“Chapter 1927: 388: You Brought This on yourself, you regret it endlessly! 5”

Translator: 549690339

Li Erzhu made a ‘thumbs up’gesture to the two of them.

“When he heard the noise on the other end of the phone, Li Sanzhu frowned. ”

“One cry, two fuss, and three hang themselves! ”

Was this interesting?

“”Second Brother, help me persuade Mom. Anyway, I’ve already said what I should say. I’m busy right now, so I won’t come over!”After saying that, Li Sanzhu directly hung up the phone. ”

“Looking at the phone that was hung up, Li Erzhu’s face was full of confusion. ”

He had made it!

This third brother of his had really made it!

He actually dared to treat him like this.

“Seeing Li Erzhu like this, Linda asked, “How is it? is your brother scared out of his mind?” ”

“Li Erzhu’s expression was a little complicated. “He said that he didn’t have time to come over, and then he directly hung up the phone.” ”

“”He didn’t have time to come over?”Linda said in disbelief, “Something is going to happen to Mom, but he didn’t have time to come over! Does he even put mom in his eyes?” ”

There was actually such a bastard son in the world!

Why wasn’t he struck to death by lightning?

“Not only was he not struck to death by lightning, but everything went smoothly. He even became the richest man on the prairie. God was really unfair! ”

“Old Mrs. Li was also dumbfounded when she heard this. She thought that Li Erzhu would definitely be scared half to death when he heard this, but she did not expect that Li Sanzhu did not take it to heart at all. ”

What should she do now?

This was her last resort!

“Old Mrs. Li narrowed her eyes and continued, “Go and get a bottle of pesticide?” ”

“Poison?”Linda asked.

“Yes.”Old Mrs. Li nodded. “Go get it quickly.”

Linda got up and went to get the poison.

“Soon, she came back with the poison. ”

“Old Mrs. Li held the poison in one hand and the scissors in the other. After getting ready, she said to Li Erzhu, “Get ready to shoot a video and send it to that unfilial son!” ”

“Li Sanzhu nodded. “Okay, Mom.” ”

“Thus, twenty minutes later, Li Erzhu received another video message. ”

Li Erzhu directly blocked Li Erzhu.

“When Li Erzhu sent another video message, the dialog box showed: ‘The other party rejected your message.’ ”

Li Erzhu was extremely angry.

“Linda said, “I can finally see that third brother doesn’t want to acknowledge you as his mother.” ”

Old Mrs. Li was so angry that tears streamed down her face.

“Li Sanzhu was her youngest son whom she loved the most, but now, Li Sanzhu was actually treating her like this! ”

How could old Mrs. Li Not Be Angry?

“After a moment, Linda narrowed her eyes and said, “Mom, do you think third brother feels that you don’t dare to really drink these drugs, so he dares to treat you with displeasure?” ”

“Hearing this, Li Erzhu nodded and echoed, “I think so too, Mom. Why Don’t you drink some drugs to scare them!” ”

Drink Medicine?

Old Lady Li stared at Li Erzhu with her eyes wide open. “What if something happens after drinking it?”

“Li Erzhu smiled and said, “Mom, don’t worry! It’s okay to just drink a little. I didn’t ask you to drink all of it!” ”

“”What if something happens?”Old Lady Li was very worried. After all, she was old and her bodily functions could not keep up with the young people. If something happened, wouldn’t it be like shooting yourself in the foot? ”



Old Mrs. Li did not want to die.

She still wanted to stay in the world and enjoy her life.

“Li Erzhu looked at Old Mrs. Li and said, “Mom, I promise you that nothing will happen! Third Brother is too hard-hearted. If you don’t scare him, then Shuyi will really die. She can’t just watch Shuyi Die! “Mom, you’re Shuyi’s biological grandmother!” ”

“Hearing Li Shuyi, old madam Li frowned. ”

“Li Erzhu was right. If she didn’t help, then Li Shuyi really wouldn’t have a way out. ”

“Thinking of this, old madam Li made up her mind and said, “Alright, then we’ll do as you say. But second brother, we have to make a deal in advance. We have to control the dosage well. We can’t...” ”

“Li Erzhu smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I know what to do.” ”

He didn’t want anything to happen to old madam Li. He just wanted to scare Li Sanzhu.

“After all, with old madam Li around, they would have a chance to save Li Shuyi. ”

“If old madam Li died, then Li Shuyi would really have no hope. ”

“Not long after, Li Erzhu brought over another bottle of poison, “Mom, drink this. I mixed water in it and asked Doctor Xu. Doctor Xu said that just one sip would definitely not kill anyone! At most, it would only cause a coma and wash the stomach!” ”

“Old Madam Li took the bottle and asked worriedly, “Really, really?” ”

“Of course it’s true!”Li Erzhu nodded. “Would doctor Xu be lying? Don’t Worry!”

“Hearing this, old madam Li heaved a sigh of relief. Since doctor Xu had said so, it should be true. ”

“Old madam Li continued, “Then I’ll drink it.” ”

“After saying that, old madam Li raised her head and drank the medicine. It was different from ordinary medicine. This medicine was actually sweet, just like a drink. Old Madam Li accidentally drank one more sip. ”

“After drinking it, she came to her senses and immediately put down the bottle. She looked at Li Erzhu and said nervously, “I drank one more sip just now. I should be fine, right?” ”

“Li Erzhu shook his head. “I’m fine, I’m fine. It’s not some lethal poison. But even though I’m fine, you still have to pretend that you’re fine!” ”

Old Mrs. Li nodded.

“Linda came to her senses at this moment and said loudly, “Mom, Mom, how could you do such a stupid thing? Hurry up and call 120!” ”

120 ambulance arrived very quickly. The sirens were deafening.

“Old Madam Li’s face was very pale, and her expression was one of pain. ”

Li Erzhu looked at Linda. “Look at how well our mother is acting.”

“Linda smiled and said, “That’s right. By the way, have you informed Li Sanzhu’s Family?” ”

“”No, I’ll inform them immediately.” ”

“When Li Sanzhu received Li Erzhu’s call, he was not surprised at all. He knew that old madam was faking it! ”

“He originally did not want to go to the hospital, but Fang yinyue advised him to go to the hospital to have a look, so he came with Fang yinyue. ”

“When Li Sanzhu arrived at the hospital, Li Erzhu and Linda were sitting at the entrance of the emergency room. They looked anxious. “Third brother and third sister-in-law, you’re finally here!” ”

“Is Mom Okay?”Fang yinyue asked.

“Linda said, “I don’t know either. The Doctor hasn’t come out yet.” ”

“At this moment, the door of the ward was opened, and two people in white coats walked out. ”

“Li Erzhu immediately walked up and asked, “Doctor, is My mom okay?” ”

“Li Erzhu knew this doctor. As he spoke, Li Erzhu winked at him, hinting that the doctor had said something serious. ”

“The Doctor’s face was full of regret. “I’m sorry. When the patient was sent here, her condition was already very serious. In addition, she was quite old, so we didn’t snatch her from the hands of the Grim Reaper. Please have mercy on your family.” ”


Li Erzhu was completely dumbfounded!

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