Chapter 2419: 407: Find a way to conquer it! 4

Translator: 549690339

“”Hello, I’m Xu Youzhi.”Worker Xu continued, “Miss Ye has already researched the virus that can conquer the exotic beasts overnight. Due to the limited number of viruses, I need your cooperation now.” ”

“Hearing this, Mario said excitedly, “You say, we’ll definitely cooperate.” ”

“Even if he had to use his life to cooperate, he wouldn’t hesitate. ”

“Worker Xu continued, “Now, we need to gather all the exotic beasts in one place.” ”

All the exotic beasts?

“Hearing this, Mario fell silent for a moment. ”

This seemed to be a little difficult.

“After all, no one knew just how many exotic beasts there were in the current L continent. ”

“Success or failure depends on this one move. Can the two of you do it?”Worker Xu continued to ask.

Mario looked at worker Xu. “Yes.”

We definitely can!

“Worker Xu nodded. “Alright, then I’ll give the two of you two hours.” ”

“After saying that, worker xu continued to add, “That’s right. The virus this time is harmless to humans. Therefore, other than the attacks from the exotic beasts, you don’t have to worry about anything else.” ”

“”Alright.”Mario continued, “Thank you.” ”

“Worker xu said, “I’m just following orders. That’s all for now. We’ll contact each other in two hours.” ”

“After saying that, worker Xu cut off the connection. ”

“Mario turned to look at William and continued, “Let’s split up.” ”

“”En.”William asked, “Then where shall we meet?” ”

“”The central plaza,”Mario replied. ”


The two immediately split up and began to move.

“Actually, it wasn’t difficult to gather all the exotic beasts together. ”

“At this moment, L continent was a cage. ”

“In the cage, other than the hunters, there was naturally prey. ”

The hunters were exotic beasts.

The prey was humans.

“So, as long as everyone gathered in the central plaza, then the exotic beasts would definitely appear! ”

“And now, Xu Gong had said that those viruses wouldn’t harm humans at all. ”

“Therefore, the most important thing now was to convince those people to gather in the central plaza. ”

“To the people of L continent, Mario no longer had any credibility. ”

“If it weren’t for Mario, they wouldn’t have been in such a situation! ”

Especially those who had left and returned.

“Originally, they didn’t have to face these things. ”

“But now, they were racing with the Grim Reaper every day. ”

The slightest carelessness would turn them into food for the exotic beasts.

“When Mario came to the economic refuge to explain the situation, he was immediately expelled by the crowd. ”

“”Liar! You are the eternal sinner of the L continent. If not for you, how would we have ended up in this State!” ”

“You aren’t worthy to stand with us!”


“Mario stood in the middle of the crowd, his face filled with shame. ”

“At this moment, he had nothing to say. ”

“Everyone was right. He was the main culprit. If it weren’t for him, things wouldn’t have ended up like this. ”

“At this moment, William stood beside Mario. ”

“”Everyone, calm down and listen to me.” ”

“William raised his hands, he continued, “Dr. Mario has already realized his mistake. Humans aren’t saints. Mistakes aren’t scary. What’s scary is that he knows his mistake and doesn’t correct it. “I hope that everyone can give the Doctor a chance to turn over a new leaf. I believe that this time, the doctor will definitely lead everyone to escape.” ”

“However, at this moment, how could the angry people listen to William’s words. ”

“Stop quibbling! I think you’re on the same side as him!”

“Seeing that everyone’s emotions were gradually rising, William continued, “Everyone Should Know About Doctor YC, right?” ”

“When they heard the name ‘Doctor YC’, everyone gradually calmed down. ”

“After all, Ye Zao was the first one to discover that there was a problem with the exotic beasts. ”

It was also ye Zao who had established a defense system with the other countries outside the L continent.

“If it weren’t for ye Zao, the casualties in the L continent would have been even more severe. ”

They were all regretting now. They regretted not listening to ye Zao and leaving the l continent as soon as possible.

“William continued, “Dr. YC has already found a way to conquer the exotic beasts. Now, we just need to cooperate with him.” ”

“How do we know if what you said is true or false?”Someone in the crowd questioned.

“William was already prepared. He took out the video and said, “Everyone can take a look at the video and see if what I said is true or false.” ”

“After seeing the video, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. ”

“But what if Professor YC’s prediction is wrong? Then wouldn’t we all die in the central plaza?”

“That’s right!”

“Can Dr. YC guarantee that he can completely eliminate the exotic beasts?”


“More and more voices of doubt rose. After all, the slightest mistake could cost one’s life. ”

“William continued, “Everyone, calm down. Dr. YC is our last hope. If Dr. YC can’t defeat the exotic beasts, then he will become the food of the exotic beasts sooner or later. “Rather than waiting for death, it’s better to take the initiative to attack! “After all, there’s still a chance to survive if we take the initiative to Attack!” ”

“If they waited for death, there was only death waiting for them! ”

These words sounded very reasonable.

The discussion in the crowd became much quieter.

“William became a hot-tempered blacksmith. “So, we have to believe in Miss Ye. Miss ye can definitely lead us out of this predicament!” ”

“”Alright, then we’ll believe in you this time.” ”

“What should we do next?”

“William continued, “In an hour and thirty minutes, everyone will gather in the central square. Everyone will form a circle. The elderly and children will stand in the middle while the young will stand outside. Everyone will advance and retreat together with Miss Ye!” ”

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