re going to the hospital soon.” ”

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