Chapter 2032: 425: torture a piece of trash. Ye Lan was immediately stunned! 3

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Over here.

Ye Lan arrived at the Qiu residence.

Qiu Changzhen warmly received ye Lan.

“”Chief Ye, please wait for a moment. I’ll send someone to urge Di’er.” ”

“Ye Lan smiled and said, “Chief Qiu, you’re too polite! It’s fine if I wait for a moment.” ”

Qiu Changzhen instructed the servants to urge Qiu Di.

“Ten minutes later, Qiu di finally arrived late. “Sister Ye Lan, I’m really sorry. I just had a small matter on hand. Sorry to have kept you waiting.” ”

“”Eldest miss, you’re being too polite,”ye Lan said with a smile. ”

“Qiu di said, “Sit down quickly.” ”

Ye Lan sat down on the chair.

“After a while, ye Lan took out her seal and the documents from the notary office. “Eldest miss, you just need to sign these two documents.” ”

“Qiu Di picked up the documents and hid the smug look in her eyes. She looked at ye Lan and continued, “Sister Ye Lan, have you really considered it? Once I sign it, you won’t have any room for regret!” ”

“At this point, Qiu di paused and continued, “After all, the Ye family base is a territory that you and Miss Ye have jointly conquered. I hope that you can seriously consider it.” ”

Qiu Di was really too kind!

“Things had come to this point, and she still advised herself to carefully consider it. ”

“If it was someone else, would they be able to do what Qiu di did? ”

“”There’s no need to consider it.”Ye Lan looked at Qiu di and said, “Miss Ye, I know that you’re doing this for my good. Don’t worry, I won’t regret it.” ”

“Using the Ye family base to exchange for the identity of a full-star princess, this business was simply too worth it! ”

Why would she regret it?

“Qiu Di put down her pen. “Sister Ye Lan, are you sure you don’t need to reconsider?” ”

“”No need.”Ye Lan smiled and said, “Eldest miss, please sign it quickly!” ”

“”Alright, Alright, Alright.”Qiu Di laughed softly. “If that’s the case, I’ll respectfully accept your request.” ”

“After saying that, Qiu di signed her name on the official document. ”

From today onwards.

The Ye family base had officially changed owners!

“Ye Lan handed the seal to Qiu Di. “Young miss, this is the base’s seal. Please keep it well.” ”

Qiu Di reached out and took the seal.

“”Thank you for sister Ye Lan’s Trust.”Qiu Di looked at ye Lan and continued, “Sister Ye Lan, don’t worry. I will definitely not betray your trust in me!” ”

“Ye Lan said, “Young miss, I believe in You.” ”

“After saying this, ye LAN continued, “Oh right, eldest miss, Skynet...” ”

Ye Lan’s biggest concern now was when the Manxing Kingdom would come to take her back.

She could not wait to announce her identity to everyone!

“Qiu di smiled and said, “Sister Ye Lan, I know that you are anxious to reunite with your family. Don’t worry, the Manxing Kingdom is already making arrangements. You just need to wait at home for the good news from the Manxing Kingdom!” ”

“”Alright.”Ye Zhuo nodded and bowed to Qiu Di. “Young miss, thank you.” ”

“”There’s no need to be so polite with me.”Qiu di continued, “I’ve said it before, as long as you don’t forget me in the future.” ”

“”Young miss, you are my benefactor. I’ve said it before, I won’t forget you even if I forget someone.” ”

Qiu Chang Zhen was a little stunned by this scene.

Manxing Kingdom?

Could it be that ye Lan’s background had some connection with the Manxing Kingdom?

“After ye Lan left, autumn town asked the question in his heart, “Di-er, what is Ye Lan’s identity?” ”

“Autumn town was originally worried about ye Lan’s stance. Now that this had happened, it made autumn town even more confused. ”

“”Could it be...”autumn town seemed to have thought of something and said in disbelief, “Could it be that ye Lan is the first princess of the Manxing Kingdom who disappeared in the early years?” ”

“Hearing this, Qiu di sneered. ”

“First princess? She is worthy!”

“Qiu Changzhen frowned slightly and said, “Then what do you mean by what you said just now?” ”

“Qiu di continued, “If I didn’t say that she was the first princess, would she obediently hand over the management rights of the Ye family’s base to me?” ”

Of course not!

“”High, high!”Qiu Changzhen gave Qiu di a thumbs up. “Di’er, your move is really too high!” ”

“As expected, the younger waves of the Yangtze River were stronger than the earlier waves. Each wave was stronger than the previous! ”

“Now that Qiu di held the real power of the Ye family’s base, who else could overthrow her when the time came? ”

“Eldest miss.”

“At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door again. ”

Qiu Di raised her head. It was ye Han.

“Compared to last night, Ye Han had hardly changed. ”

“I’m here.”

“Ye Han nodded and continued, “Eldest miss, is there anything you need from me?” ”

Qiu Di smiled. “I want you to meet an old friend.”

“An old friend?”Ye Lan asked.

“”Yes, an old friend.”Qiu di clapped his hands. ”

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