Chapter 2503: 527: Why wouldn’t I Dare? 4

Translator: 549690339

“What’s Wrong?”Ye Zhuo asked.

“Cen Shaoqing looked at ye Zhuo and said very seriously, “Why don’t you go and change your clothes?” ”

“Why?”Ye Zhuo frowned slightly. “Don’t you look good?”

“CEN Shaoqing continued, “I’m afraid that other people’s boyfriends won’t be able to take it.” ”

Ye Zhuo chuckled.

“”Alright, Alright, Alright. I’ll go change.” ”

“When she came out again, ye Zao changed into a very simple set of white clothes and black pants. ”

“It was clearly a very simple set of clothes, but it made her exude the aura of an international supermodel that people couldn’t ignore even if they wanted to. ”

“Let’s go.”Ye Zao looked at Cen Shaoqing.

“Okay.”Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly.

The two of them walked out.

“At this moment, Yu Muannian’s voice came from behind. “Zixu!” ”

Cen Shaoqing looked back slightly.

“Seeing Cen Shaoqing, Yu Muannian said in disbelief, “Zixu is really you!” ”

“After saying that, Yu Muannian continued, “When did you come back?” ”

“”I just came back,”Cen Shaoqing answered. ”

“Yu Muannian said, “Then where are you going?” ”

“To eat.”

“”I’ll go with you guys!”Yu Mumu said very naturally, “I haven’t eaten yet.” ”

“”No,”Cen Shaoqing directly rejected. ”

“Yu Mumu was a little speechless and said, “Why? Brother, this is a little unkind!” ”

Cen Shaoqing glanced at him. “Are you going to be a third wheel?”

“Yu Mumu cried, “Sure enough, once you have a wife, you forget about your brother!” ”

Cen Shaoqing no longer looked at Yu Luonian. He stretched out his hand and wrapped it around ye Zhuo’s shoulder. “Let’s go.”

Ye Zhuo nodded slightly and followed Cen Shaoqing’s footsteps.

Yu Luonian looked at the backs of the two of them and let out a long sigh towards the sky!

Too Much!

This was really too much!

They were bullying him because he did not have a girlfriend?

“Although he did have a girlfriend, he had a girlfriend! ”

“Moreover, it was the kind that could not be counted with ten fingers. ”

Yu sunset immediately took out his phone and started to chat with his female companions.

That’s right.

It was a group chat.

“Every time Yu sunset wanted to look for them, he would just send a message in the group, because sending one message after another was too troublesome. ”

What was even more amazing was that these female companions in the same group had never had an argument. It was so harmonious that it did not seem real!

This was also the amazing thing about old age.

“Ye Zhuo and Cen Shaoqing went to an elegant restaurant. Although it was a restaurant, it mainly served desserts. Ye Zhuo ordered five desserts in one go. ”

She ate four desserts and CEN Shaoqing ate one.

“”Leader, are you free tomorrow?”Cen Shaoqing continued to ask. ”

“”I’m free.”Ye Zhuo continued to say, “I’m preparing to return on the 28th.” ”

Today was the 25th.

There were still three days left.

Cen Shaoqing twirled the prayer beads. “Follow me to a place tomorrow.”

“Where to?”Cen Shaoqing suddenly became serious. Ye Zhuo was a little curious.

“To the island we went to for the first time.”

“Ye Zhuo seemed to have thought of something and continued, “Then let’s bring more seasonings.” ”

“Bring seasonings?”Cen Shaoqing asked doubtfully.

Ye Zao nodded slightly. “That’s right. Have you forgotten that the island is rich in resources?”

“Cen Shaoqing then remembered that during the days when ye Zao was on the island, even ants had to take a detour when they saw her. He could not help but laugh out loud. “Then you have to bring one more thing.” ”

“What?”Ye Zao asked.

Cen Shaoqing opened his thin lips slightly. “A recipe.”

“Ye Zhuo said, “There’s no need for that. Just a search on the internet will get you everything.” ”

“After the two of them finished eating, they went back. Yu Mumu secretly found Cen Shaoqing and said mysteriously, “Zixu, come over here for a moment. I have something to tell you.” ”

Cen Shaoqing followed Yu Mumu’s footsteps.

“When they came to Yu Mumu’s room, Yu Mumu said, “Zixu, did your wife tell you about our bet?” ”

“What Bet?”Cen Shaoqing asked curiously.

“Yu Mumu smiled and said, “I knew you didn’t know. Come, come, take a look at this. Your Wife signed it herself. Don’t Deny It!” ”

Cen Shaoqing took the letter from Yu Mumu and looked at it carefully.

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